PMC:4502373 / 44845-45533 JSONTXT

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    {"project":"2_test","denotations":[{"id":"25931611-24636660-43349870","span":{"begin":112,"end":116},"obj":"24636660"}],"text":"A region on BTA-13 harboring UQCC and GDF5 genes, which we putatively linked to bovine stature (Randhawa et al. 2014), was also not detected in this study. The absence of BTA-13 genes (UQCC and GDF5) as the possible candidate for bovine stature in this study are due to the sensitivity of CSS (and its constituent tests of selection) to the sample composition because the cohort composition between the two papers is quite different regarding inclusion and exclusion of several breeds. Moreover, another gene, ASIP (related to coat color), was also located at the BTA-13 peak, and ASIP may also be another plausible candidate of the signatures of selection detected in the previous study."}