> top > docs > PMC:441373 > spans > 2066-3096 > annotations

PMC:441373 / 2066-3096 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T703 0-3 DT denotes The
T704 4-13 NN denotes evolution
T705 44-54 VBN denotes associated
T706 14-16 IN denotes of
T707 17-24 JJ denotes complex
T708 25-34 NNS denotes organisms
T709 35-38 VBZ denotes has
T710 39-43 VBN denotes been
T711 55-59 IN denotes with
T712 60-63 DT denotes the
T713 64-74 NN denotes generation
T714 75-77 IN denotes of
T715 78-82 NN denotes gene
T716 83-91 NNS denotes families
T717 92-94 IN denotes by
T718 95-98 DT denotes the
T719 109-120 NN denotes duplication
T720 99-108 JJ denotes continual
T721 121-123 IN denotes of
T722 124-126 DT denotes an
T723 152-155 NN denotes set
T724 127-134 JJ denotes initial
T725 135-145 RB denotes relatively
T726 146-151 JJ denotes small
T727 156-158 IN denotes of
T728 159-168 JJ denotes ancestral
T729 169-174 NNS denotes genes
T730 174-175 . denotes .
T731 175-389 sentence denotes Through this process, followed by subsequent mutation, reduplication and exon shuffling between gene families, genes have evolved both discrete, and partially redundant functions with their related family members.
T732 176-183 IN denotes Through
T733 298-305 VBN denotes evolved
T734 184-188 DT denotes this
T735 189-196 NN denotes process
T736 196-198 , denotes ,
T737 198-206 VBN denotes followed
T738 207-209 IN denotes by
T739 210-220 JJ denotes subsequent
T740 221-229 NN denotes mutation
T741 229-231 , denotes ,
T742 231-244 NN denotes reduplication
T743 245-248 CC denotes and
T744 249-253 NN denotes exon
T745 254-263 NN denotes shuffling
T746 264-271 IN denotes between
T747 272-276 NN denotes gene
T748 277-285 NNS denotes families
T749 285-287 , denotes ,
T750 287-292 NNS denotes genes
T751 293-297 VBP denotes have
T752 306-310 CC denotes both
T753 311-319 JJ denotes discrete
T754 345-354 NNS denotes functions
T755 319-321 , denotes ,
T756 321-324 CC denotes and
T757 325-334 RB denotes partially
T758 335-344 JJ denotes redundant
T759 355-359 IN denotes with
T760 360-365 PRP$ denotes their
T761 381-388 NNS denotes members
T762 366-373 VBN denotes related
T763 374-380 NN denotes family
T764 388-389 . denotes .
T765 389-614 sentence denotes With the completion of the genome sequencing projects of human, mouse, rat, fruit fly and nematodes, we are now in a position to ask fundamental questions in regard to how genes interact in the context of the whole organism.
T766 390-394 IN denotes With
T767 494-497 VBP denotes are
T768 395-398 DT denotes the
T769 399-409 NN denotes completion
T770 410-412 IN denotes of
T771 413-416 DT denotes the
T772 435-443 NNS denotes projects
T773 417-423 NN denotes genome
T774 424-434 NN denotes sequencing
T775 444-446 IN denotes of
T776 447-452 JJ denotes human
T777 452-454 , denotes ,
T778 454-459 NN denotes mouse
T779 459-461 , denotes ,
T780 461-464 NN denotes rat
T781 464-466 , denotes ,
T782 466-471 NN denotes fruit
T783 472-475 NN denotes fly
T784 476-479 CC denotes and
T785 480-489 NNS denotes nematodes
T786 489-491 , denotes ,
T787 491-493 PRP denotes we
T788 498-501 RB denotes now
T789 502-504 IN denotes in
T790 505-506 DT denotes a
T791 507-515 NN denotes position
T792 516-518 TO denotes to
T793 519-522 VB denotes ask
T794 523-534 JJ denotes fundamental
T795 535-544 NNS denotes questions
T796 545-547 IN denotes in
T797 548-554 NN denotes regard
T798 555-557 IN denotes to
T799 558-561 WRB denotes how
T800 568-576 VBP denotes interact
T801 562-567 NNS denotes genes
T802 577-579 IN denotes in
T803 580-583 DT denotes the
T804 584-591 NN denotes context
T805 592-594 IN denotes of
T806 595-598 DT denotes the
T807 605-613 NN denotes organism
T808 599-604 JJ denotes whole
T809 613-614 . denotes .
