PMC:5108084 / 17575-18448 JSONTXT

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    {"project":"2_test","denotations":[{"id":"27895912-14520247-58906117","span":{"begin":170,"end":172},"obj":"14520247"},{"id":"27895912-15656264-58906118","span":{"begin":174,"end":176},"obj":"15656264"},{"id":"27895912-14520247-58906119","span":{"begin":865,"end":867},"obj":"14520247"},{"id":"27895912-15656264-58906120","span":{"begin":869,"end":871},"obj":"15656264"}],"text":"Media exposure\nThe average number of hours per day exposed to screen-based media for non-school or homework related activities was assessed with the Screen Habits scale [26, 27]. Participants from sample B responded to two items to indicate how many hours on weekdays and weekend days they spend using computers and watching television and DVDs. Participants from sample A responded to these two items and an additional item to indicate how many hours they spend using smart phones and tablets. A weighted score to account for weekday and weekend exposure was calculated from the average daily media use. Scores ranged from zero to 10 h for sample B and zero to 15 h for sample A, with higher scores reflecting higher levels of media exposure. In adolescent samples, scores on this measure have demonstrated adequate test-retest reliability and construct validity [26, 27]."}