PMC:7199903 / 9588-10093
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue | fma_id |
T54 | 178-181 | Body_part | denotes | HIV | |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue | mondo_id |
T38 | 57-65 | Disease | denotes | SARS-CoV | |
T39 | 390-398 | Disease | denotes | SARS-CoV | |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
T61 | 114-115 | | denotes | a |
T62 | 150-157 | | denotes | peptide |
T63 | 170-172 | | denotes | S2 |
T64 | 170-172 | | denotes | S2 |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue | chebi_id |
T98 | 150-157 | Chemical | denotes | peptide | |
T99 | 170-172 | Chemical | denotes | S2 | |
T100 | 184-193 | Chemical | denotes | immunogen | |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
T50 | 34-39 | | denotes | sites |
T51 | 245-250 | | denotes | sites |
T52 | 490-494 | | denotes | site |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
T65863 | 0-8 | IN | denotes | Although |
T60194 | 9-19 | JJ | denotes | unoccupied |
T7395 | 20-33 | NN | denotes | glycosylation |
T62677 | 34-39 | NNS | denotes | sites |
T81150 | 40-44 | VBD | denotes | were |
T42144 | 45-53 | VBN | denotes | detected |
T48798 | 54-56 | IN | denotes | on |
T2576 | 57-67 | NNP | denotes | SARS-CoV-2 |
T51503 | 68-69 | NNP | denotes | S |
T76331 | 69-70 | -COMMA- | denotes | , |
T71519 | 71-75 | WRB | denotes | when |
T77053 | 76-86 | VBN | denotes | quantified |
T75961 | 87-91 | PRP | denotes | they |
T6297 | 92-96 | VBD | denotes | were |
T58978 | 97-105 | VBN | denotes | revealed |
T59972 | 106-108 | TO | denotes | to |
T92745 | 109-113 | VB | denotes | form |
T33122 | 114-115 | DT | denotes | a |
T31132 | 116-120 | RB | denotes | very |
T38290 | 121-126 | JJ | denotes | minor |
T19196 | 127-136 | NN | denotes | component |
T48286 | 137-139 | IN | denotes | of |
T83039 | 140-143 | DT | denotes | the |
T68252 | 144-149 | JJ | denotes | total |
T62165 | 150-157 | NN | denotes | peptide |
T4213 | 158-162 | NN | denotes | pool |
T74217 | 163-164 | -LRB- | denotes | ( |
T34758 | 164-169 | NN | denotes | table |
T7366 | 170-172 | NN | denotes | S2 |
T74906 | 172-173 | -RRB- | denotes | ) |
T57960 | 175-177 | IN | denotes | In |
T42540 | 178-183 | NN | denotes | HIV-1 |
T15633 | 184-193 | NN | denotes | immunogen |
T63653 | 194-202 | NN | denotes | research |
T27827 | 202-203 | -COMMA- | denotes | , |
T17042 | 204-207 | DT | denotes | the |
T33433 | 208-213 | NNS | denotes | holes |
T1898 | 214-223 | VBN | denotes | generated |
T37277 | 224-226 | IN | denotes | by |
T71199 | 227-237 | JJ | denotes | unoccupied |
T33886 | 238-244 | NN | denotes | glycan |
T74014 | 245-250 | NNS | denotes | sites |
T26582 | 251-255 | VBP | denotes | have |
T97350 | 256-260 | VBN | denotes | been |
T88152 | 261-266 | VBN | denotes | shown |
T81834 | 267-269 | TO | denotes | to |
T33097 | 270-272 | VB | denotes | be |
T62246 | 273-284 | JJ | denotes | immunogenic |
T48675 | 285-288 | CC | denotes | and |
T32889 | 289-300 | RB | denotes | potentially |
T36047 | 301-305 | VBP | denotes | give |
T43864 | 306-310 | NN | denotes | rise |
T23465 | 311-313 | TO | denotes | to |
T43488 | 314-325 | VBG | denotes | distracting |
T59820 | 326-334 | NNS | denotes | epitopes |
T82836 | 335-336 | -LRB- | denotes | ( |
T41818 | 336-338 | CD | denotes | 26 |
T87241 | 338-339 | -RRB- | denotes | ) |
T58684 | 341-344 | DT | denotes | The |
T56128 | 345-349 | JJ | denotes | high |
T26972 | 350-359 | NN | denotes | occupancy |
T77052 | 360-362 | IN | denotes | of |
T61237 | 363-371 | JJ | denotes | N-linked |
T20466 | 372-378 | NN | denotes | glycan |
T55200 | 379-386 | NNS | denotes | sequons |
T78865 | 387-389 | IN | denotes | of |
T61277 | 390-400 | NN | denotes | SARS-CoV-2 |
T93285 | 401-402 | NN | denotes | S |
T2047 | 403-412 | VBZ | denotes | indicates |
T47714 | 413-417 | IN | denotes | that |
T82325 | 418-429 | JJ | denotes | recombinant |
T38613 | 430-440 | NNS | denotes | immunogens |
T54133 | 441-445 | MD | denotes | will |
