PMC:7224584 / 16219-17321 JSONTXT

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    {"project":"2_test","denotations":[{"id":"32419992-20049559-23905634","span":{"begin":882,"end":884},"obj":"20049559"}],"text":"Although the patient lacked bone pain, pathologic fractures, weakness, infection, hypercalcemia (serum calcium level \u003e 10 mg/dl), and obvious lytic bone lesions on a bone survey, MM was considered a cause of this patient´s intrinsic renal failure. Thus, UPEP, SPEP, and immunoelectrophoresis tests were ordered. We also performed a kidney biopsy. The results of this procedure were known first, and the findings were pathognomonic of myeloma kidney. With the help of bone marrow biopsy and aspirate, we finally concluded that our patient´s AKF was secondary to light chain nephropathy associated with MM [9]. Often, the diagnosis of MM may not be considered in patients with renal insufficiency due to the absence of the other CRAB features, but this case intends to emphasize the importance of recognizing all possible causes of renal failure and thinking about MM as one of them [10]. To the best of our knowledge, acute renal failure as an initial presentation of MM in a young woman, without evidence of hypercalcemia and without lytic bone lesions, remains an uncommon presentation of the disease."}