T810 614-798 sentence denotes Thus, with the appropriate application of bioinformatics, it is now possible to trace the lineage of particular genes and gene families, with related gene families in other organisms.
T811 615-619 RB denotes Thus
T812 676-678 VBZ denotes is
T813 619-621 , denotes ,
T814 621-625 IN denotes with
T815 626-629 DT denotes the
T816 642-653 NN denotes application
T817 630-641 JJ denotes appropriate
T818 654-656 IN denotes of
T819 657-671 NN denotes bioinformatics
T820 671-673 , denotes ,
T821 673-675 PRP denotes it
T822 679-682 RB denotes now
T823 683-691 JJ denotes possible
T824 692-694 TO denotes to
T825 695-700 VB denotes trace
T826 701-704 DT denotes the
T827 705-712 NN denotes lineage
T828 713-715 IN denotes of
T829 716-726 JJ denotes particular
T830 727-732 NNS denotes genes
T831 733-736 CC denotes and
T832 737-741 NN denotes gene
T833 742-750 NNS denotes families
T834 750-752 , denotes ,
T835 752-756 IN denotes with
T836 757-764 JJ denotes related
T837 770-778 NNS denotes families
T838 765-769 NN denotes gene
T839 779-781 IN denotes in
T840 782-787 JJ denotes other
T841 788-797 NNS denotes organisms
T842 797-798 . denotes .
T843 798-1030 sentence denotes Furthermore, with the growing amount of large-scale proteomic and genomic data becoming publicly available, this analysis can now be extended to reveal the complex interplay between evolution of gene structure and protein function.
T844 799-810 RB denotes Furthermore
T845 932-940 VBN denotes extended
T846 810-812 , denotes ,
T847 812-816 IN denotes with
T848 817-820 DT denotes the
T849 829-835 NN denotes amount
T850 821-828 VBG denotes growing
T851 878-886 VBG denotes becoming
T852 836-838 IN denotes of
T853 839-844 JJ denotes large
T854 845-850 NN denotes scale
T855 844-845 HYPH denotes -
T856 873-877 NNS denotes data
T857 851-860 JJ denotes proteomic
T858 861-864 CC denotes and
T859 865-872 JJ denotes genomic
T860 887-895 RB denotes publicly
T861 896-905 JJ denotes available
T862 905-907 , denotes ,
T863 907-911 DT denotes this
T864 912-920 NN denotes analysis
T865 921-924 MD denotes can
T866 925-928 RB denotes now
T867 929-931 VB denotes be
T868 941-943 TO denotes to
T869 944-950 VB denotes reveal
T870 951-954 DT denotes the
T871 963-972 NN denotes interplay
T872 955-962 JJ denotes complex
T873 973-980 IN denotes between
T874 981-990 NN denotes evolution
T875 991-993 IN denotes of
T876 994-998 NN denotes gene
T877 999-1008 NN denotes structure
T878 1009-1012 CC denotes and
T879 1013-1020 NN denotes protein
T880 1021-1029 NN denotes function
T881 1029-1030 . denotes .
