PMC:4502369 / 5745-6618 JSONTXT

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    {"project":"2_test","denotations":[{"id":"25917919-16549801-43377632","span":{"begin":299,"end":303},"obj":"16549801"},{"id":"25917919-17610085-43377633","span":{"begin":305,"end":309},"obj":"17610085"},{"id":"25917919-24712415-43377634","span":{"begin":311,"end":315},"obj":"24712415"}],"text":"Animal material\nTissue samples of the testis and oviduct from Finnish Large White pigs were collected at slaughter. The dataset contains samples of ISTS-affected and control animals. Previously, we have studied the effect of ISTS on gene expression within the ISTS-associated region (Sironen et al. 2006, 2007, 2014), and we have shown that only the expression of SPEF2 and PRLR are affected. At slaughter, sows were approximately 4.5 months old and had not been bred. Boars were mature and had been used for breeding. The oviduct and testis tissue samples were collected in RNAlater buffer (Qiagen) and stored at −80°. For RNAseq analysis, four samples were used: the oviduct from an ISTS homozygous sow and a control sow, and the testis from an ISTS homozygous boar and a control boar. For RT-PCR, additional samples of two ISTS and control sows and boars were collected."}