PMC:8950092 / 17581-18942 JSONTXT

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{"target":"","sourcedb":"PMC","sourceid":"8950092","source_url":"","text":"During sampling, the ventilation system was operated constantly for each configuration and the environmental conditions (temperature, relative humidity, air velocity) were monitored. The virus particles were injected into the chamber with a Collison 24-jet atomizer at a location where the head of the patient lying on the bed in the room would be typically located. A 50 mL aliquot of the phage sample was added to 300 mL of SM buffer and nebulized as a SARS-CoV-2 simulant for 5 min aerosolization periods, resulting in a concentration of approximately 3.16 × 109 PFU/m3 in the hospital room. The particle size distribution and mass concentration of the virus aerosols generated by the Collison nebulizer at 30.48 cm (head of the bed), 60.96 cm (middle of the bed), and 91.44 cm (foot of the bed) distance from the nebulizer were measured with the Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (APS, Model 3321, TSI Inc., Burnsville, MN, USA) at a sampling flow rate of 1 L/min. Twelve PM2.5 samplers with HTTP 0.4 µm membrane filters (Whatman, Nucleopore, GE Healthcare, Buckinghamshire, Amersham, UK) were placed in the model room to sample air at 15 L/min inflow rate. The HEPA filter at the air exhaust was also collected and analyzed after each test. Sampling was conducted at room temperature during the entire period of 5 min nebulization. Each test was repeated 3 times.","tracks":[]}