PubMed:11004363 / 1131-1394 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
TextSentencer_T8 0-263 Sentence denotes The activity of Jun aminoterminal kinase was significantly lower in placentas of women with preeclampsia or HELLP syndrome compared with those who had normal vaginal or cesarean delivery, whereas levels of Jun aminoterminal kinase protein expression were similar.
T8 0-263 Sentence denotes The activity of Jun aminoterminal kinase was significantly lower in placentas of women with preeclampsia or HELLP syndrome compared with those who had normal vaginal or cesarean delivery, whereas levels of Jun aminoterminal kinase protein expression were similar.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
PD-Preeclampsia-B_T6 92-104 ORPHA:275555 denotes preeclampsia
PD-Preeclampsia-B_T7 108-122 ORPHA:275555 denotes HELLP syndrome


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
PD-Preeclampsia-B_T6 92-104 ORPHA:275555 denotes preeclampsia
PD-Preeclampsia-B_T7 108-122 ORPHA:275555 denotes HELLP syndrome


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
PD-UBERON-AE-B_T2 68-77 denotes placentas


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
PD-UBERON-AE-B_T5 68-77 denotes placentas