T6430 | 446-449 | RB | denotes | not |
T5233 | 450-457 | VB | denotes | require |
T93225 | 458-465 | JJ | denotes | further |
T87423 | 466-478 | NN | denotes | optimization |
T51599 | 479-481 | TO | denotes | to |
T32198 | 482-489 | VB | denotes | enhance |
T24696 | 490-494 | NN | denotes | site |
T22130 | 495-504 | NN | denotes | occupancy |
R95535 | T58978 | T65863 | arg1Of | revealed,Although |
R36955 | T42144 | T65863 | arg2Of | detected,Although |
R57798 | T62677 | T60194 | arg1Of | sites,unoccupied |
R9373 | T62677 | T7395 | arg1Of | sites,glycosylation |
R57347 | T62677 | T81150 | arg1Of | sites,were |
R36046 | T42144 | T81150 | arg2Of | detected,were |
R84085 | T62677 | T42144 | arg2Of | sites,detected |
R75515 | T42144 | T48798 | arg1Of | detected,on |
R88107 | T51503 | T48798 | arg2Of | S,on |
R48789 | T51503 | T2576 | arg1Of | S,SARS-CoV-2 |
R80578 | T58978 | T76331 | arg1Of | revealed,"," |
R76519 | T58978 | T71519 | arg1Of | revealed,when |
R15932 | T77053 | T71519 | arg2Of | quantified,when |
R12192 | T4213 | T62165 | arg1Of | pool,peptide |
R29071 | T4213 | T74217 | arg1Of | pool,( |
R32305 | T7366 | T74217 | arg2Of | S2,( |
R24284 | T74906 | T74217 | arg3Of | ),( |
R52043 | T7366 | T34758 | arg1Of | S2,table |
R68764 | T88152 | T57960 | arg1Of | shown,In |
R8587 | T63653 | T57960 | arg2Of | research,In |
R88226 | T63653 | T42540 | arg1Of | research,HIV-1 |
R53466 | T63653 | T15633 | arg1Of | research,immunogen |
R77180 | T88152 | T27827 | arg1Of | shown,"," |
R9598 | T93285 | T61277 | arg1Of | S,SARS-CoV-2 |
R14042 | T26972 | T2047 | arg1Of | occupancy,indicates |
R21004 | T5233 | T2047 | arg2Of | require,indicates |
R27288 | T5233 | T47714 | arg1Of | require,that |
R17307 | T38613 | T82325 | arg1Of | immunogens,recombinant |
R25367 | T38613 | T54133 | arg1Of | immunogens,will |
R32427 | T5233 | T54133 | arg2Of | require,will |
R69032 | T5233 | T6430 | arg1Of | require,not |
R76938 | T75961 | T6297 | arg1Of | they,were |
R40002 | T58978 | T6297 | arg2Of | revealed,were |
R5541 | T75961 | T58978 | arg2Of | they,revealed |
R98656 | T92745 | T58978 | arg3Of | form,revealed |
R1924 | T92745 | T59972 | arg1Of | form,to |
R7837 | T75961 | T92745 | arg1Of | they,form |
R55327 | T19196 | T92745 | arg2Of | component,form |
R40598 | T19196 | T33122 | arg1Of | component,a |
R74584 | T38290 | T31132 | arg1Of | minor,very |
R89442 | T19196 | T38290 | arg1Of | component,minor |
R72689 | T19196 | T48286 | arg1Of | component,of |
R80016 | T4213 | T48286 | arg2Of | pool,of |
R55839 | T4213 | T83039 | arg1Of | pool,the |
R12378 | T4213 | T68252 | arg1Of | pool,total |
R59127 | T33433 | T17042 | arg1Of | holes,the |
R16993 | T33433 | T1898 | arg2Of | holes,generated |
R58977 | T1898 | T37277 | arg1Of | generated,by |
R54438 | T74014 | T37277 | arg2Of | sites,by |
R50539 | T74014 | T71199 | arg1Of | sites,unoccupied |
R34846 | T74014 | T33886 | arg1Of | sites,glycan |
R20956 | T33433 | T26582 | arg1Of | holes,have |
R21053 | T88152 | T26582 | arg2Of | shown,have |
R88469 | T33433 | T97350 | arg1Of | holes,been |
R79598 | T88152 | T97350 | arg2Of | shown,been |
R40460 | T33433 | T88152 | arg2Of | holes,shown |
R83284 | T48675 | T88152 | arg3Of | and,shown |
R91813 | T48675 | T81834 | arg1Of | and,to |
R60693 | T33433 | T33097 | arg1Of | holes,be |
R42109 | T62246 | T33097 | arg2Of | immunogenic,be |
R12584 | T33433 | T62246 | arg1Of | holes,immunogenic |
R30095 | T33097 | T48675 | arg1Of | be,and |
R31340 | T36047 | T48675 | arg2Of | give,and |
R89898 | T36047 | T32889 | arg1Of | give,potentially |
R20454 | T33433 | T36047 | arg1Of | holes,give |
R20449 | T43864 | T36047 | arg2Of | rise,give |
R26730 | T36047 | T23465 | arg1Of | give,to |
R11487 | T59820 | T23465 | arg2Of | epitopes,to |
R70719 | T59820 | T43488 | arg1Of | epitopes,distracting |
R79410 | T59820 | T82836 | arg1Of | epitopes,( |
R41647 | T41818 | T82836 | arg2Of | 26,( |
R3899 | T87241 | T82836 | arg3Of | ),( |
R5807 | T26972 | T58684 | arg1Of | occupancy,The |
