> top > docs > PMC:7253482 > spans > 16384-17526 > annotations

PMC:7253482 / 16384-17526 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue tao:has_database_id
585 545-551 Species denotes camels Tax:9837
586 557-563 Species denotes humans Tax:9606
587 691-696 Species denotes human Tax:9606
588 700-705 Species denotes human Tax:9606
589 877-887 Species denotes SARS-CoV-2 Tax:2697049
590 953-963 Species denotes SARS-CoV-2 Tax:2697049
591 396-400 Disease denotes MERS MESH:D018352
592 405-409 Disease denotes SARS MESH:D045169
593 488-492 Disease denotes MERS MESH:D018352
594 615-619 Disease denotes SARS MESH:D045169
595 654-662 Disease denotes zoonotic MESH:D015047
596 780-784 Disease denotes MERS MESH:D018352
597 789-793 Disease denotes SARS MESH:D045169


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue mondo_id
T57 405-409 Disease denotes SARS http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0005091
T58 615-619 Disease denotes SARS http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0005091
T59 789-793 Disease denotes SARS http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0005091
T60 877-885 Disease denotes SARS-CoV http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0005091
T61 877-881 Disease denotes SARS http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0005091
T62 953-961 Disease denotes SARS-CoV http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0005091
T63 953-957 Disease denotes SARS http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0005091


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T96 261-266 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCBITaxon_10239 denotes virus
T97 545-551 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCBITaxon_9837 denotes camels
T98 557-563 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCBITaxon_9606 denotes humans
T99 645-646 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CLO_0001020 denotes a
T100 691-696 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCBITaxon_9606 denotes human
T101 700-705 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCBITaxon_9606 denotes human
T102 817-826 http://www.ebi.ac.uk/efo/EFO_0000876 denotes extremely


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue chebi_id
T189 9-11 Chemical denotes dN http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHEBI_33793
T190 481-483 Chemical denotes dN http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHEBI_33793
T191 799-801 Chemical denotes dN http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHEBI_33793


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T46 256-260 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/IDO_0000531 denotes host
T47 261-266 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCBITaxon_10239 denotes virus
T48 369-373 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/IDO_0000531 denotes host


