PMC:4502373 / 19091-19785 JSONTXT

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    {"project":"2_test","denotations":[{"id":"25931611-19846765-43349762","span":{"begin":163,"end":167},"obj":"19846765"},{"id":"25931611-19930592-43349763","span":{"begin":189,"end":193},"obj":"19930592"},{"id":"25931611-20927341-43349764","span":{"begin":195,"end":199},"obj":"20927341"}],"text":"Genotypic data passing quality control consisted of 38,033 SNPs that were filtered after combining the available data on various cattle breeds from Decker et al. (2009) and Gautier et al. (2009, 2010) (see Table S3 to access raw datasets). The retained SNPs had MAF ≥0.01, known ancestral and derived alleles, and mapped on 29 autosomes covering 2,512.08 Mb of UMD3.1 bovine genome assembly. The mean (median) distance between consecutive SNPs on the bovine autosomes was 65.52 kb (64.54 kb), ranging from 2.22 kb to 1.44 Mb (Table S3). Finally, data subsets of 37,218 and 33,024 informative SNPs were analyzed to detect signatures of selection within European and African cattle, respectively."}