PMC:6636912 / 3579-4395 JSONTXT

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{"target":"","sourcedb":"PMC","sourceid":"6636912","source_url":"","text":"L.K, an obese 17-year-old student in high school, presented to the emergency center of a tertiary referral hospital with increasing thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, and a 9.0 kg weight loss in the preceding 2 weeks. Evaluation by the emergency center revealed idiopathic diabetic ketoacidosis without clinical evidence of other precipitating illnesses or stressful events. He denied the abuse of alcohol, tobacco or drugs before. No over-intake of sugar-containing foods including soft drinks. His family history was strongly positive for adult-onset diabetes. Both the patient and his mother have long-standing obesity. He had a history of borderline diastolic hypertension that had been diagnosed half a year previously and was treated with a low-salt diet. The past medical history was otherwise unremarkable.","tracks":[]}