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T85225 0-8 IN denotes Although
T78299 9-14 NN denotes dN/dS
T69491 15-24 NNS denotes estimates
T17336 25-28 VBP denotes are
T68738 29-39 JJ denotes comparable
T29834 40-46 IN denotes within
T7384 47-51 DT denotes each
T38180 52-57 JJ denotes viral
T14361 58-66 NN denotes outbreak
T27804 66-67 -COMMA- denotes ,
T63927 68-72 PRP denotes they
T40801 73-76 VBP denotes are
T50374 77-80 RB denotes not
T5187 81-89 RB denotes directly
T67674 90-100 JJ denotes comparable
T16791 101-108 IN denotes between
T15216 109-114 JJ denotes viral
T70745 115-123 NNS denotes families
T5519 124-126 IN denotes as
T39713 127-131 PRP denotes they
T72942 132-135 MD denotes can
T66143 136-140 RB denotes only
T83434 141-143 VB denotes be
T81231 144-154 VBN denotes considered
T66257 155-157 IN denotes in
T26996 158-161 DT denotes the
T12587 162-173 NN denotes environment
T55529 174-176 IN denotes in
T94028 177-182 WDT denotes which
T66921 183-187 PRP denotes they
T48812 188-191 VBP denotes are
T68204 192-200 VBN denotes measured
T1345 201-202 -LRB- denotes (
T50152 202-206 FW denotes i.e.
T58234 207-215 JJ denotes multiple
T20304 216-227 NNS denotes differences
T57102 228-230 IN denotes in
T44931 231-243 NN denotes transmission
T48849 244-251 NN denotes ecology
T40406 252-255 CC denotes and
T86262 256-266 NN denotes host-virus
T60225 267-279 NNS denotes interactions
T28690 280-288 VBP denotes disallow
T4001 289-299 JJ denotes meaningful
T97622 300-311 NNS denotes comparisons
T88580 311-312 -RRB- denotes )
T61778 314-317 IN denotes For
T80559 318-325 NN denotes example
T85630 325-326 -COMMA- denotes ,
T13499 327-338 NNS denotes differences
T59995 339-341 IN denotes in
T19712 342-345 DT denotes the
T30994 346-354 JJ denotes epidemic
T28935 355-364 NN denotes behaviour
T90583 365-368 CC denotes and
T22228 369-373 NN denotes host
T48983 374-380 JJ denotes immune
T32345 381-392 NN denotes environment
T33520 393-395 IN denotes of
T49936 396-400 NNS denotes MERS
T62735 401-404 CC denotes and
T19591 405-409 NNP denotes SARS
T85021 410-419 NNS denotes outbreaks
T32139 420-426 RB denotes likely
T6621 427-437 VBP denotes contribute
T58427 438-440 TO denotes to
T13399 441-444 DT denotes the
T26807 445-453 VBN denotes observed
T13552 454-461 JJ denotes genetic
T43199 462-471 NN denotes diversity
T65839 472-475 CC denotes and
T79458 476-480 RB denotes thus
T98636 481-486 NN denotes dN/dS
T25443 488-492 NNS denotes MERS
T97762 493-496 VBD denotes was
T89667 497-510 VBN denotes characterized
T47196 511-513 IN denotes by
T18635 514-522 VBN denotes repeated
T30054 523-532 NN denotes spillover
T27860 533-539 NNS denotes events
T14782 540-544 IN denotes from
T25019 545-551 NNS denotes camels
T86652 552-556 IN denotes into
T1639 557-563 NNS denotes humans
T23535 563-564 -COMMA- denotes ,
T51241 565-570 WRB denotes where
T67194 571-573 PRP denotes it
T59854 574-584 VBD denotes circulated
T82528 585-596 RB denotes transiently
T23126 598-600 IN denotes In
T4625 601-609 NN denotes contrast
T47309 609-610 -COMMA- denotes ,
T1278 611-614 DT denotes the
T1279 615-619 NNP denotes SARS
T1280 620-628 NN denotes outbreak
T1281 629-641 VBD denotes corresponded
T1282 642-644 TO denotes to
T1283 645-646 DT denotes a
T1284 647-653 JJ denotes single
T1285 654-662 JJ denotes zoonotic
T1286 663-668 NN denotes event
T1287 669-677 VBN denotes followed
T1288 678-680 IN denotes by
T1289 681-690 JJ denotes extensive
T1290 691-705 JJ denotes human-to-human
T1291 706-718 NN denotes transmission
T1292 720-732 RB denotes Consequently
T1293 732-733 -COMMA- denotes ,
T1309 827-836 JJ denotes difficult
T1310 838-849 RB denotes Importantly
T1311 849-850 -COMMA- denotes ,
T1312 851-856 IN denotes while
T1313 857-864 JJ denotes similar
T1314 865-873 NNS denotes analyses
T1315 874-876 IN denotes of
T1316 877-887 NN denotes SARS-CoV-2
T1317 888-890 VBZ denotes is
T1318 891-900 JJ denotes desirable
T1319 900-901 -COMMA- denotes ,
T1320 902-905 JJ denotes due
T1321 906-908 TO denotes to
T1322 909-912 DT denotes the
T1323 913-916 JJ denotes low
T1324 917-924 JJ denotes genetic
T1325 925-934 NN denotes variation
T1294 734-743 VBG denotes inferring
T1295 744-747 DT denotes the
T1296 748-754 NN denotes degree
T1297 755-757 IN denotes of
T1298 758-767 NN denotes selection
T1299 768-774 VBG denotes acting
