Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
31965829-225-230-1 | 4495-4496 | ["27330452"] | denotes | 1 |
31965829-78-83-2 | 4822-4823 | ["29140112"] | denotes | 2 |
31965829-73-78-3 | 5260-5261 | ["31327507"] | denotes | 6 |
31965829-204-209-4 | 5722-5723 | ["31478577"] | denotes | 7 |
31965829-66-71-5 | 6410-6411 | ["30479217", "5435740", "3343603"] | denotes | 9 |
31965829-140-146-6 | 6484-6486 | ["31280948"] | denotes | 12 |
31965829-231-237-7 | 6806-6808 | ["30446533"] | denotes | 14 |
31965829-234-240-8 | 6809-6811 | ["31409150"] | denotes | 15 |
31965829-143-149-9 | 7104-7106 | ["26385090"] | denotes | 16 |
31965829-78-84-10 | 7898-7900 | ["29973860", "30159903"] | denotes | 18 |
31965829-147-153-11 | 8481-8483 | ["29515159"] | denotes | 21 |
31965829-150-156-12 | 8484-8486 | ["26434706"] | denotes | 22 |
31965829-223-229-13 | 8557-8559 | ["30326475"] | denotes | 23 |
31965829-237-243-14 | 8815-8817 | ["27323943"] | denotes | 24 |
31965829-232-238-15 | 8818-8820 | ["26951057"] | denotes | 25 |
31965829-94-100-16 | 9574-9576 | ["25765333"] | denotes | 26 |
31965829-128-134-17 | 9608-9610 | ["26526530"] | denotes | 27 |
31965829-131-137-18 | 9611-9613 | ["25917698"] | denotes | 28 |
31965829-142-148-19 | 10271-10273 | ["31283843", "30484341"] | denotes | 29 |
31965829-229-235-20 | 10666-10668 | ["24639375"] | denotes | 32 |
31965829-60-66-21 | 11005-11007 | ["28234800"] | denotes | 33 |
31965829-179-185-22 | 11124-11126 | ["30740690"] | denotes | 34 |
31965829-188-194-23 | 11133-11135 | ["31525619"] | denotes | 35 |
31965829-219-225-24 | 11164-11166 | ["31436112"] | denotes | 36 |
31965829-222-228-25 | 11167-11169 | ["31331752"] | denotes | 37 |
31965829-228-234-26 | 11521-11523 | ["31436112"] | denotes | 36 |
31965829-231-237-27 | 11524-11526 | ["29098690"] | denotes | 38 |
31965829-94-100-28 | 12008-12010 | ["30661434"] | denotes | 39 |
31965829-234-240-29 | 12180-12182 | ["30347190"] | denotes | 40 |
31965829-234-240-30 | 13057-13059 | ["30347190"] | denotes | 40 |
31965829-166-172-31 | 13571-13573 | ["31371124"] | denotes | 41 |
31965829-236-242-32 | 14299-14301 | ["28564577"] | denotes | 42 |
31965829-221-227-33 | 14520-14522 | ["29589874"] | denotes | 43 |
31965829-224-230-34 | 14523-14525 | ["30755487"] | denotes | 44 |
31965829-232-238-35 | 16255-16257 | ["27839871", "28095420", "31504254", "31429998", "28377535"] | denotes | 45 |
31965829-229-235-36 | 16510-16512 | ["28095420"] | denotes | 46 |
31965829-232-238-37 | 16513-16515 | ["24002024"] | denotes | 50 |
31965829-235-241-38 | 16516-16518 | ["29915537"] | denotes | 51 |
31965829-156-162-39 | 16875-16877 | ["25990557"] | denotes | 53 |
31965829-192-198-40 | 17967-17969 | ["29589874"] | denotes | 43 |
31965829-236-241-41 | 18529-18530 | ["31327507"] | denotes | 6 |
31965829-150-156-42 | 19772-19774 | ["29395273"] | denotes | 55 |
31965829-205-211-43 | 19827-19829 | ["31353457"] | denotes | 56 |
31965829-233-239-44 | 19862-19864 | ["31017478"] | denotes | 57 |
31965829-230-236-45 | 19937-19939 | ["27613521"] | denotes | 58 |
31965829-235-241-46 | 20226-20228 | ["29090671"] | denotes | 59 |
31965829-231-237-47 | 20322-20324 | ["27602407"] | denotes | 60 |
31965829-232-238-48 | 20473-20475 | ["30482063"] | denotes | 61 |
