PMC:4502374 / 20873-21698 JSONTXT

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{"target":"","sourcedb":"PMC","sourceid":"4502374","source_url":"","text":"The F6 RIL population used here was produced by single seed descent from a cross A. ipaënsis × A. magna. The F1 showed high fertility, reflecting that the parents are very closely related. The population shows large variability for main stem height, length of lateral branches, seed size and number, and resistance to rust. Most individuals show mid-parent values, but the population showed large transgressive segregation. High skewness and kurtosis values showed that four of the 15 traits evaluated were not normally distributed. These were incubation period for 2012 and 2013 (IncPer_2012, IncPer_2013); seed number, average of 3 years; and main stem height for 2011 (MSH_2011). To achieve approximately normal distributions, these four traits were log(x) transformed. All phenotyping information is presented on File S1.","tracks":[]}