PMC:6723693 / 69314-70023 JSONTXT

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{"target":"","sourcedb":"PMC","sourceid":"6723693","source_url":"","text":"(a) TEM images of worm-like micelles of L-G1 bound to heparin, scale bar = 100 nm. On drying, the worm-like micelle-heparin complex hierarchically assembles into larger aggregates. Worm like micelles can most clearly be visualized curved into ‘U shapes’ in the lower aggregates—multiple cylindrical micelles appear to be packed together in these regions. (b) TEM images of spherical micelles of L-G2 bound to heparin, scale bar = 50 nm. Some free micelles can be seen within the image, but most have further aggregated hierarchically on binding to heparin and drying to yield a nanostructure which in this case is ca. 50 nm in diameter. Adapted from [26] with the permission of The Royal Society of Chemistry.","tracks":[]}