31965829-236-242-49 | 20534-20536 | ["30159892"] | denotes | 62 |
31965829-223-229-50 | 21676-21678 | ["30484341"] | denotes | 30 |
31965829-229-235-51 | 21682-21684 | ["29667129", "30918308", "31440057", "30895610"] | denotes | 63 |
31965829-165-171-52 | 22115-22117 | ["29804833"] | denotes | 68 |
31965829-152-158-53 | 22387-22389 | ["9637604"] | denotes | 69 |
31965829-232-238-54 | 22812-22814 | ["31062294"] | denotes | 70 |
31965829-235-241-55 | 23035-23037 | ["30030085"] | denotes | 71 |
31965829-231-237-56 | 23250-23252 | ["22491131"] | denotes | 72 |
31965829-44-49-57 | 23706-23707 | ["31478577"] | denotes | 7 |
31965829-211-217-58 | 24553-24555 | ["31039137"] | denotes | 73 |
31965829-235-241-59 | 24595-24597 | ["30219655"] | denotes | 74 |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
31965829-27330452-28638361 | 4495-4497 | 27330452 | denotes | 1 |
31965829-29140112-28638362 | 4822-4823 | 29140112 | denotes | 2 |
31965829-31327507-28638363 | 5260-5262 | 31327507 | denotes | 6 |
31965829-31478577-28638364 | 5722-5723 | 31478577 | denotes | 7 |
31965829-30479217-28638365 | 6410-6411 | 30479217 | denotes | 9 |
31965829-5435740-28638365 | 6410-6411 | 5435740 | denotes | 9 |
31965829-3343603-28638365 | 6410-6411 | 3343603 | denotes | 9 |
31965829-31280948-28638366 | 6484-6487 | 31280948 | denotes | 12 |
31965829-30446533-28638367 | 6806-6808 | 30446533 | denotes | 14 |
31965829-31409150-28638368 | 6809-6812 | 31409150 | denotes | 15 |
31965829-26385090-28638369 | 7104-7107 | 26385090 | denotes | 16 |
31965829-29973860-28638370 | 7898-7900 | 29973860 | denotes | 18 |
31965829-30159903-28638370 | 7898-7900 | 30159903 | denotes | 18 |
31965829-29515159-28638371 | 8481-8483 | 29515159 | denotes | 21 |
31965829-26434706-28638372 | 8484-8487 | 26434706 | denotes | 22 |
31965829-30326475-28638373 | 8557-8560 | 30326475 | denotes | 23 |
31965829-27323943-28638374 | 8815-8817 | 27323943 | denotes | 24 |
31965829-26951057-28638375 | 8818-8821 | 26951057 | denotes | 25 |
31965829-25765333-28638376 | 9574-9577 | 25765333 | denotes | 26 |
31965829-26526530-28638377 | 9608-9610 | 26526530 | denotes | 27 |
31965829-25917698-28638378 | 9611-9614 | 25917698 | denotes | 28 |
31965829-31283843-28638379 | 10271-10273 | 31283843 | denotes | 29 |
31965829-30484341-28638379 | 10271-10273 | 30484341 | denotes | 29 |
31965829-24639375-28638380 | 10666-10669 | 24639375 | denotes | 32 |
31965829-28234800-28638381 | 11005-11008 | 28234800 | denotes | 33 |
31965829-30740690-28638382 | 11124-11127 | 30740690 | denotes | 34 |
31965829-31525619-28638383 | 11133-11136 | 31525619 | denotes | 35 |
31965829-31436112-28638384 | 11164-11166 | 31436112 | denotes | 36 |
31965829-31331752-28638385 | 11167-11170 | 31331752 | denotes | 37 |
31965829-31436112-28638386 | 11521-11523 | 31436112 | denotes | 36 |
31965829-29098690-28638387 | 11524-11527 | 29098690 | denotes | 38 |
31965829-30661434-28638388 | 12008-12011 | 30661434 | denotes | 39 |
31965829-30347190-28638389 | 12180-12183 | 30347190 | denotes | 40 |
31965829-30347190-28638390 | 13057-13060 | 30347190 | denotes | 40 |
31965829-31371124-28638391 | 13571-13574 | 31371124 | denotes | 41 |
