PMC:7551562 / 26943-28312 JSONTXT

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{"target":"","sourcedb":"PMC","sourceid":"7551562","source_url":"","text":"Substrate sample (0.50g of oven dried) was weighted into a 100ml Kjeldahl flask. 1ml 60% perchloric acid (244252, Sigma-Aldrich), 5ml nitric acid conc. (258113, Sigma-Aldrich) and sulphuric acid conc. (339741, Sigma-Aldrich) was added. The mixture was swirled gently and digested (causing precipitation due to heat application) slowly at moderate heat for 10 to 15 minutes until the appearance of white fumes. The digest (precipitate) was set aside to cool. The digest was filtered (NO. 44 paper) into a 50ml volumetric flask and diluted to volume giving a concentration of roughly 1% (v/v). A blank digestion was carried out in the same way. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (Agilent 4200 series) was used to measure the atomic absorption of the potassium ion concentration in the sample, with the lamp was set to 776nm wavelength to take the reading. Slit width, air and gas pressure was adjusted. Other vital settings as recommended for the instrument employed were programmed. Standard potassium ion concentrations were aspirated into the instrument “burner chamber” to calibrate the equipment and to plot a graph of a standard calibration curve to determine ppm K in the sample solutions. The aspirator tubing’s system was occasionally flushed with water before samples were aspirated. The blank sample was carried out in the same way and subtracted where necessary.","tracks":[]}