T1300 775-779 IN denotes upon
T1301 780-784 NNS denotes MERS
T1302 785-788 CC denotes and
T1303 789-793 NNS denotes SARS
T1304 794-798 IN denotes from
T1305 799-804 NN denotes dN/dS
T1306 805-813 NN denotes analysis
T1307 814-816 VBZ denotes is
T1308 817-826 RB denotes extremely
T1326 935-940 IN denotes among
T1327 941-944 DT denotes the
T1328 945-952 JJ denotes current
T1329 953-963 NN denotes SARS-CoV-2
T1330 964-973 NNS denotes sequences
T1331 974-975 -LRB- denotes (
T1332 975-977 IN denotes as
T1333 978-980 IN denotes of
T1334 981-983 CD denotes 17
T1335 984-989 NNP denotes March
T1336 990-994 CD denotes 2020
T1337 994-995 -RRB- denotes )
T1338 995-996 -COMMA- denotes ,
T1339 997-1002 WDT denotes which
T1340 1003-1009 RB denotes likely
T1341 1010-1017 VBP denotes include
T1342 1018-1029 JJ denotes deleterious
T1343 1030-1039 NNS denotes mutations
T1344 1040-1044 WDT denotes that
T79570 1045-1049 MD denotes will
T1346 1050-1052 VB denotes be
T1347 1053-1060 VBN denotes removed
T1348 1061-1063 IN denotes by
T1349 1064-1073 NN denotes selection
T1350 1074-1078 IN denotes over
T1351 1079-1083 NN denotes time
T1352 1083-1084 -COMMA- denotes ,
T1353 1085-1088 DT denotes the
T1354 1089-1098 VBG denotes resulting
T1355 1099-1112 JJ denotes bioinformatic
T1356 1113-1121 NNS denotes analyses
T1357 1122-1127 MD denotes would
T1358 1128-1130 VB denotes be
T1359 1131-1141 JJ denotes unreliable
R76412 T40801 T85225 arg1Of are,Although
R5847 T17336 T85225 arg2Of are,Although
R19195 T69491 T78299 arg1Of estimates,dN/dS
R2450 T69491 T17336 arg1Of estimates,are
R50123 T68738 T17336 arg2Of comparable,are
R99316 T69491 T68738 arg1Of estimates,comparable
R91860 T68738 T29834 arg1Of comparable,within
R18805 T14361 T29834 arg2Of outbreak,within
R68490 T14361 T7384 arg1Of outbreak,each
R94377 T14361 T38180 arg1Of outbreak,viral
R58427 T40801 T27804 arg1Of are,","
R85372 T63927 T40801 arg1Of they,are
R78238 T67674 T40801 arg2Of comparable,are
R13642 T40801 T50374 arg1Of are,not
R79260 T67674 T5187 arg1Of comparable,directly
R95337 T63927 T67674 arg1Of they,comparable
R83333 T67674 T16791 arg1Of comparable,between
R2265 T70745 T16791 arg2Of families,between
R31693 T70745 T15216 arg1Of families,viral
R5709 T70745 T5519 arg1Of families,as
R39310 T40406 T5519 arg2Of and,as
R90310 T39713 T72942 arg1Of they,can
R76452 T81231 T72942 arg2Of considered,can
R13410 T81231 T66143 arg1Of considered,only
R54394 T39713 T83434 arg1Of they,be
R39709 T81231 T83434 arg2Of considered,be
R34390 T39713 T81231 arg2Of they,considered
R24751 T81231 T66257 arg1Of considered,in
R29835 T12587 T66257 arg2Of environment,in
R59094 T12587 T26996 arg1Of environment,the
R69077 T68204 T55529 arg1Of measured,in
R88109 T12587 T55529 arg2Of environment,in
R30596 T12587 T94028 arg1Of environment,which
R60567 T66921 T48812 arg1Of they,are
R58879 T68204 T48812 arg2Of measured,are
R19265 T66921 T68204 arg2Of they,measured
R12287 T20304 T68204 arg3Of differences,measured
R85070 T20304 T1345 arg1Of differences,(
R22758 T20304 T50152 arg1Of differences,i.e.
R86473 T20304 T58234 arg1Of differences,multiple
R44156 T20304 T57102 arg1Of differences,in
R59010 T48849 T57102 arg2Of ecology,in
R97035 T48849 T44931 arg1Of ecology,transmission
R97033 T81231 T40406 arg1Of considered,and
R49064 T28690 T40406 arg2Of disallow,and
R79815 T60225 T86262 arg1Of interactions,host-virus
R5439 T60225 T28690 arg1Of interactions,disallow
R85450 T97622 T28690 arg2Of comparisons,disallow
R1405 T97622 T4001 arg1Of comparisons,meaningful
R86127 T40801 T88580 arg1Of are,)
R41325 T6621 T61778 arg1Of contribute,For
R64305 T80559 T61778 arg2Of example,For
R63316 T6621 T85630 arg1Of contribute,","
R60603 T13499 T59995 arg1Of differences,in
R78916 T28935 T59995 arg2Of behaviour,in
R20962 T28935 T19712 arg1Of behaviour,the
R45480 T28935 T30994 arg1Of behaviour,epidemic
R23484 T13499 T90583 arg1Of differences,and
R20355 T32345 T90583 arg2Of environment,and
R90378 T32345 T22228 arg1Of environment,host
R38837 T32345 T48983 arg1Of environment,immune
R62547 T32345 T33520 arg1Of environment,of
R37258 T62735 T33520 arg2Of and,of
R5348 T49936 T62735 arg1Of MERS,and
R75798 T85021 T62735 arg2Of outbreaks,and
R71746 T85021 T19591 arg1Of outbreaks,SARS
R57764 T6621 T32139 arg1Of contribute,likely
R20318 T90583 T6621 arg1Of and,contribute
R61523 T6621 T58427 arg1Of contribute,to