31965829-28564577-28638392 | 14299-14302 | 28564577 | denotes | 42 |
31965829-29589874-28638393 | 14520-14522 | 29589874 | denotes | 43 |
31965829-30755487-28638394 | 14523-14526 | 30755487 | denotes | 44 |
31965829-27839871-28638395 | 16255-16257 | 27839871 | denotes | 45 |
31965829-28095420-28638395 | 16255-16257 | 28095420 | denotes | 45 |
31965829-31504254-28638395 | 16255-16257 | 31504254 | denotes | 45 |
31965829-31429998-28638395 | 16255-16257 | 31429998 | denotes | 45 |
31965829-28377535-28638395 | 16255-16257 | 28377535 | denotes | 45 |
31965829-28095420-28638396 | 16510-16512 | 28095420 | denotes | 46 |
31965829-24002024-28638397 | 16513-16515 | 24002024 | denotes | 50 |
31965829-29915537-28638398 | 16516-16519 | 29915537 | denotes | 51 |
31965829-25990557-28638399 | 16875-16878 | 25990557 | denotes | 53 |
31965829-29589874-28638400 | 17967-17970 | 29589874 | denotes | 43 |
31965829-31327507-28638401 | 18529-18531 | 31327507 | denotes | 6 |
31965829-29395273-28638402 | 19772-19775 | 29395273 | denotes | 55 |
31965829-31353457-28638403 | 19827-19830 | 31353457 | denotes | 56 |
31965829-31017478-28638404 | 19862-19865 | 31017478 | denotes | 57 |
31965829-27613521-28638405 | 19937-19940 | 27613521 | denotes | 58 |
31965829-29090671-28638406 | 20226-20228 | 29090671 | denotes | 59 |
31965829-27602407-28638407 | 20322-20324 | 27602407 | denotes | 60 |
31965829-30482063-28638408 | 20473-20476 | 30482063 | denotes | 61 |
31965829-30159892-28638409 | 20534-20537 | 30159892 | denotes | 62 |
31965829-30484341-28638410 | 21676-21678 | 30484341 | denotes | 30 |
31965829-29667129-28638411 | 21682-21684 | 29667129 | denotes | 63 |
31965829-30918308-28638411 | 21682-21684 | 30918308 | denotes | 63 |
31965829-31440057-28638411 | 21682-21684 | 31440057 | denotes | 63 |
31965829-30895610-28638411 | 21682-21684 | 30895610 | denotes | 63 |
31965829-29804833-28638412 | 22115-22118 | 29804833 | denotes | 68 |
31965829-9637604-28638413 | 22387-22390 | 9637604 | denotes | 69 |
31965829-31062294-28638414 | 22812-22815 | 31062294 | denotes | 70 |
31965829-30030085-28638415 | 23035-23038 | 30030085 | denotes | 71 |
31965829-22491131-28638416 | 23250-23253 | 22491131 | denotes | 72 |
31965829-31478577-28638417 | 23706-23708 | 31478577 | denotes | 7 |
31965829-31039137-28638418 | 24553-24556 | 31039137 | denotes | 73 |
31965829-30219655-28638419 | 24595-24598 | 30219655 | denotes | 74 |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
31965829-78-84-10 | 7898-7900 | ["29973860", "30159903"] | denotes | 18 |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
31965829-225-230-1 | 4495-4496 | [27330452] | denotes | 1 |
31965829-78-83-2 | 4822-4823 | [29140112] | denotes | 2 |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
31965829-27330452-28638361 | 4495-4496 | 27330452 | denotes | 1 |
31965829-29140112-28638362 | 4822-4823 | 29140112 | denotes | 2 |
31965829-31327507-28638363 | 5260-5261 | 31327507 | denotes | 6 |
31965829-31478577-28638364 | 5722-5723 | 31478577 | denotes | 7 |
31965829-30479217-28638365 | 6410-6411 | 30479217 | denotes | 9 |
31965829-5435740-28638365 | 6410-6411 | 5435740 | denotes | 9 |
31965829-3343603-28638365 | 6410-6411 | 3343603 | denotes | 9 |
