PMC:7068164 / 7315-8096 JSONTXT

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    {"project":"LitCovid-PubTator","denotations":[{"id":"97","span":{"begin":464,"end":472},"obj":"Disease"}],"attributes":[{"id":"A97","pred":"tao:has_database_id","subj":"97","obj":"MESH:D007239"}],"namespaces":[{"prefix":"Tax","uri":""},{"prefix":"MESH","uri":""},{"prefix":"Gene","uri":""},{"prefix":"CVCL","uri":""}],"text":"All but two cases were hospitalised (35 of 37 where information on hospitalisation was reported), although it is likely that most were hospitalised to isolate the person rather than because of severe disease. The time from onset of symptoms to hospitalisation (and isolation) ranged between 0 and 10 days with a mean of 3.7 days (reported for 29 cases). The mean number of days to hospitalisation was 2.5 days for cases imported from China, but 4.6 days for those infected in Europe. This was mostly a result of delays in identifying the index cases of the two clusters in France and Germany. In the German cluster, for example, the first three cases detected locally were hospitalised in a mean of 5.7 days, whereas the following six took only a mean of 2 days to be hospitalised."}


    {"project":"LitCovid-PD-CLO","denotations":[{"id":"T64","span":{"begin":37,"end":39},"obj":""},{"id":"T65","span":{"begin":310,"end":311},"obj":""},{"id":"T66","span":{"begin":500,"end":501},"obj":""},{"id":"T67","span":{"begin":689,"end":690},"obj":""},{"id":"T68","span":{"begin":745,"end":746},"obj":""}],"text":"All but two cases were hospitalised (35 of 37 where information on hospitalisation was reported), although it is likely that most were hospitalised to isolate the person rather than because of severe disease. The time from onset of symptoms to hospitalisation (and isolation) ranged between 0 and 10 days with a mean of 3.7 days (reported for 29 cases). The mean number of days to hospitalisation was 2.5 days for cases imported from China, but 4.6 days for those infected in Europe. This was mostly a result of delays in identifying the index cases of the two clusters in France and Germany. In the German cluster, for example, the first three cases detected locally were hospitalised in a mean of 5.7 days, whereas the following six took only a mean of 2 days to be hospitalised."}


    {"project":"LitCovid-sentences","denotations":[{"id":"T84","span":{"begin":0,"end":208},"obj":"Sentence"},{"id":"T85","span":{"begin":209,"end":353},"obj":"Sentence"},{"id":"T86","span":{"begin":354,"end":483},"obj":"Sentence"},{"id":"T87","span":{"begin":484,"end":592},"obj":"Sentence"},{"id":"T88","span":{"begin":593,"end":781},"obj":"Sentence"}],"namespaces":[{"prefix":"_base","uri":""}],"text":"All but two cases were hospitalised (35 of 37 where information on hospitalisation was reported), although it is likely that most were hospitalised to isolate the person rather than because of severe disease. The time from onset of symptoms to hospitalisation (and isolation) ranged between 0 and 10 days with a mean of 3.7 days (reported for 29 cases). The mean number of days to hospitalisation was 2.5 days for cases imported from China, but 4.6 days for those infected in Europe. This was mostly a result of delays in identifying the index cases of the two clusters in France and Germany. In the German cluster, for example, the first three cases detected locally were hospitalised in a mean of 5.7 days, whereas the following six took only a mean of 2 days to be hospitalised."}