PMC:6288205 / 25900-26337 JSONTXT

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    {"project":"2_test","denotations":[{"id":"30471718-9725897-2047754","span":{"begin":161,"end":162},"obj":"9725897"},{"id":"30471718-8089181-2047755","span":{"begin":164,"end":166},"obj":"8089181"}],"text":"Previous studies of the orthologous ODA β-HC in the flagellated unicellular algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii demonstrated an essential role for flagella movement.3, 43 To determine whether DNAH9 plays a similar role in human respiratory cells, we next investigated motile cilia function and structure in individuals with DNAH9 mutations and we obtained nasal brush biopsies of three individuals: OP-2905 II1, OP-1226 II1, and MS-SI46 II1."}