PMC:4502372 / 10890-11587 JSONTXT

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    {"project":"2_test","denotations":[{"id":"25943524-10224249-43313257","span":{"begin":134,"end":138},"obj":"10224249"},{"id":"25943524-11395777-43313258","span":{"begin":159,"end":163},"obj":"11395777"}],"text":"Senescence progression assays\nSerial liquid culture senescence progression assays were carried out as described previously (Le et al. 1999; Rizki and Lundblad 2001). To summarize, spore colonies from freshly dissected tetrads were inoculated in their entirety into YPD media and grown at 28° for 46 hr. Cell counts were determined via hemocytometer. Samples were diluted back into fresh media to a concentration of 1 × 105 cells/mL and grown for 22 hr at which time cells were counted. The cultures were again diluted back into fresh media to a concentration of 1 × 105 cells/mL. Cell counts and dilution into fresh media were repeated every 22 hr. Several isolates of each genotype were examined."}