> top > docs > PMC:523229 > spans > 37992-39540 > annotations
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PMC:523229 / 37992-39540 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T7886 0-2 IN denotes At
T7887 55-64 VBN denotes flattened
T7888 3-4 CD denotes 7
T7889 5-7 NNS denotes wk
T7890 8-10 IN denotes of
T7891 11-14 NN denotes age
T7892 15-18 DT denotes the
T7893 41-50 NN denotes epiphysis
T7894 19-27 RB denotes normally
T7895 28-33 VBN denotes domed
T7896 34-40 JJ denotes tibial
T7897 51-54 VBD denotes was
T7898 65-68 CC denotes and
T7899 69-78 VBN denotes depressed
T7900 79-81 IN denotes in
T7901 82-85 DT denotes the
T7902 86-91 NNS denotes knees
T7903 92-94 IN denotes of
T7904 95-101 NN denotes mutant
T7905 102-109 NNS denotes animals
T7906 109-111 , denotes ,
T7907 111-119 RB denotes markedly
T7908 120-128 VBG denotes reducing
T7909 129-132 DT denotes the
T7910 133-141 NN denotes distance
T7911 142-149 IN denotes between
T7912 150-153 DT denotes the
T7913 161-166 NN denotes plate
T7914 154-160 NN denotes growth
T7915 167-170 CC denotes and
T7916 171-180 JJ denotes articular
T7917 181-188 NN denotes surface
T7918 189-190 -LRB- denotes (
T7919 217-220 NN denotes bar
T7920 190-196 NN denotes Figure
T7921 197-199 CD denotes 7E
T7922 200-203 CC denotes and
T7923 204-206 CD denotes 7H
T7924 206-208 , denotes ,
T7925 208-216 JJ denotes vertical
T7926 220-221 -RRB- denotes )
T7927 221-222 . denotes .
T7928 222-427 sentence denotes Articular cartilage was also thinner than in control animals, showed nearly complete absence of Safranin O staining, and was either acellular or beginning to fibrillate in many regions (Figure 7F and 7I).
T7929 223-232 JJ denotes Articular
T7930 233-242 NN denotes cartilage
T7931 243-246 VBD denotes was
T7932 247-251 RB denotes also
T7933 252-259 JJR denotes thinner
T7934 260-264 IN denotes than
T7935 265-267 IN denotes in
T7936 268-275 NN denotes control
T7937 276-283 NNS denotes animals
T7938 283-285 , denotes ,
T7939 285-291 VBD denotes showed
T7940 292-298 RB denotes nearly
T7941 299-307 JJ denotes complete
T7942 308-315 NN denotes absence
T7943 316-318 IN denotes of
T7944 319-327 NN denotes Safranin
T7945 328-329 NN denotes O
T7946 330-338 NN denotes staining
T7947 338-340 , denotes ,
T7948 340-343 CC denotes and
T7949 344-347 VBD denotes was
T7950 348-354 CC denotes either
T7951 355-364 JJ denotes acellular
T7952 365-367 CC denotes or
T7953 368-377 VBG denotes beginning
T7954 378-380 TO denotes to
T7955 381-391 VB denotes fibrillate
T7956 392-394 IN denotes in
T7957 395-399 JJ denotes many
T7958 400-407 NNS denotes regions
T7959 408-409 -LRB- denotes (
T7960 409-415 NN denotes Figure
T7961 416-418 CD denotes 7F
T7962 419-422 CC denotes and
T7963 423-425 CD denotes 7I
T7964 425-426 -RRB- denotes )
T7965 426-427 . denotes .
T7966 427-708 sentence denotes The few large Safranin O-stained cells still apparent in mutant articular regions appeared to correspond in position to rare LACZ-negative cells in adjacent sections, suggesting that Bmpr1a is required cell-autonomously in articular cartilage (Figure 7I and 7J, white arrowheads).