R10402 T65839 T58427 arg2Of and,to
R26990 T65839 T13399 arg1Of and,the
R63070 T43199 T26807 arg2Of diversity,observed
R84233 T43199 T13552 arg1Of diversity,genetic
R92469 T43199 T65839 arg1Of diversity,and
R94318 T98636 T65839 arg2Of dN/dS,and
R78557 T98636 T79458 arg1Of dN/dS,thus
R17114 T25443 T97762 arg1Of MERS,was
R7964 T89667 T97762 arg2Of characterized,was
R19546 T27860 T89667 arg1Of events,characterized
R96137 T25443 T89667 arg2Of MERS,characterized
R92159 T27860 T47196 arg2Of events,by
R26018 T27860 T18635 arg2Of events,repeated
R96503 T27860 T30054 arg1Of events,spillover
R73123 T27860 T14782 arg1Of events,from
R1282 T25019 T14782 arg2Of camels,from
R1283 T25019 T86652 arg1Of camels,into
R1284 T1639 T86652 arg2Of humans,into
R1285 T1639 T23535 arg1Of humans,","
R1286 T1639 T51241 arg1Of humans,where
R1287 T59854 T51241 arg2Of circulated,where
R1288 T67194 T59854 arg1Of it,circulated
R1289 T59854 T82528 arg1Of circulated,transiently
R1290 T1281 T23126 arg1Of corresponded,In
R1291 T4625 T23126 arg2Of contrast,In
R1292 T1281 T47309 arg1Of corresponded,","
R1293 T1280 T1278 arg1Of outbreak,the
R1294 T1280 T1279 arg1Of outbreak,SARS
R1295 T1280 T1281 arg1Of outbreak,corresponded
R1296 T1281 T1282 arg1Of corresponded,to
R1297 T1286 T1282 arg2Of event,to
R1298 T1286 T1283 arg1Of event,a
R1299 T1286 T1284 arg1Of event,single
R1300 T1286 T1285 arg1Of event,zoonotic
R1301 T1291 T1287 arg1Of transmission,followed
R1302 T1286 T1287 arg2Of event,followed
R1303 T1291 T1288 arg2Of transmission,by
R1304 T1291 T1289 arg1Of transmission,extensive
R1305 T1291 T1290 arg1Of transmission,human-to-human
R1306 T1307 T1292 arg1Of is,Consequently
R1307 T1307 T1293 arg1Of is,","
R1308 T1296 T1294 arg2Of degree,inferring
R1309 T1296 T1295 arg1Of degree,the
R1310 T1296 T1297 arg1Of degree,of
R1311 T1298 T1297 arg2Of selection,of
R1312 T1296 T1299 arg1Of degree,acting
R1313 T1299 T1300 arg1Of acting,upon
R1314 T1302 T1300 arg2Of and,upon
R1315 T1301 T1302 arg1Of MERS,and
R1316 T1303 T1302 arg2Of SARS,and
R1317 T1296 T1304 arg1Of degree,from
R1318 T1306 T1304 arg2Of analysis,from
R1319 T1306 T1305 arg1Of analysis,dN/dS
R1320 T1294 T1307 arg1Of inferring,is
R1321 T1309 T1307 arg2Of difficult,is
R1322 T1309 T1308 arg1Of difficult,extremely
R1323 T1294 T1309 arg1Of inferring,difficult
R1324 T1358 T1310 arg1Of be,Importantly
R1325 T1358 T1311 arg1Of be,","
R1326 T1358 T1312 arg1Of be,while
R1327 T1317 T1312 arg2Of is,while
R1328 T1314 T1313 arg1Of analyses,similar
R1329 T1314 T1315 arg1Of analyses,of
R1330 T1316 T1315 arg2Of SARS-CoV-2,of
R1331 T1314 T1317 arg1Of analyses,is
R1332 T1318 T1317 arg2Of desirable,is
R1333 T1314 T1318 arg1Of analyses,desirable
R1334 T1317 T1319 arg1Of is,","
R1335 T1321 T1320 arg1Of to,due
R21039 T1317 T1321 arg1Of is,to
R1337 T1325 T1321 arg2Of variation,to
R1338 T1325 T1322 arg1Of variation,the
R1339 T1324 T1323 arg1Of genetic,low
R1340 T1325 T1324 arg1Of variation,genetic
R1341 T1317 T1326 arg1Of is,among
R1342 T1330 T1326 arg2Of sequences,among
R1343 T1330 T1327 arg1Of sequences,the
R1344 T1330 T1328 arg1Of sequences,current
R1345 T1330 T1329 arg1Of sequences,SARS-CoV-2
R1346 T1330 T1331 arg1Of sequences,(
R1347 T1332 T1331 arg2Of as,(
R1348 T1337 T1331 arg3Of ),(
R1349 T1335 T1332 arg2Of March,as
R1350 T1334 T1333 arg1Of 17,of
R1351 T1335 T1334 arg1Of March,17
R1352 T1335 T1336 arg1Of March,2020
R1353 T1330 T1338 arg1Of sequences,","
R1354 T1330 T1339 arg1Of sequences,which
R1355 T1341 T1340 arg1Of include,likely
R1356 T1330 T1341 arg1Of sequences,include
R1357 T1343 T1341 arg2Of mutations,include
R1358 T1343 T1342 arg1Of mutations,deleterious
R1359 T1343 T1344 arg1Of mutations,that
R1360 T1343 T79570 arg1Of mutations,will
R1361 T1347 T79570 arg2Of removed,will
R1362 T1343 T1346 arg1Of mutations,be
R1363 T1347 T1346 arg2Of removed,be
R1364 T1349 T1347 arg1Of selection,removed
R1365 T1343 T1347 arg2Of mutations,removed
R1366 T1349 T1348 arg2Of selection,by
R1367 T1347 T1350 arg1Of removed,over
R1368 T1351 T1350 arg2Of time,over
R1369 T1358 T1352 arg1Of be,","
R1370 T1356 T1353 arg1Of analyses,the
R1371 T1356 T1354 arg1Of analyses,resulting
R1372 T1356 T1355 arg1Of analyses,bioinformatic
R1373 T1356 T1357 arg1Of analyses,would
R1374 T1358 T1357 arg2Of be,would
R1375 T1356 T1358 arg1Of analyses,be
R1376 T1359 T1358 arg2Of unreliable,be
R1377 T1356 T1359 arg1Of analyses,unreliable


