PMC:5108084 / 20035-20954 JSONTXT

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    {"project":"2_test","denotations":[{"id":"27895912-19350648-58906125","span":{"begin":531,"end":533},"obj":"19350648"},{"id":"27895912-22902098-58906126","span":{"begin":782,"end":784},"obj":"22902098"}],"text":"The five item Physical Appearance Comparison Scale [32] assessed frequency of appearance comparison. Participants responded to items such as “I compare my looks to the looks of others to determine if I am attractive or unattractive” on a 5-point scale from 1 (never) to 5 (always). A total score (range 5 to 25) was calculated from the sum of item responses. Higher scores reflect higher frequency of appearance comparison. In early adolescent female samples, scores for this scale have previously shown high internal consistency [29]. In older adolescent female samples (grade 10), test-retest reliability has been shown to be adequate [33]. In college age women, scores on the Physical Appearance Comparison Scale have correlated highly with other appearance comparison measures [34], supporting construct validity. Internal consistency for the current study was α = .92 and α = .88 for samples A and B, respectively."}