T7967 428-431 DT denotes The
T7968 461-466 NNS denotes cells
T7969 432-435 JJ denotes few
T7970 436-441 JJ denotes large
T7971 442-450 NN denotes Safranin
T7972 451-452 NN denotes O
T7973 453-460 VBN denotes stained
T7974 452-453 HYPH denotes -
T7975 510-518 VBD denotes appeared
T7976 467-472 RB denotes still
T7977 473-481 JJ denotes apparent
T7978 482-484 IN denotes in
T7979 485-491 NN denotes mutant
T7980 502-509 NNS denotes regions
T7981 492-501 JJ denotes articular
T7982 519-521 TO denotes to
T7983 522-532 VB denotes correspond
T7984 533-535 IN denotes in
T7985 536-544 NN denotes position
T7986 545-547 IN denotes to
T7987 548-552 JJ denotes rare
T7988 567-572 NNS denotes cells
T7989 553-557 NN denotes LACZ
T7990 558-566 JJ denotes negative
T7991 557-558 HYPH denotes -
T7992 573-575 IN denotes in
T7993 576-584 JJ denotes adjacent
T7994 585-593 NNS denotes sections
T7995 593-595 , denotes ,
T7996 595-605 VBG denotes suggesting
T7997 606-610 IN denotes that
T7998 621-629 VBN denotes required
T7999 611-617 NN denotes Bmpr1a
T8000 618-620 VBZ denotes is
T8001 630-634 NN denotes cell
T8002 635-647 RB denotes autonomously
T8003 634-635 HYPH denotes -
T8004 648-650 IN denotes in
T8005 651-660 JJ denotes articular
T8006 661-670 NN denotes cartilage
T8007 671-672 -LRB- denotes (
T8008 696-706 NNS denotes arrowheads
T8009 672-678 NN denotes Figure
T8010 679-681 CD denotes 7I
T8011 682-685 CC denotes and
T8012 686-688 CD denotes 7J
T8013 688-690 , denotes ,
T8014 690-695 JJ denotes white
T8015 706-707 -RRB- denotes )
T8016 707-708 . denotes .
T8017 708-859 sentence denotes By 9 mo, large areas of mutant knees were devoid of articular cells, and the bones of the femur and tibia appeared to rub directly against each other.
T8018 709-711 IN denotes By
T8019 746-750 VBD denotes were
T8020 712-713 CD denotes 9
T8021 714-716 NN denotes mo
T8022 716-718 , denotes ,
T8023 718-723 JJ denotes large
T8024 724-729 NNS denotes areas
T8025 730-732 IN denotes of
T8026 733-739 NN denotes mutant
T8027 740-745 NNS denotes knees
T8028 751-757 JJ denotes devoid
T8029 758-760 IN denotes of
T8030 761-770 JJ denotes articular
T8031 771-776 NNS denotes cells
T8032 776-778 , denotes ,
T8033 778-781 CC denotes and
T8034 782-785 DT denotes the
T8035 786-791 NNS denotes bones
T8036 815-823 VBD denotes appeared
T8037 792-794 IN denotes of
T8038 795-798 DT denotes the
T8039 799-804 NN denotes femur
T8040 805-808 CC denotes and
T8041 809-814 NN denotes tibia
T8042 824-826 TO denotes to
T8043 827-830 VB denotes rub
T8044 831-839 RB denotes directly
T8045 840-847 IN denotes against
T8046 848-852 DT denotes each
T8047 853-858 JJ denotes other
T8048 858-859 . denotes .
T8049 859-1045 sentence denotes Furthermore, the epiphysis of the tibia was extremely depressed, to the point that growth plate cartilage was almost exposed through the surface of the bone (Figure 7K, 7L, 7N, and 7O).
T8050 860-871 RB denotes Furthermore
T8051 900-903 VBD denotes was
T8052 871-873 , denotes ,
T8053 873-876 DT denotes the
T8054 877-886 NN denotes epiphysis
T8055 887-889 IN denotes of
T8056 890-893 DT denotes the
T8057 894-899 NN denotes tibia
T8058 904-913 RB denotes extremely
T8059 914-923 JJ denotes depressed
T8060 923-925 , denotes ,
T8061 925-927 IN denotes to
T8062 928-931 DT denotes the
T8063 932-937 NN denotes point
T8064 938-942 IN denotes that
T8065 977-984 VBN denotes exposed
T8066 943-949 NN denotes growth
T8067 956-965 NN denotes cartilage
T8068 950-955 NN denotes plate
T8069 966-969 VBD denotes was
T8070 970-976 RB denotes almost
T8071 985-992 IN denotes through
T8072 993-996 DT denotes the
T8073 997-1004 NN denotes surface
T8074 1005-1007 IN denotes of
T8075 1008-1011 DT denotes the
T8076 1012-1016 NN denotes bone
T8077 1017-1018 -LRB- denotes (
T8078 1025-1027 CD denotes 7K
T8079 1018-1024 NN denotes Figure
T8080 1027-1029 , denotes ,
T8081 1029-1031 CD denotes 7L
T8082 1031-1033 , denotes ,
T8083 1033-1035 CD denotes 7N
T8084 1035-1037 , denotes ,
T8085 1037-1040 CC denotes and
T8086 1041-1043 CD denotes 7O
T8087 1043-1044 -RRB- denotes )
T8088 1044-1045 . denotes .
