PMC:5113056 / 12144-12992 JSONTXT

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    {"project":"2_test","denotations":[{"id":"27599472-26717888-27784070","span":{"begin":765,"end":767},"obj":"26717888"}],"text":"Bayesian and maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses of the G gene fragments indicated that the salamander isolates clustered most closely with SVCV genogroup I (Figure 1). Median-joining network analysis further classified the virus to genogroup Ia (Figure 2). The salamander SVCV was distinct from previous isolates of SVCV from North America but was closely related to recent isolates from China. Although relatively few whole-genome sequences for SVCV are available for comparison, the salamander SVCV protein coding regions (N, P, M, G and L) were all closely related (98.2%–99.8% identical) at the nucleotide and amino-acid levels to corresponding genes in SVCV strain SH140501 (Table 2), which was isolated from a goldfish in Shanghai sampled in April 2014.28 This finding further supported an Asian origin for the salamander SVCV isolates."}


    {"project":"MyTest","denotations":[{"id":"27599472-26717888-27784070","span":{"begin":765,"end":768},"obj":"26717888"}],"namespaces":[{"prefix":"_base","uri":""},{"prefix":"UniProtKB","uri":""},{"prefix":"uniprot","uri":""}],"text":"Bayesian and maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses of the G gene fragments indicated that the salamander isolates clustered most closely with SVCV genogroup I (Figure 1). Median-joining network analysis further classified the virus to genogroup Ia (Figure 2). The salamander SVCV was distinct from previous isolates of SVCV from North America but was closely related to recent isolates from China. Although relatively few whole-genome sequences for SVCV are available for comparison, the salamander SVCV protein coding regions (N, P, M, G and L) were all closely related (98.2%–99.8% identical) at the nucleotide and amino-acid levels to corresponding genes in SVCV strain SH140501 (Table 2), which was isolated from a goldfish in Shanghai sampled in April 2014.28 This finding further supported an Asian origin for the salamander SVCV isolates."}