PMC:7305592 / 7264-8717 JSONTXT

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{"target":"","sourcedb":"PMC","sourceid":"7305592","source_url":"","text":"Data collection\nThe structured telephone interview schedule was developed based on the questionnaire for patients and oncologists (see appendix 1). During the structured telephone interviews, questions were read aloud and answers were written down textually. The interviews were not audio recorded. The interviews focused on the treatment goal(s) the patient reported before the start of treatment. During the interview relatives were asked to what extent they perceived the patients’ treatment goal(s) as achieved on a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 as not achieved at all and 10 as completely achieved. Additionally, relatives were asked if they were satisfied with the patients’ choice to starting treatment and whether the relatives thought they received enough information on the given treatment of the patient (see appendix). The relatives’ age, gender and relation to the patient were documented.\nThe time between the patient’s death and the interview with their relative was on average 86 days, with the exception of one relative that was interviewed 15 days after the patient died, instead of 6 weeks after the patient died, because the investigator did not know the patient had already died when she called for the study among patients. The relative preferred to do the interview at that time rather than later. The time between the last administration of treatment the patient received and the interview with the relative was on average 201 days.","divisions":[{"label":"title","span":{"begin":0,"end":15}},{"label":"p","span":{"begin":16,"end":899}}],"tracks":[]}