PMC:7551562 / 43856-44885 JSONTXT

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{"target":"","sourcedb":"PMC","sourceid":"7551562","source_url":"","text":"The values in Table 3 provides the statistical relevance of the RSM model results. The model F-value of 10.87 for 21 days treatment and 19.82 for the 56 days treatment implies the model is significant in terms of predicting TPH removal. Also, there is only a 0.86% and 0.21% probably chance that the obtained F-value from the 26 and 56 days model could occur due to noise. The model p-values are both less than the model reference p-value of 0.05 (5%) indicating that the model variable terms are significant in predicting the removal of TPH. The following variable terms of C, AC, A², B², and C² are significant variable terms in the 21 days model while the A, C, A², B², and C² are significant variable terms in the 56 days model for TPH removal. The other variable terms in both models are considered insignificant since their p-values are greater than 0.10 (10%). If there are many insignificant terms in the model (not counting those required to support hierarchy), then the elimination of these terms may improve the model.","tracks":[]}