31965829-31280948-28638366 | 6484-6486 | 31280948 | denotes | 12 |
31965829-30446533-28638367 | 6806-6808 | 30446533 | denotes | 14 |
31965829-31409150-28638368 | 6809-6811 | 31409150 | denotes | 15 |
31965829-26385090-28638369 | 7104-7106 | 26385090 | denotes | 16 |
31965829-29973860-28638370 | 7898-7900 | 29973860 | denotes | 18 |
31965829-30159903-28638370 | 7898-7900 | 30159903 | denotes | 18 |
31965829-29515159-28638371 | 8481-8483 | 29515159 | denotes | 21 |
31965829-26434706-28638372 | 8484-8486 | 26434706 | denotes | 22 |
31965829-30326475-28638373 | 8557-8559 | 30326475 | denotes | 23 |
31965829-27323943-28638374 | 8815-8817 | 27323943 | denotes | 24 |
31965829-26951057-28638375 | 8818-8820 | 26951057 | denotes | 25 |
31965829-25765333-28638376 | 9574-9576 | 25765333 | denotes | 26 |
31965829-26526530-28638377 | 9608-9610 | 26526530 | denotes | 27 |
31965829-25917698-28638378 | 9611-9613 | 25917698 | denotes | 28 |
31965829-31283843-28638379 | 10271-10273 | 31283843 | denotes | 29 |
31965829-30484341-28638379 | 10271-10273 | 30484341 | denotes | 29 |
31965829-24639375-28638380 | 10666-10668 | 24639375 | denotes | 32 |
31965829-28234800-28638381 | 11005-11007 | 28234800 | denotes | 33 |
31965829-30740690-28638382 | 11124-11126 | 30740690 | denotes | 34 |
31965829-31525619-28638383 | 11133-11135 | 31525619 | denotes | 35 |
31965829-31436112-28638384 | 11164-11166 | 31436112 | denotes | 36 |
31965829-31331752-28638385 | 11167-11169 | 31331752 | denotes | 37 |
31965829-31436112-28638386 | 11521-11523 | 31436112 | denotes | 36 |
31965829-29098690-28638387 | 11524-11526 | 29098690 | denotes | 38 |
31965829-30661434-28638388 | 12008-12010 | 30661434 | denotes | 39 |
31965829-30347190-28638389 | 12180-12182 | 30347190 | denotes | 40 |
31965829-30347190-28638390 | 13057-13059 | 30347190 | denotes | 40 |
31965829-31371124-28638391 | 13571-13573 | 31371124 | denotes | 41 |
31965829-28564577-28638392 | 14299-14301 | 28564577 | denotes | 42 |
31965829-29589874-28638393 | 14520-14522 | 29589874 | denotes | 43 |
31965829-30755487-28638394 | 14523-14525 | 30755487 | denotes | 44 |
31965829-27839871-28638395 | 16255-16257 | 27839871 | denotes | 45 |
31965829-28095420-28638395 | 16255-16257 | 28095420 | denotes | 45 |
31965829-31504254-28638395 | 16255-16257 | 31504254 | denotes | 45 |
31965829-31429998-28638395 | 16255-16257 | 31429998 | denotes | 45 |
31965829-28377535-28638395 | 16255-16257 | 28377535 | denotes | 45 |
31965829-28095420-28638396 | 16510-16512 | 28095420 | denotes | 46 |
31965829-24002024-28638397 | 16513-16515 | 24002024 | denotes | 50 |
31965829-29915537-28638398 | 16516-16518 | 29915537 | denotes | 51 |
31965829-25990557-28638399 | 16875-16877 | 25990557 | denotes | 53 |
31965829-29589874-28638400 | 17967-17969 | 29589874 | denotes | 43 |
31965829-31327507-28638401 | 18529-18530 | 31327507 | denotes | 6 |
31965829-29395273-28638402 | 19772-19774 | 29395273 | denotes | 55 |
31965829-31353457-28638403 | 19827-19829 | 31353457 | denotes | 56 |
31965829-31017478-28638404 | 19862-19864 | 31017478 | denotes | 57 |
31965829-27613521-28638405 | 19937-19939 | 27613521 | denotes | 58 |
31965829-29090671-28638406 | 20226-20228 | 29090671 | denotes | 59 |
