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    {"project":"2_test","denotations":[{"id":"15608193-10592246-76890018","span":{"begin":203,"end":204},"obj":"10592246"},{"id":"15608193-14681377-76890019","span":{"begin":336,"end":338},"obj":"14681377"},{"id":"15608193-10064723-76890020","span":{"begin":402,"end":404},"obj":"10064723"}],"text":"Each representative protein chain in a given structure has its own page holding a ‘wiring diagram’ of its secondary structure, plus domain organization as given in the CATH fold classification database (9). As before, a detailed analysis of the secondary structure motifs is provided, via PROMOTIF (10), and any valid PROSITE patterns (11) contained within the sequence are mapped to the 3D structure (12) via RasMol."}