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue ncbi_taxonomy_id
T109 396-400 Species denotes MERS NCBItxid:1335626
T110 405-409 Species denotes SARS NCBItxid:694009
T111 488-492 Species denotes MERS NCBItxid:1335626
T112 557-563 Species denotes humans NCBItxid:9605
T113 615-619 Species denotes SARS NCBItxid:694009
T114 691-696 Species denotes human NCBItxid:9606
T115 700-705 Species denotes human NCBItxid:9606
T116 780-784 Species denotes MERS NCBItxid:1335626
T117 789-793 Species denotes SARS NCBItxid:694009
T118 877-887 Species denotes SARS-CoV-2 NCBItxid:2697049
T119 877-881 Species denotes SARS NCBItxid:694009
T120 953-963 Species denotes SARS-CoV-2 NCBItxid:2697049
T121 953-957 Species denotes SARS NCBItxid:694009


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T96 0-313 Sentence denotes Although dN/dS estimates are comparable within each viral outbreak, they are not directly comparable between viral families as they can only be considered in the environment in which they are measured (i.e. multiple differences in transmission ecology and host-virus interactions disallow meaningful comparisons).
T97 314-487 Sentence denotes For example, differences in the epidemic behaviour and host immune environment of MERS and SARS outbreaks likely contribute to the observed genetic diversity and thus dN/dS.
T98 488-597 Sentence denotes MERS was characterized by repeated spillover events from camels into humans, where it circulated transiently.
T99 598-719 Sentence denotes In contrast, the SARS outbreak corresponded to a single zoonotic event followed by extensive human-to-human transmission.
T100 720-837 Sentence denotes Consequently, inferring the degree of selection acting upon MERS and SARS from dN/dS analysis is extremely difficult.
T101 838-1142 Sentence denotes Importantly, while similar analyses of SARS-CoV-2 is desirable, due to the low genetic variation among the current SARS-CoV-2 sequences (as of 17 March 2020), which likely include deleterious mutations that will be removed by selection over time, the resulting bioinformatic analyses would be unreliable.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue mondo_id
T52 405-409 Disease denotes SARS http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0005091
T53 615-619 Disease denotes SARS http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0005091
T54 789-793 Disease denotes SARS http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0005091
T55 877-887 Disease denotes SARS-CoV-2 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0100096
T56 877-881 Disease denotes SARS http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0005091
T57 953-963 Disease denotes SARS-CoV-2 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0100096
T58 953-957 Disease denotes SARS http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0005091