T8089 1045-1194 sentence denotes In addition, mutants at 7 wk and 9 mo showed subchondral sclerosis, especially in the epiphysis of the femur (Figure 7E, 7H, 7K, and 7N, asterisks).
T8090 1046-1048 IN denotes In
T8091 1084-1090 VBD denotes showed
T8092 1049-1057 NN denotes addition
T8093 1057-1059 , denotes ,
T8094 1059-1066 NNS denotes mutants
T8095 1067-1069 IN denotes at
T8096 1070-1071 CD denotes 7
T8097 1072-1074 NNS denotes wk
T8098 1075-1078 CC denotes and
T8099 1079-1080 CD denotes 9
T8100 1081-1083 NNS denotes mo
T8101 1091-1102 JJ denotes subchondral
T8102 1103-1112 NN denotes sclerosis
T8103 1112-1114 , denotes ,
T8104 1114-1124 RB denotes especially
T8105 1125-1127 IN denotes in
T8106 1128-1131 DT denotes the
T8107 1132-1141 NN denotes epiphysis
T8108 1142-1144 IN denotes of
T8109 1145-1148 DT denotes the
T8110 1149-1154 NN denotes femur
T8111 1155-1156 -LRB- denotes (
T8112 1183-1192 NNS denotes asterisks
T8113 1156-1162 NN denotes Figure
T8114 1163-1165 CD denotes 7E
T8115 1165-1167 , denotes ,
T8116 1167-1169 CD denotes 7H
T8117 1169-1171 , denotes ,
T8118 1171-1173 CD denotes 7K
T8119 1173-1175 , denotes ,
T8120 1175-1178 CC denotes and
T8121 1179-1181 CD denotes 7N
T8122 1181-1183 , denotes ,
T8123 1192-1193 -RRB- denotes )
T8124 1193-1194 . denotes .
T8125 1194-1548 sentence denotes While subchondral sclerosis is commonly seen in cases of osteoarthritis, it is unclear in this case whether the sclerosis is mainly a response of bone formation to compensate for decreased articular cartilage, or whether it is the effect of loss of Bmpr1a signaling in some LACZ-positive cells that are also observed in these regions (unpublished data).
