> top > docs > PubMed:11003550 > spans > 300-565 > annotations

PubMed:11003550 / 300-565 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
TextSentencer_T3 0-265 Sentence denotes Therefore we constructed conditionally lethal Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains by replacing the endogenous promoter from the genes of interest (glycosyltransferases) by the stringently regulated GAL1-promoter, by a technique called chromosomal promoter replacement.
T3 0-265 Sentence denotes Therefore we constructed conditionally lethal Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains by replacing the endogenous promoter from the genes of interest (glycosyltransferases) by the stringently regulated GAL1-promoter, by a technique called chromosomal promoter replacement.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue fma_id
T2 232-243 Body_part denotes chromosomal http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma67093


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
EnjuParser_T38 0-9 RB denotes Therefore
EnjuParser_T39 10-12 PRP denotes we
EnjuParser_T40 13-24 VBD denotes constructed
EnjuParser_T41 25-38 RB denotes conditionally
EnjuParser_T42 39-45 JJ denotes lethal
EnjuParser_T43 46-59 NNP denotes Saccharomyces
EnjuParser_T44 60-70 NNP denotes cerevisiae
EnjuParser_T45 71-78 NNS denotes strains
EnjuParser_T46 79-81 IN denotes by
EnjuParser_T47 82-91 VBG denotes replacing
EnjuParser_T48 92-95 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T49 96-106 JJ denotes endogenous
EnjuParser_T50 107-115 NN denotes promoter
EnjuParser_T51 116-120 IN denotes from
EnjuParser_T52 121-124 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T53 125-130 NNS denotes genes
EnjuParser_T54 131-133 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T55 134-142 NN denotes interest
EnjuParser_T56 143-144 -LRB- denotes (
EnjuParser_T57 144-164 NNS denotes glycosyltransferases
EnjuParser_T58 164-165 -RRB- denotes )
EnjuParser_T59 166-168 IN denotes by
EnjuParser_T60 169-172 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T61 173-184 RB denotes stringently
EnjuParser_T62 185-194 VBN denotes regulated
EnjuParser_T63 195-208 NN denotes GAL1-promoter
EnjuParser_T64 208-209 -COMMA- denotes ,
EnjuParser_T65 210-212 IN denotes by
EnjuParser_T66 213-214 DT denotes a
EnjuParser_T67 215-224 NN denotes technique
EnjuParser_T68 225-231 VBN denotes called
EnjuParser_T69 232-243 JJ denotes chromosomal
EnjuParser_T70 244-252 NN denotes promoter
EnjuParser_T71 253-264 NN denotes replacement
EnjuParser_R37 EnjuParser_T40 EnjuParser_T38 arg1Of constructed,Therefore
EnjuParser_R38 EnjuParser_T39 EnjuParser_T40 arg1Of we,constructed
EnjuParser_R39 EnjuParser_T45 EnjuParser_T40 arg2Of strains,constructed
EnjuParser_R40 EnjuParser_T42 EnjuParser_T41 arg1Of lethal,conditionally
EnjuParser_R41 EnjuParser_T45 EnjuParser_T42 arg1Of strains,lethal
EnjuParser_R42 EnjuParser_T44 EnjuParser_T43 arg1Of cerevisiae,Saccharomyces
EnjuParser_R43 EnjuParser_T45 EnjuParser_T44 arg1Of strains,cerevisiae
EnjuParser_R44 EnjuParser_T40 EnjuParser_T46 arg1Of constructed,by
EnjuParser_R45 EnjuParser_T47 EnjuParser_T46 arg2Of replacing,by
EnjuParser_R46 EnjuParser_T39 EnjuParser_T47 arg1Of we,replacing
EnjuParser_R47 EnjuParser_T50 EnjuParser_T47 arg2Of promoter,replacing
EnjuParser_R48 EnjuParser_T50 EnjuParser_T48 arg1Of promoter,the
EnjuParser_R49 EnjuParser_T50 EnjuParser_T49 arg1Of promoter,endogenous
EnjuParser_R50 EnjuParser_T50 EnjuParser_T51 arg1Of promoter,from
EnjuParser_R51 EnjuParser_T53 EnjuParser_T51 arg2Of genes,from
EnjuParser_R52 EnjuParser_T53 EnjuParser_T52 arg1Of genes,the
EnjuParser_R53 EnjuParser_T53 EnjuParser_T54 arg1Of genes,of
EnjuParser_R54 EnjuParser_T55 EnjuParser_T54 arg2Of interest,of
EnjuParser_R55 EnjuParser_T55 EnjuParser_T56 arg1Of interest,(
EnjuParser_R56 EnjuParser_T57 EnjuParser_T56 arg2Of glycosyltransferases,(
EnjuParser_R57 EnjuParser_T58 EnjuParser_T56 arg3Of ),(
EnjuParser_R58 EnjuParser_T50 EnjuParser_T59 arg1Of promoter,by
EnjuParser_R59 EnjuParser_T63 EnjuParser_T59 arg2Of GAL1-promoter,by
EnjuParser_R60 EnjuParser_T63 EnjuParser_T60 arg1Of GAL1-promoter,the
EnjuParser_R61 EnjuParser_T62 EnjuParser_T61 arg1Of regulated,stringently
EnjuParser_R62 EnjuParser_T63 EnjuParser_T62 arg1Of GAL1-promoter,regulated
EnjuParser_R63 EnjuParser_T47 EnjuParser_T64 arg1Of replacing,","
EnjuParser_R64 EnjuParser_T47 EnjuParser_T65 arg1Of replacing,by
EnjuParser_R65 EnjuParser_T67 EnjuParser_T65 arg2Of technique,by
EnjuParser_R66 EnjuParser_T67 EnjuParser_T66 arg1Of technique,a
EnjuParser_R67 EnjuParser_T67 EnjuParser_T68 arg2Of technique,called
EnjuParser_R68 EnjuParser_T71 EnjuParser_T68 arg3Of replacement,called
EnjuParser_R69 EnjuParser_T71 EnjuParser_T69 arg1Of replacement,chromosomal
EnjuParser_R70 EnjuParser_T71 EnjuParser_T70 arg1Of replacement,promoter


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue db_id
T2 46-70 OrganismTaxon denotes Saccharomyces cerevisiae 4932