R316 T703 T704 det The,evolution
R317 T704 T705 nsubjpass evolution,associated
R318 T706 T704 prep of,evolution
R319 T707 T708 amod complex,organisms
R320 T708 T706 pobj organisms,of
R321 T709 T705 aux has,associated
R322 T710 T705 auxpass been,associated
R323 T711 T705 prep with,associated
R324 T712 T713 det the,generation
R325 T713 T711 pobj generation,with
R326 T714 T713 prep of,generation
R327 T715 T716 compound gene,families
R328 T716 T714 pobj families,of
R329 T717 T705 prep by,associated
R330 T718 T719 det the,duplication
R331 T719 T717 pobj duplication,by
R332 T720 T719 amod continual,duplication
R333 T721 T719 prep of,duplication
R334 T722 T723 det an,set
R335 T723 T721 pobj set,of
R336 T724 T723 amod initial,set
R337 T725 T726 advmod relatively,small
R338 T726 T723 amod small,set
R339 T727 T723 prep of,set
R340 T728 T729 amod ancestral,genes
R341 T729 T727 pobj genes,of
R342 T730 T705 punct .,associated
R343 T732 T733 prep Through,evolved
R344 T734 T735 det this,process
R345 T735 T732 pobj process,Through
R346 T736 T735 punct ", ",process
R347 T737 T735 acl followed,process
R348 T738 T737 agent by,followed
R349 T739 T740 amod subsequent,mutation
R350 T740 T738 pobj mutation,by
R351 T741 T740 punct ", ",mutation
R352 T742 T740 conj reduplication,mutation
R353 T743 T742 cc and,reduplication
R354 T744 T745 compound exon,shuffling
R355 T745 T742 conj shuffling,reduplication
R356 T746 T740 prep between,mutation
R357 T747 T748 compound gene,families
R358 T748 T746 pobj families,between
R359 T749 T733 punct ", ",evolved
R360 T750 T733 nsubj genes,evolved
R361 T751 T733 aux have,evolved
R362 T752 T753 preconj both,discrete
R363 T753 T754 amod discrete,functions
R364 T754 T733 dobj functions,evolved
R365 T755 T753 punct ", ",discrete
R366 T756 T753 cc and,discrete
R367 T757 T758 advmod partially,redundant
R368 T758 T753 conj redundant,discrete
R369 T759 T754 prep with,functions
R370 T760 T761 poss their,members
R371 T761 T759 pobj members,with
R372 T762 T761 amod related,members
R373 T763 T761 compound family,members
R374 T764 T733 punct .,evolved
R375 T766 T767 prep With,are
R376 T768 T769 det the,completion
R377 T769 T766 pobj completion,With
R378 T770 T769 prep of,completion
R379 T771 T772 det the,projects
R380 T772 T770 pobj projects,of
R381 T773 T774 compound genome,sequencing
R382 T774 T772 compound sequencing,projects
R383 T775 T772 prep of,projects
R384 T776 T775 pobj human,of
R385 T777 T776 punct ", ",human
R386 T778 T776 conj mouse,human
R387 T779 T778 punct ", ",mouse
R388 T780 T778 conj rat,mouse
R389 T781 T780 punct ", ",rat
R390 T782 T783 compound fruit,fly
R391 T783 T780 conj fly,rat
R392 T784 T783 cc and,fly
R393 T785 T783 conj nematodes,fly
R394 T786 T767 punct ", ",are
R395 T787 T767 nsubj we,are
R396 T788 T767 advmod now,are
R397 T789 T767 prep in,are
R398 T790 T791 det a,position
R399 T791 T789 pobj position,in
R400 T792 T793 aux to,ask
R401 T793 T791 acl ask,position
R402 T794 T795 amod fundamental,questions
R403 T795 T793 dobj questions,ask
R404 T796 T793 prep in,ask
R405 T797 T796 pobj regard,in
R406 T798 T797 prep to,regard
R407 T799 T800 advmod how,interact
R408 T800 T798 pcomp interact,to
R409 T801 T800 nsubj genes,interact
R410 T802 T800 prep in,interact
R411 T803 T804 det the,context
R412 T804 T802 pobj context,in
R413 T805 T804 prep of,context
R414 T806 T807 det the,organism
R415 T807 T805 pobj organism,of
R416 T808 T807 amod whole,organism
R417 T809 T767 punct .,are
R418 T811 T812 advmod Thus,is
R419 T813 T812 punct ", ",is
R420 T814 T812 prep with,is
R421 T815 T816 det the,application
R422 T816 T814 pobj application,with
R423 T817 T816 amod appropriate,application
R424 T818 T816 prep of,application
R425 T819 T818 pobj bioinformatics,of
R426 T820 T812 punct ", ",is
R427 T821 T812 nsubj it,is
R428 T822 T812 advmod now,is
R429 T823 T812 acomp possible,is
R430 T824 T825 aux to,trace
R431 T825 T812 xcomp trace,is
