> top > docs > PMC:7738161 > spans > 22717-24011 > annotations

PMC:7738161 / 22717-24011 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T164 0-175 Sentence denotes There has been interest in relaxing distancing measures and re-introducing them when a threshold has been reached, such as when intensive care capacity is nearly reached [36].
T165 176-323 Sentence denotes We did not explore a dynamic trigger, but did explore the behaviour when distancing measures are introduced and relaxed repeatedly (Fig 4C and 4D).
T166 324-532 Sentence denotes If the relaxation period is such that the outbreak remains contained throughout (with an effective reproduction number less than one), then the prevalence would decline at alternating faster and slower rates.
T167 533-721 Sentence denotes In a scenario of switching between the current mean estimate (22% of normal contacts) and 80% of normal contacts, reported cases rise, lagging the relaxation of distancing (Fig 4C and 4D).
T168 722-976 Sentence denotes Illustrative simulations in which distancing alternates every three or four weeks allows an overall continued decline; however, the longer the period of relaxation, the more the prevalence is able to rise in between periods of distancing (Fig 4C and 4D).
T169 977-1174 Sentence denotes Control of delayed feedback systems is challenging [37], and ideally if a dynamic trigger such as reported cases or ICU admissions were to be used, monitoring would need to be as rapid as possible.
T170 1175-1294 Sentence denotes Monitoring of distancing behaviour and population contact patterns would be important, in addition to monitoring cases.