{"project":"PubmedHPO","denotations":[{"id":"T1","span":{"begin":559,"end":585},"obj":"HP_0003116"}],"text":"[Malfunction of the Smeloff-Cutter mitral prosthesis: echo-phonocardiographic diagnosis in two successfully re-operated cases (author's transl)].\nLa malfunzione della protesi mitralica di Smeloff-Cutter. Diagnosi eco-fonocardiografica in due casi rioperati con successo\nFive cases of Smeloff-Cutter prosthesis implanted in the mitral position nine years ago were investigated with combined echocardiographic and phonocardiographic recordings. In two cases a malfunction was demonstrated and a surgical confirmation was obtained at the reoperation. Normal and abnormal echocardiographic patterns of the Smeloff-Cutter prosthesis are reported and discussed. The Authors stress the importance of combined echo-phono recordings when malfunction of the mobile element of a mechanical prosthesis is suspected."}