R22543 | T26972 | T56128 | arg1Of | occupancy,high |
R57808 | T26972 | T77052 | arg1Of | occupancy,of |
R4067 | T55200 | T77052 | arg2Of | sequons,of |
R97120 | T55200 | T61237 | arg1Of | sequons,N-linked |
R65732 | T55200 | T20466 | arg1Of | sequons,glycan |
R4895 | T55200 | T78865 | arg1Of | sequons,of |
R57508 | T93285 | T78865 | arg2Of | S,of |
R27467 | T38613 | T5233 | arg1Of | immunogens,require |
R21159 | T87423 | T5233 | arg2Of | optimization,require |
R45610 | T87423 | T93225 | arg1Of | optimization,further |
R83112 | T32198 | T51599 | arg1Of | enhance,to |
R67259 | T87423 | T51599 | modOf | optimization,to |
R38530 | T22130 | T32198 | arg2Of | occupancy,enhance |
R2326 | T22130 | T24696 | arg1Of | occupancy,site |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue | fma_id |
T53 | 178-181 | Body_part | denotes | HIV | |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue | chebi_id |
T77 | 150-157 | Chemical | denotes | peptide | |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue | ncbi_taxonomy_id |
T36 | 57-67 | Species | denotes | SARS-CoV-2 | NCBItxid:2697049 |
T37 | 178-183 | Species | denotes | HIV-1 | NCBItxid:11676 |
T38 | 390-400 | Species | denotes | SARS-CoV-2 | NCBItxid:2697049 |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
T66 | 0-174 | Sentence | denotes | Although unoccupied glycosylation sites were detected on SARS-CoV-2 S, when quantified they were revealed to form a very minor component of the total peptide pool (table S2). |
T67 | 175-340 | Sentence | denotes | In HIV-1 immunogen research, the holes generated by unoccupied glycan sites have been shown to be immunogenic and potentially give rise to distracting epitopes (26). |
T68 | 341-505 | Sentence | denotes | The high occupancy of N-linked glycan sequons of SARS-CoV-2 S indicates that recombinant immunogens will not require further optimization to enhance site occupancy. |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue | mondo_id |
T32 | 57-67 | Disease | denotes | SARS-CoV-2 | |
T33 | 390-400 | Disease | denotes | SARS-CoV-2 | |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue | pubann:denotes |
321 | 401-402 | Gene | denotes | S | Gene:43740568 |
322 | 68-69 | Gene | denotes | S | Gene:43740568 |
323 | 57-67 | Species | denotes | SARS-CoV-2 | Tax:2697049 |
324 | 178-183 | Species | denotes | HIV-1 | Tax:11676 |
325 | 390-400 | Species | denotes | SARS-CoV-2 | Tax:2697049 |
326 | 238-244 | Chemical | denotes | glycan | MESH:D011134 |
327 | 363-378 | Chemical | denotes | N-linked glycan |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
T32 | 20-33 | | denotes | glycosylation |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
T30 | 20-33 | | denotes | glycosylation |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
T35 | 20-33 | | denotes | glycosylation |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
T66 | 0-174 | Sentence | denotes | Although unoccupied glycosylation sites were detected on SARS-CoV-2 S, when quantified they were revealed to form a very minor component of the total peptide pool (table S2). |
T67 | 175-340 | Sentence | denotes | In HIV-1 immunogen research, the holes generated by unoccupied glycan sites have been shown to be immunogenic and potentially give rise to distracting epitopes (26). |
T68 | 341-505 | Sentence | denotes | The high occupancy of N-linked glycan sequons of SARS-CoV-2 S indicates that recombinant immunogens will not require further optimization to enhance site occupancy. |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue | tao:has_database_id |
321 | 401-402 | Gene | denotes | S | Gene:43740568 |
322 | 68-69 | Gene | denotes | S | Gene:43740568 |
323 | 57-67 | Species | denotes | SARS-CoV-2 | Tax:2697049 |
324 | 178-183 | Species | denotes | HIV-1 | Tax:11676 |
325 | 390-400 | Species | denotes | SARS-CoV-2 | Tax:2697049 |
326 | 238-244 | Chemical | denotes | glycan | MESH:D011134 |
327 | 363-378 | Chemical | denotes | N-linked glycan |