31965829-27602407-28638407 | 20322-20324 | 27602407 | denotes | 60 |
31965829-30482063-28638408 | 20473-20475 | 30482063 | denotes | 61 |
31965829-30159892-28638409 | 20534-20536 | 30159892 | denotes | 62 |
31965829-30484341-28638410 | 21676-21678 | 30484341 | denotes | 30 |
31965829-29667129-28638411 | 21682-21684 | 29667129 | denotes | 63 |
31965829-30918308-28638411 | 21682-21684 | 30918308 | denotes | 63 |
31965829-31440057-28638411 | 21682-21684 | 31440057 | denotes | 63 |
31965829-30895610-28638411 | 21682-21684 | 30895610 | denotes | 63 |
31965829-29804833-28638412 | 22115-22117 | 29804833 | denotes | 68 |
31965829-9637604-28638413 | 22387-22389 | 9637604 | denotes | 69 |
31965829-31062294-28638414 | 22812-22814 | 31062294 | denotes | 70 |
31965829-30030085-28638415 | 23035-23037 | 30030085 | denotes | 71 |
31965829-22491131-28638416 | 23250-23252 | 22491131 | denotes | 72 |
31965829-31478577-28638417 | 23706-23707 | 31478577 | denotes | 7 |
31965829-31039137-28638418 | 24553-24555 | 31039137 | denotes | 73 |
31965829-30219655-28638419 | 24595-24597 | 30219655 | denotes | 74 |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue | uberon_id |
T1 | 1236-1258 | Body_part | denotes | pluripotent stem cells | |
T2 | 2440-2445 | Body_part | denotes | liver | |
T3 | 3390-3395 | Body_part | denotes | fluid | |
T4 | 3618-3622 | Body_part | denotes | eyes | |
T5 | 3638-3641 | Body_part | denotes | eye ||| |
T8 | 5142-5164 | Body_part | denotes | pluripotent stem cells | |
T9 | 6997-7004 | Body_part | denotes | process | |
T10 | 7483-7492 | Body_part | denotes | processes | |
T11 | 7645-7649 | Body_part | denotes | face | |
T12 | 7842-7851 | Body_part | denotes | processes | |
T13 | 8253-8258 | Body_part | denotes | brain || |
T15 | 8386-8392 | Body_part | denotes | tissue | |
T16 | 8431-8436 | Body_part | denotes | brain || |
T18 | 8670-8675 | Body_part | denotes | brain || |
T20 | 9039-9044 | Body_part | denotes | brain || |
T22 | 10122-10127 | Body_part | denotes | brain || |
T24 | 15492-15497 | Body_part | denotes | brain || |
T26 | 15502-15513 | Body_part | denotes | spinal cord | |
T27 | 16802-16807 | Body_part | denotes | scale | |
T28 | 17833-17842 | Body_part | denotes | organisms | |
T29 | 18776-18781 | Body_part | denotes | brain || |
T31 | 20153-20166 | Body_part | denotes | temporal lobe | |
T32 | 20204-20217 | Body_part | denotes | temporal lobe | |
T33 | 20330-20347 | Body_part | denotes | serotonin systems | |
T34 | 21524-21544 | Body_part | denotes | extracellular matrix | |
T35 | 21605-21612 | Body_part | denotes | systems | |
T36 | 21688-21692 | Body_part | denotes | Cell | |
T37 | 22100-22103 | Body_part | denotes | gut ||| |
T40 | 22932-22937 | Body_part | denotes | brain || |
T42 | 23179-23188 | Body_part | denotes | the brain | |
T43 | 23400-23405 | Body_part | denotes | blood | |
T44 | 23410-23415 | Body_part | denotes | brain || |
T46 | 24018-24040 | Body_part | denotes | central nervous system | |
T47 | 24616-24623 | Body_part | denotes | systems | |
T48 | 24912-24917 | Body_part | denotes | blood | |
T49 | 24967-24974 | Body_part | denotes | systems | |
T50 | 25007-25016 | Body_part | denotes | the brain | |
T51 | 27155-27160 | Body_part | denotes | Brain || |