PMC:6636068 / 6636-7458 JSONTXT

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{"target":"","sourcedb":"PMC","sourceid":"6636068","source_url":"","text":"To relief retinal detachment (RD) as well as to prevent the exacerbation of vision loss and eyeball atrophy, the patient underwent pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) on July 26, 2016. During the surgery, we found that a stalk arose from the optic disc and adhered to the peripheral retina and the vitreous proliferated along the Cloquet’s canal. Retinal folds arising from the optic disc and proliferative membranes were also found. Numerous fibrous membranes and the stalk were removed. Subsequently, we drained the subretinal fluid by a drainage retinotomy as no retinal break was seen. This was followed by endolaser photocoagulation surrounding the site of retinotomy, complete air-fluid exchange, and silicone oil tamponade. There was still some subretinal fluid and funds structures were unrecognizable as MGS at that time.","tracks":[]}