T8126 1195-1200 IN denotes While
T8127 1235-1239 VBN denotes seen
T8128 1201-1212 JJ denotes subchondral
T8129 1213-1222 NN denotes sclerosis
T8130 1223-1225 VBZ denotes is
T8131 1226-1234 RB denotes commonly
T8132 1271-1273 VBZ denotes is
T8133 1240-1242 IN denotes in
T8134 1243-1248 NNS denotes cases
T8135 1249-1251 IN denotes of
T8136 1252-1266 NN denotes osteoarthritis
T8137 1266-1268 , denotes ,
T8138 1268-1270 PRP denotes it
T8139 1274-1281 JJ denotes unclear
T8140 1282-1284 IN denotes in
T8141 1285-1289 DT denotes this
T8142 1290-1294 NN denotes case
T8143 1295-1302 IN denotes whether
T8144 1317-1319 VBZ denotes is
T8145 1303-1306 DT denotes the
T8146 1307-1316 NN denotes sclerosis
T8147 1320-1326 RB denotes mainly
T8148 1327-1328 DT denotes a
T8149 1329-1337 NN denotes response
T8150 1338-1340 IN denotes of
T8151 1341-1345 NN denotes bone
T8152 1346-1355 NN denotes formation
T8153 1356-1358 TO denotes to
T8154 1359-1369 VB denotes compensate
T8155 1370-1373 IN denotes for
T8156 1374-1383 VBN denotes decreased
T8157 1394-1403 NN denotes cartilage
T8158 1384-1393 JJ denotes articular
T8159 1403-1405 , denotes ,
T8160 1405-1407 CC denotes or
T8161 1408-1415 IN denotes whether
T8162 1419-1421 VBZ denotes is
T8163 1416-1418 PRP denotes it
T8164 1422-1425 DT denotes the
T8165 1426-1432 NN denotes effect
T8166 1433-1435 IN denotes of
T8167 1436-1440 NN denotes loss
T8168 1441-1443 IN denotes of
T8169 1444-1450 NN denotes Bmpr1a
T8170 1451-1460 NN denotes signaling
T8171 1461-1463 IN denotes in
T8172 1464-1468 DT denotes some
T8173 1483-1488 NNS denotes cells
T8174 1469-1473 NN denotes LACZ
T8175 1474-1482 JJ denotes positive
T8176 1473-1474 HYPH denotes -
T8177 1489-1493 WDT denotes that
T8178 1503-1511 VBN denotes observed
T8179 1494-1497 VBP denotes are
T8180 1498-1502 RB denotes also
T8181 1512-1514 IN denotes in
T8182 1515-1520 DT denotes these
T8183 1521-1528 NNS denotes regions
T8184 1529-1530 -LRB- denotes (
T8185 1542-1546 NNS denotes data
T8186 1530-1541 JJ denotes unpublished
T8187 1546-1547 -RRB- denotes )
T8188 1547-1548 . denotes .
R5036 T7886 T7887 prep At,flattened
R5037 T7888 T7889 nummod 7,wk
R5038 T7889 T7886 pobj wk,At
R5039 T7890 T7889 prep of,wk
R5040 T7891 T7890 pobj age,of
R5041 T7892 T7893 det the,epiphysis
R5042 T7893 T7887 nsubjpass epiphysis,flattened
R5043 T7894 T7895 advmod normally,domed
R5044 T7895 T7893 amod domed,epiphysis
R5045 T7896 T7893 amod tibial,epiphysis
R5046 T7897 T7887 auxpass was,flattened
R5047 T7898 T7887 cc and,flattened
R5048 T7899 T7887 conj depressed,flattened
R5049 T7900 T7899 prep in,depressed
R5050 T7901 T7902 det the,knees
R5051 T7902 T7900 pobj knees,in
R5052 T7903 T7902 prep of,knees
R5053 T7904 T7905 compound mutant,animals
R5054 T7905 T7903 pobj animals,of
R5055 T7906 T7899 punct ", ",depressed
R5056 T7907 T7908 advmod markedly,reducing
R5057 T7908 T7899 conj reducing,depressed
R5058 T7909 T7910 det the,distance
R5059 T7910 T7908 dobj distance,reducing
R5060 T7911 T7910 prep between,distance
R5061 T7912 T7913 det the,plate
R5062 T7913 T7911 pobj plate,between
R5063 T7914 T7913 compound growth,plate
R5064 T7915 T7913 cc and,plate
R5065 T7916 T7917 amod articular,surface
R5066 T7917 T7913 conj surface,plate
