PMC:4502369 / 17278-18031 JSONTXT

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{"target":"","sourcedb":"PMC","sourceid":"4502369","source_url":"","text":"For calculation of the normalized gene expression values, we used the Cufflinks software. In total, 16,595 (FPKM \u003e0.2) genes were expressed in the testis and 15,846 genes were expressed in the oviduct. Genes with the highest expression (top 80; Table S2) in the testis were associated with spermatogenesis as expected (Figure S1A). In the oviduct, the top 80 genes highlighted reproduction, regulation of system process, embryonic development, regulation of actin polymerization, and translational elongation (Figure S1C). A total of 27 genes had high expression in both the testis and oviduct (Figure S1B). These genes were not enriched significantly toward any GO terms, but many of them (n = 15) were associated with metabolic processes (Figure S1D).","tracks":[]}