PMC:4502373 / 17472-18177 JSONTXT

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{"target":"","sourcedb":"PMC","sourceid":"4502373","source_url":"","text":"In total, 268 orthologous genes were successfully mapped on the bovine autosomes (BTA) and were located in 134 genomic locations, termed as “candidate gene regions” here and defined by the consecutive orthologous genes located on a chromosome within 1 Mb distance from each other. The number of genes per region ranged from one to nine, with an average size of 355 kb. Hence, the 134 regions harboring genes for human stature covered 47.50 Mb (1.9%) of the bovine genome. In addition, after adding 1 Mb surrounding of each candidate gene region, these regions cover 7% of the bovine genome. Hence, finding a candidate gene carrying CSS region out of those 134 regions as expected by chance is equal to 7%.","tracks":[]}