R5067 T7918 T7919 punct (,bar
R5068 T7919 T7908 parataxis bar,reducing
R5069 T7920 T7919 dep Figure,bar
R5070 T7921 T7920 nummod 7E,Figure
R5071 T7922 T7920 cc and,Figure
R5072 T7923 T7920 conj 7H,Figure
R5073 T7924 T7919 punct ", ",bar
R5074 T7925 T7919 amod vertical,bar
R5075 T7926 T7919 punct ),bar
R5076 T7927 T7887 punct .,flattened
R5077 T7929 T7930 amod Articular,cartilage
R5078 T7930 T7931 nsubj cartilage,was
R5079 T7932 T7931 advmod also,was
R5080 T7933 T7931 acomp thinner,was
R5081 T7934 T7933 prep than,thinner
R5082 T7935 T7934 prep in,than
R5083 T7936 T7937 compound control,animals
R5084 T7937 T7935 pobj animals,in
R5085 T7938 T7931 punct ", ",was
R5086 T7939 T7931 conj showed,was
R5087 T7940 T7941 advmod nearly,complete
R5088 T7941 T7942 amod complete,absence
R5089 T7942 T7939 dobj absence,showed
R5090 T7943 T7942 prep of,absence
R5091 T7944 T7945 compound Safranin,O
R5092 T7945 T7946 compound O,staining
R5093 T7946 T7943 pobj staining,of
R5094 T7947 T7939 punct ", ",showed
R5095 T7948 T7939 cc and,showed
R5096 T7949 T7939 conj was,showed
R5097 T7950 T7951 preconj either,acellular
R5098 T7951 T7949 acomp acellular,was
R5099 T7952 T7951 cc or,acellular
R5100 T7953 T7951 conj beginning,acellular
R5101 T7954 T7955 aux to,fibrillate
R5102 T7955 T7953 xcomp fibrillate,beginning
R5103 T7956 T7953 prep in,beginning
R5104 T7957 T7958 amod many,regions
R5105 T7958 T7956 pobj regions,in
R5106 T7959 T7960 punct (,Figure
R5107 T7960 T7949 parataxis Figure,was
R5108 T7961 T7960 nummod 7F,Figure
R5109 T7962 T7960 cc and,Figure
R5110 T7963 T7960 conj 7I,Figure
R5111 T7964 T7960 punct ),Figure
R5112 T7965 T7931 punct .,was
R5113 T7967 T7968 det The,cells
R5114 T7968 T7975 nsubj cells,appeared
R5115 T7969 T7968 amod few,cells
R5116 T7970 T7968 amod large,cells
R5117 T7971 T7972 compound Safranin,O
R5118 T7972 T7973 npadvmod O,stained
R5119 T7973 T7968 amod stained,cells
R5120 T7974 T7973 punct -,stained
R5121 T7976 T7977 advmod still,apparent
R5122 T7977 T7968 relcl apparent,cells
R5123 T7978 T7977 prep in,apparent
R5124 T7979 T7980 nmod mutant,regions
R5125 T7980 T7978 pobj regions,in
R5126 T7981 T7980 amod articular,regions
R5127 T7982 T7983 aux to,correspond
R5128 T7983 T7975 xcomp correspond,appeared
R5129 T7984 T7983 prep in,correspond
R5130 T7985 T7984 pobj position,in
R5131 T7986 T7983 prep to,correspond
R5132 T7987 T7988 amod rare,cells
R5133 T7988 T7986 pobj cells,to
R5134 T7989 T7990 npadvmod LACZ,negative
R5135 T7990 T7988 amod negative,cells
R5136 T7991 T7990 punct -,negative
R5137 T7992 T7988 prep in,cells
R5138 T7993 T7994 amod adjacent,sections
R5139 T7994 T7992 pobj sections,in
R5140 T7995 T7975 punct ", ",appeared
R5141 T7996 T7975 advcl suggesting,appeared
R5142 T7997 T7998 mark that,required
R5143 T7998 T7996 ccomp required,suggesting
R5144 T7999 T7998 nsubjpass Bmpr1a,required
R5145 T8000 T7998 auxpass is,required
R5146 T8001 T8002 npadvmod cell,autonomously
R5147 T8002 T7998 advmod autonomously,required
R5148 T8003 T8002 punct -,autonomously
R5149 T8004 T7998 prep in,required
R5150 T8005 T8006 amod articular,cartilage
R5151 T8006 T8004 pobj cartilage,in
R5152 T8007 T8008 punct (,arrowheads
R5153 T8008 T7975 parataxis arrowheads,appeared