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue pubann:denotes
591 396-400 Disease denotes MERS MESH:D018352
592 405-409 Disease denotes SARS MESH:D045169
593 488-492 Disease denotes MERS MESH:D018352
585 545-551 Species denotes camels Tax:9837
586 557-563 Species denotes humans Tax:9606
594 615-619 Disease denotes SARS MESH:D045169
595 654-662 Disease denotes zoonotic MESH:D015047
587 691-696 Species denotes human Tax:9606
588 700-705 Species denotes human Tax:9606
596 780-784 Disease denotes MERS MESH:D018352
597 789-793 Disease denotes SARS MESH:D045169
589 877-887 Species denotes SARS-CoV-2 Tax:2697049
590 953-963 Species denotes SARS-CoV-2 Tax:2697049


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T36 256-279 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0019048 denotes host-virus interactions
T37 355-364 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0007610 denotes behaviour


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T33 256-279 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0019048 denotes host-virus interactions
T34 355-364 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0007610 denotes behaviour


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T37 256-279 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0019048 denotes host-virus interactions
T38 355-364 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0007610 denotes behaviour


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T96 0-313 Sentence denotes Although dN/dS estimates are comparable within each viral outbreak, they are not directly comparable between viral families as they can only be considered in the environment in which they are measured (i.e. multiple differences in transmission ecology and host-virus interactions disallow meaningful comparisons).
T97 314-487 Sentence denotes For example, differences in the epidemic behaviour and host immune environment of MERS and SARS outbreaks likely contribute to the observed genetic diversity and thus dN/dS.
T98 488-597 Sentence denotes MERS was characterized by repeated spillover events from camels into humans, where it circulated transiently.
T99 598-719 Sentence denotes In contrast, the SARS outbreak corresponded to a single zoonotic event followed by extensive human-to-human transmission.
T100 720-837 Sentence denotes Consequently, inferring the degree of selection acting upon MERS and SARS from dN/dS analysis is extremely difficult.
T101 838-1142 Sentence denotes Importantly, while similar analyses of SARS-CoV-2 is desirable, due to the low genetic variation among the current SARS-CoV-2 sequences (as of 17 March 2020), which likely include deleterious mutations that will be removed by selection over time, the resulting bioinformatic analyses would be unreliable.