PMC:7033698 / 96-875 JSONTXT

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    {"project":"LitCovid-PD-FMA-UBERON","denotations":[{"id":"T3","span":{"begin":513,"end":516},"obj":"Body_part"}],"attributes":[{"id":"A3","pred":"fma_id","subj":"T3","obj":""}],"text":"When a new pathogen that causes a global epidemic in humans, one key question is where it comes from. This is especially important for a zoonotic infectious disease that jumps from animals to humans. Knowing the origin of such a pathogen is critical to develop means to block further transmission and to develop vaccines. Discovery of the origin of a newly human pathogen is a sophisticated process that requires extensive and vigorous scientific validations and generally takes many years, such as the cases for HIV-1 [1], SARS [2] and MERS [3]. Unfortunately, before the natural sources of new pathogens are clearly defined, conspiracy theories that the new pathogens are man-made often surface as the source. However, in all cases, such theories have been debunked in history."}


    {"project":"LitCovid-PD-MONDO","denotations":[{"id":"T1","span":{"begin":137,"end":164},"obj":"Disease"},{"id":"T2","span":{"begin":146,"end":164},"obj":"Disease"},{"id":"T3","span":{"begin":524,"end":528},"obj":"Disease"}],"attributes":[{"id":"A1","pred":"mondo_id","subj":"T1","obj":""},{"id":"A2","pred":"mondo_id","subj":"T2","obj":""},{"id":"A3","pred":"mondo_id","subj":"T3","obj":""}],"text":"When a new pathogen that causes a global epidemic in humans, one key question is where it comes from. This is especially important for a zoonotic infectious disease that jumps from animals to humans. Knowing the origin of such a pathogen is critical to develop means to block further transmission and to develop vaccines. Discovery of the origin of a newly human pathogen is a sophisticated process that requires extensive and vigorous scientific validations and generally takes many years, such as the cases for HIV-1 [1], SARS [2] and MERS [3]. Unfortunately, before the natural sources of new pathogens are clearly defined, conspiracy theories that the new pathogens are man-made often surface as the source. However, in all cases, such theories have been debunked in history."}


    {"project":"LitCovid-PD-CLO","denotations":[{"id":"T1","span":{"begin":5,"end":6},"obj":""},{"id":"T2","span":{"begin":32,"end":33},"obj":""},{"id":"T3","span":{"begin":53,"end":59},"obj":""},{"id":"T4","span":{"begin":135,"end":136},"obj":""},{"id":"T5","span":{"begin":181,"end":188},"obj":""},{"id":"T6","span":{"begin":192,"end":198},"obj":""},{"id":"T7","span":{"begin":227,"end":228},"obj":""},{"id":"T8","span":{"begin":349,"end":350},"obj":""},{"id":"T9","span":{"begin":357,"end":362},"obj":""},{"id":"T10","span":{"begin":375,"end":376},"obj":""},{"id":"T11","span":{"begin":517,"end":521},"obj":""}],"text":"When a new pathogen that causes a global epidemic in humans, one key question is where it comes from. This is especially important for a zoonotic infectious disease that jumps from animals to humans. Knowing the origin of such a pathogen is critical to develop means to block further transmission and to develop vaccines. Discovery of the origin of a newly human pathogen is a sophisticated process that requires extensive and vigorous scientific validations and generally takes many years, such as the cases for HIV-1 [1], SARS [2] and MERS [3]. Unfortunately, before the natural sources of new pathogens are clearly defined, conspiracy theories that the new pathogens are man-made often surface as the source. However, in all cases, such theories have been debunked in history."}


    {"project":"LitCovid-sentences","denotations":[{"id":"T5","span":{"begin":0,"end":101},"obj":"Sentence"},{"id":"T6","span":{"begin":102,"end":199},"obj":"Sentence"},{"id":"T7","span":{"begin":200,"end":321},"obj":"Sentence"},{"id":"T8","span":{"begin":322,"end":546},"obj":"Sentence"},{"id":"T9","span":{"begin":547,"end":711},"obj":"Sentence"},{"id":"T10","span":{"begin":712,"end":779},"obj":"Sentence"}],"namespaces":[{"prefix":"_base","uri":""}],"text":"When a new pathogen that causes a global epidemic in humans, one key question is where it comes from. This is especially important for a zoonotic infectious disease that jumps from animals to humans. Knowing the origin of such a pathogen is critical to develop means to block further transmission and to develop vaccines. Discovery of the origin of a newly human pathogen is a sophisticated process that requires extensive and vigorous scientific validations and generally takes many years, such as the cases for HIV-1 [1], SARS [2] and MERS [3]. Unfortunately, before the natural sources of new pathogens are clearly defined, conspiracy theories that the new pathogens are man-made often surface as the source. However, in all cases, such theories have been debunked in history."}


    {"project":"LitCovid-PubTator","denotations":[{"id":"11","span":{"begin":53,"end":59},"obj":"Species"},{"id":"12","span":{"begin":192,"end":198},"obj":"Species"},{"id":"13","span":{"begin":357,"end":362},"obj":"Species"},{"id":"14","span":{"begin":513,"end":518},"obj":"Species"},{"id":"15","span":{"begin":137,"end":164},"obj":"Disease"},{"id":"16","span":{"begin":524,"end":528},"obj":"Disease"},{"id":"17","span":{"begin":537,"end":541},"obj":"Disease"}],"attributes":[{"id":"A11","pred":"tao:has_database_id","subj":"11","obj":"Tax:9606"},{"id":"A12","pred":"tao:has_database_id","subj":"12","obj":"Tax:9606"},{"id":"A13","pred":"tao:has_database_id","subj":"13","obj":"Tax:9606"},{"id":"A14","pred":"tao:has_database_id","subj":"14","obj":"Tax:11676"},{"id":"A15","pred":"tao:has_database_id","subj":"15","obj":"MESH:D015047"},{"id":"A16","pred":"tao:has_database_id","subj":"16","obj":"MESH:D045169"},{"id":"A17","pred":"tao:has_database_id","subj":"17","obj":"MESH:D018352"}],"namespaces":[{"prefix":"Tax","uri":""},{"prefix":"MESH","uri":""},{"prefix":"Gene","uri":""},{"prefix":"CVCL","uri":""}],"text":"When a new pathogen that causes a global epidemic in humans, one key question is where it comes from. This is especially important for a zoonotic infectious disease that jumps from animals to humans. Knowing the origin of such a pathogen is critical to develop means to block further transmission and to develop vaccines. Discovery of the origin of a newly human pathogen is a sophisticated process that requires extensive and vigorous scientific validations and generally takes many years, such as the cases for HIV-1 [1], SARS [2] and MERS [3]. Unfortunately, before the natural sources of new pathogens are clearly defined, conspiracy theories that the new pathogens are man-made often surface as the source. However, in all cases, such theories have been debunked in history."}