R5154 T8009 T8008 dep Figure,arrowheads
R5155 T8010 T8009 nummod 7I,Figure
R5156 T8011 T8009 cc and,Figure
R5157 T8012 T8009 conj 7J,Figure
R5158 T8013 T8008 punct ", ",arrowheads
R5159 T8014 T8008 amod white,arrowheads
R5160 T8015 T8008 punct ),arrowheads
R5161 T8016 T7975 punct .,appeared
R5162 T8018 T8019 prep By,were
R5163 T8020 T8021 nummod 9,mo
R5164 T8021 T8018 pobj mo,By
R5165 T8022 T8019 punct ", ",were
R5166 T8023 T8024 amod large,areas
R5167 T8024 T8019 nsubj areas,were
R5168 T8025 T8024 prep of,areas
R5169 T8026 T8027 compound mutant,knees
R5170 T8027 T8025 pobj knees,of
R5171 T8028 T8019 acomp devoid,were
R5172 T8029 T8028 prep of,devoid
R5173 T8030 T8031 amod articular,cells
R5174 T8031 T8029 pobj cells,of
R5175 T8032 T8019 punct ", ",were
R5176 T8033 T8019 cc and,were
R5177 T8034 T8035 det the,bones
R5178 T8035 T8036 nsubj bones,appeared
R5179 T8036 T8019 conj appeared,were
R5180 T8037 T8035 prep of,bones
R5181 T8038 T8039 det the,femur
R5182 T8039 T8037 pobj femur,of
R5183 T8040 T8039 cc and,femur
R5184 T8041 T8039 conj tibia,femur
R5185 T8042 T8043 aux to,rub
R5186 T8043 T8036 xcomp rub,appeared
R5187 T8044 T8043 advmod directly,rub
R5188 T8045 T8043 prep against,rub
R5189 T8046 T8047 det each,other
R5190 T8047 T8045 pobj other,against
R5191 T8048 T8036 punct .,appeared
R5192 T8050 T8051 advmod Furthermore,was
R5193 T8052 T8051 punct ", ",was
R5194 T8053 T8054 det the,epiphysis
R5195 T8054 T8051 nsubj epiphysis,was
R5196 T8055 T8054 prep of,epiphysis
R5197 T8056 T8057 det the,tibia
R5198 T8057 T8055 pobj tibia,of
R5199 T8058 T8051 advmod extremely,was
R5200 T8059 T8051 acomp depressed,was
R5201 T8060 T8051 punct ", ",was
R5202 T8061 T8051 prep to,was
R5203 T8062 T8063 det the,point
R5204 T8063 T8061 pobj point,to
R5205 T8064 T8065 mark that,exposed
R5206 T8065 T8063 acl exposed,point
R5207 T8066 T8067 compound growth,cartilage
R5208 T8067 T8065 nsubjpass cartilage,exposed
R5209 T8068 T8067 compound plate,cartilage
R5210 T8069 T8065 auxpass was,exposed
R5211 T8070 T8065 advmod almost,exposed
R5212 T8071 T8065 prep through,exposed
R5213 T8072 T8073 det the,surface
R5214 T8073 T8071 pobj surface,through
R5215 T8074 T8073 prep of,surface
R5216 T8075 T8076 det the,bone
R5217 T8076 T8074 pobj bone,of
R5218 T8077 T8078 punct (,7K
R5219 T8078 T8051 parataxis 7K,was
R5220 T8079 T8078 nmod Figure,7K
R5221 T8080 T8078 punct ", ",7K
R5222 T8081 T8078 conj 7L,7K
R5223 T8082 T8081 punct ", ",7L
R5224 T8083 T8081 conj 7N,7L
R5225 T8084 T8083 punct ", ",7N
R5226 T8085 T8083 cc and,7N
R5227 T8086 T8083 conj 7O,7N
R5228 T8087 T8078 punct ),7K
R5229 T8088 T8051 punct .,was
R5230 T8090 T8091 prep In,showed
R5231 T8092 T8090 pobj addition,In
R5232 T8093 T8091 punct ", ",showed
R5233 T8094 T8091 nsubj mutants,showed
R5234 T8095 T8094 prep at,mutants
R5235 T8096 T8097 nummod 7,wk
R5236 T8097 T8095 pobj wk,at
R5237 T8098 T8097 cc and,wk
R5238 T8099 T8100 nummod 9,mo
R5239 T8100 T8097 conj mo,wk
R5240 T8101 T8102 amod subchondral,sclerosis
R5241 T8102 T8091 dobj sclerosis,showed
R5242 T8103 T8091 punct ", ",showed
R5243 T8104 T8105 advmod especially,in
R5244 T8105 T8091 prep in,showed
R5245 T8106 T8107 det the,epiphysis
R5246 T8107 T8105 pobj epiphysis,in
