> top > docs > PMC:549712 > spans > 193-347 > annotations

PMC:549712 / 193-347 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T298 7-9 , denotes ,
T299 9-15 JJ denotes immune
T300 16-24 NN denotes function
T301 25-28 CC denotes and
T302 29-37 JJ denotes cellular
T303 38-49 NN denotes homeostasis
T304 49-50 . denotes .
T306 51-54 DT denotes The
T307 74-82 NN denotes receptor
T308 55-73 NN denotes phosphatidylserine
T309 114-124 VBN denotes implicated
T310 83-84 -LRB- denotes (
T311 84-89 NN denotes Ptdsr
T312 89-90 -RRB- denotes )
T313 91-93 IN denotes on
T314 94-104 NNS denotes phagocytes
T315 105-108 VBZ denotes has
T316 109-113 VBN denotes been
T317 125-127 IN denotes in
T318 128-131 DT denotes the
T319 132-143 NN denotes recognition
T320 144-147 CC denotes and
R44 T319 T317 pobj recognition,in
R45 T320 T319 cc and,recognition
R43 T318 T319 det the,recognition
R26 T299 T300 amod immune,function
R28 T301 T300 cc and,function
R29 T302 T303 amod cellular,homeostasis
R30 T303 T300 conj homeostasis,function
R32 T306 T307 det The,receptor
R33 T307 T309 nsubjpass receptor,implicated
R34 T308 T307 compound phosphatidylserine,receptor
R35 T310 T307 punct (,receptor
R36 T311 T307 appos Ptdsr,receptor
R37 T312 T307 punct ),receptor
R38 T313 T307 prep on,receptor
R39 T314 T313 pobj phagocytes,on
R40 T315 T309 aux has,implicated
R41 T316 T309 auxpass been,implicated
R42 T317 T309 prep in,implicated


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T182 9-15 UBERON:0002405 denotes immune
T183 29-37 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cellular
T184 29-49 GO:0019725 denotes cellular homeostasis
T185 55-73 CHEBI:18303 denotes phosphatidylserine
T186 55-82 PR_EXT:000009218 denotes phosphatidylserine receptor
T187 74-82 GO_EXT:0004872 denotes receptor
T188 84-89 PR_EXT:000009218 denotes Ptdsr
T189 94-104 CL:0000234 denotes phagocytes


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T110 9-15 UBERON:0002405 denotes immune
T111 29-49 GO:0019725 denotes cellular homeostasis
T112 55-73 CHEBI:18303 denotes phosphatidylserine
T113 55-82 PR:000009218 denotes phosphatidylserine receptor
T114 84-89 PR:000009218 denotes Ptdsr
T115 94-104 CL:0000234 denotes phagocytes