PMC:7551562 / 57701-58461 JSONTXT

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{"target":"","sourcedb":"PMC","sourceid":"7551562","source_url":"","text":"Conclusion\nOptimization of bioremediation cocktails in the treatment of crude oil polluted environment was achieved. The combination of a system that harnesses bioaugmentation and biostimulation has been identified as a solution to the lingering environmental pollution. The use of agrowaste residues offers a sustainable path to the treatment of polluted environmental media. This study has established the feasibility of the application of a mathematical model in the development of an efficient bioremediation agent for the removal of contaminants. The removal of THC and TPH from the experimental samples suggests that a future that employs waste to wealth technology especially in the treatment and recovery of contaminated sites is possible and feasible.","divisions":[{"label":"title","span":{"begin":0,"end":10}}],"tracks":[]}