R5247 T8108 T8107 prep of,epiphysis
R5248 T8109 T8110 det the,femur
R5249 T8110 T8108 pobj femur,of
R5250 T8111 T8112 punct (,asterisks
R5251 T8112 T8091 parataxis asterisks,showed
R5252 T8113 T8114 nmod Figure,7E
R5253 T8114 T8112 dep 7E,asterisks
R5254 T8115 T8114 punct ", ",7E
R5255 T8116 T8114 conj 7H,7E
R5256 T8117 T8116 punct ", ",7H
R5257 T8118 T8116 conj 7K,7H
R5258 T8119 T8118 punct ", ",7K
R5259 T8120 T8118 cc and,7K
R5260 T8121 T8118 conj 7N,7K
R5261 T8122 T8112 punct ", ",asterisks
R5262 T8123 T8112 punct ),asterisks
R5263 T8124 T8091 punct .,showed
R5264 T8126 T8127 mark While,seen
R5265 T8127 T8132 advcl seen,is
R5266 T8128 T8129 amod subchondral,sclerosis
R5267 T8129 T8127 nsubjpass sclerosis,seen
R5268 T8130 T8127 auxpass is,seen
R5269 T8131 T8127 advmod commonly,seen
R5270 T8133 T8127 prep in,seen
R5271 T8134 T8133 pobj cases,in
R5272 T8135 T8134 prep of,cases
R5273 T8136 T8135 pobj osteoarthritis,of
R5274 T8137 T8132 punct ", ",is
R5275 T8138 T8132 nsubj it,is
R5276 T8139 T8132 acomp unclear,is
R5277 T8140 T8132 prep in,is
R5278 T8141 T8142 det this,case
R5279 T8142 T8140 pobj case,in
R5280 T8143 T8144 mark whether,is
R5281 T8144 T8132 advcl is,is
R5282 T8145 T8146 det the,sclerosis
R5283 T8146 T8144 nsubj sclerosis,is
R5284 T8147 T8144 advmod mainly,is
R5285 T8148 T8149 det a,response
R5286 T8149 T8144 attr response,is
R5287 T8150 T8149 prep of,response
R5288 T8151 T8152 compound bone,formation
R5289 T8152 T8150 pobj formation,of
R5290 T8153 T8154 aux to,compensate
R5291 T8154 T8149 advcl compensate,response
R5292 T8155 T8154 prep for,compensate
R5293 T8156 T8157 amod decreased,cartilage
R5294 T8157 T8155 pobj cartilage,for
R5295 T8158 T8157 amod articular,cartilage
R5296 T8159 T8144 punct ", ",is
R5297 T8160 T8144 cc or,is
R5298 T8161 T8162 mark whether,is
R5299 T8162 T8144 conj is,is
R5300 T8163 T8162 nsubj it,is
R5301 T8164 T8165 det the,effect
R5302 T8165 T8162 attr effect,is
R5303 T8166 T8165 prep of,effect
R5304 T8167 T8166 pobj loss,of
R5305 T8168 T8167 prep of,loss
R5306 T8169 T8170 compound Bmpr1a,signaling
R5307 T8170 T8168 pobj signaling,of
R5308 T8171 T8165 prep in,effect
R5309 T8172 T8173 det some,cells
R5310 T8173 T8171 pobj cells,in
R5311 T8174 T8175 npadvmod LACZ,positive
R5312 T8175 T8173 amod positive,cells
R5313 T8176 T8175 punct -,positive
R5314 T8177 T8178 dep that,observed
R5315 T8178 T8173 relcl observed,cells
R5316 T8179 T8178 auxpass are,observed
R5317 T8180 T8178 advmod also,observed
R5318 T8181 T8178 prep in,observed
R5319 T8182 T8183 det these,regions
R5320 T8183 T8181 pobj regions,in
R5321 T8184 T8185 punct (,data
R5322 T8185 T8162 meta data,is
R5323 T8186 T8185 amod unpublished,data
R5324 T8187 T8185 punct ),data
R5325 T8188 T8132 punct .,is


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T7455 34-50 UBERON:0004383 denotes tibial epiphysis
T7456 86-91 UBERON:0001465 denotes knees
T7457 95-101 SO_EXT:sequence_altered_entity_or_alteration_process denotes mutant
T7458 102-109 NCBITaxon:33208 denotes animals
T7459 154-160 GO_EXT:biological_growth_entity_or_process denotes growth
T7460 154-166 UBERON:0002516 denotes growth plate
T7461 171-180 UBERON:0004905 denotes articular
T7462 223-242 UBERON:0010996 denotes Articular cartilage
T7463 276-283 NCBITaxon:33208 denotes animals
T7464 356-364 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cellular
T7465 461-466 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cells
T7466 485-491 SO_EXT:sequence_altered_entity_or_alteration_process denotes mutant
T7467 492-501 UBERON:0004905 denotes articular
T7468 553-557 PR_EXT:000033987 denotes LACZ
T7469 567-572 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cells
T7470 611-617 PR_EXT:000000035 denotes Bmpr1a
T7471 630-634 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cell
T7472 651-670 UBERON:0010996 denotes articular cartilage
T7473 733-739 SO_EXT:sequence_altered_entity_or_alteration_process denotes mutant
T7474 740-745 UBERON:0001465 denotes knees
T7475 761-770 UBERON:0004905 denotes articular
T7476 771-776 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cells
T7477 786-791 UBERON:0001474 denotes bones
T7478 799-804 UBERON:0000981 denotes femur
T7479 809-814 UBERON:0000979 denotes tibia
T7481 877-889,894-899 UBERON:0004383 denotes epiphysis of tibia
T7482 943-949 GO_EXT:biological_growth_entity_or_process denotes growth
T7483 943-965 UBERON:0004129 denotes growth plate cartilage
T7484 1012-1016 UBERON:0001474 denotes bone
T7485 1059-1066 SO_EXT:sequence_altered_entity denotes mutants
T7486 1094-1102 UBERON_EXT:cartilage_element_or_tissue denotes chondral
T7488 1132-1144,1149-1154 UBERON:0004384 denotes epiphysis of femur
T7489 1204-1212 UBERON_EXT:cartilage_element_or_tissue denotes chondral
T7490 1329-1337 GO_EXT:reaction_or_response denotes response
T7491 1341-1345 UBERON_EXT:bone_element_or_tissue denotes bone
T7492 1341-1355 GO_EXT:bone_development_or_ossification denotes bone formation
T7493 1384-1403 UBERON:0010996 denotes articular cartilage
T7494 1444-1450 PR_EXT:000000035 denotes Bmpr1a
T7495 1451-1460 GO_EXT:cell_communication_or_signaling_or_signal_transduction denotes signaling
T7496 1469-1473 PR_EXT:000033987 denotes LACZ
T7497 1483-1488 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cells


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T7354 34-50 UBERON:0004383 denotes tibial epiphysis
T7355 86-91 UBERON:0001465 denotes knees
T7356 102-109 NCBITaxon:33208 denotes animals
T7357 154-166 UBERON:0002516 denotes growth plate
T7358 171-180 UBERON:0004905 denotes articular
T7359 223-242 UBERON:0010996 denotes Articular cartilage
T7360 276-283 NCBITaxon:33208 denotes animals
T7361 492-501 UBERON:0004905 denotes articular
T7362 553-557 PR:000033987 denotes LACZ
T7363 611-617 PR:000000035 denotes Bmpr1a
T7364 651-670 UBERON:0010996 denotes articular cartilage
T7365 740-745 UBERON:0001465 denotes knees
T7366 761-770 UBERON:0004905 denotes articular
T7367 786-791 UBERON:0001474 denotes bones
T7368 799-804 UBERON:0000981 denotes femur
T7369 809-814 UBERON:0000979 denotes tibia
T7371 877-889,894-899 UBERON:0004383 denotes epiphysis of tibia
T7372 943-965 UBERON:0004129 denotes growth plate cartilage
T7373 1012-1016 UBERON:0001474 denotes bone
T7375 1132-1144,1149-1154 UBERON:0004384 denotes epiphysis of femur
T7376 1384-1403 UBERON:0010996 denotes articular cartilage
T7377 1444-1450 PR:000000035 denotes Bmpr1a
T7378 1469-1473 PR:000033987 denotes LACZ