R432 T826 T827 det the,lineage
R433 T827 T825 dobj lineage,trace
R434 T828 T827 prep of,lineage
R435 T829 T830 amod particular,genes
R436 T830 T828 pobj genes,of
R437 T831 T830 cc and,genes
R438 T832 T833 compound gene,families
R439 T833 T830 conj families,genes
R440 T834 T825 punct ", ",trace
R441 T835 T825 prep with,trace
R442 T836 T837 amod related,families
R443 T837 T835 pobj families,with
R444 T838 T837 compound gene,families
R445 T839 T837 prep in,families
R446 T840 T841 amod other,organisms
R447 T841 T839 pobj organisms,in
R448 T842 T812 punct .,is
R449 T844 T845 advmod Furthermore,extended
R450 T846 T845 punct ", ",extended
R451 T847 T845 prep with,extended
R452 T848 T849 det the,amount
R453 T849 T851 nsubj amount,becoming
R454 T850 T849 amod growing,amount
R455 T851 T847 pcomp becoming,with
R456 T852 T849 prep of,amount
R457 T853 T854 amod large,scale
R458 T854 T856 nmod scale,data
R459 T855 T854 punct -,scale
R460 T856 T852 pobj data,of
R461 T857 T856 amod proteomic,data
R462 T858 T857 cc and,proteomic
R463 T859 T857 conj genomic,proteomic
R464 T860 T861 advmod publicly,available
R465 T861 T851 acomp available,becoming
R466 T862 T845 punct ", ",extended
R467 T863 T864 det this,analysis
R468 T864 T845 nsubjpass analysis,extended
R469 T865 T845 aux can,extended
R470 T866 T845 advmod now,extended
R471 T867 T845 auxpass be,extended
R472 T868 T869 aux to,reveal
R473 T869 T845 advcl reveal,extended
R474 T870 T871 det the,interplay
R475 T871 T869 dobj interplay,reveal
R476 T872 T871 amod complex,interplay
R477 T873 T871 prep between,interplay
R478 T874 T873 pobj evolution,between
R479 T875 T874 prep of,evolution
R480 T876 T877 compound gene,structure
R481 T877 T875 pobj structure,of
R482 T878 T874 cc and,evolution
R483 T879 T880 compound protein,function
R484 T880 T874 conj function,evolution
R485 T881 T845 punct .,extended


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T625 25-34 NCBITaxon:1 denotes organisms
T626 78-82 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes gene
T627 109-120 SO_EXT:sequence_duplication_entity_or_process denotes duplication
T628 169-174 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes genes
T629 221-229 SO_EXT:sequence_alteration_entity_or_process denotes mutation
T630 233-244 SO_EXT:sequence_duplication_entity_or_process denotes duplication
T631 249-253 SO_EXT:0000147 denotes exon
T632 272-276 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes gene
T633 287-292 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes genes
T634 417-423 SO_EXT:0001026 denotes genome
T635 447-452 NCBITaxon:9606 denotes human
T636 454-459 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mouse
T637 461-464 NCBITaxon:10114 denotes rat
T638 466-475 NCBITaxon:7215 denotes fruit fly
T639 480-489 NCBITaxon:6231 denotes nematodes
T640 562-567 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes genes
T641 605-613 NCBITaxon:1 denotes organism
T642 727-732 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes genes
T643 737-741 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes gene
T644 765-769 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes gene
T645 788-797 NCBITaxon:1 denotes organisms
T646 865-872 SO_EXT:0001026 denotes genomic
T647 994-998 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes gene
T648 1013-1020 CHEBI_PR_EXT:protein denotes protein


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T563 25-34 NCBITaxon:1 denotes organisms
T564 78-82 SO:0000704 denotes gene
T565 169-174 SO:0000704 denotes genes
T566 249-253 SO:0000147 denotes exon
T567 272-276 SO:0000704 denotes gene
T568 287-292 SO:0000704 denotes genes
T569 417-423 SO:0001026 denotes genome
T570 447-452 NCBITaxon:9606 denotes human
T571 454-459 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mouse
T572 461-464 NCBITaxon:10114 denotes rat
T573 466-475 NCBITaxon:7215 denotes fruit fly
T574 480-489 NCBITaxon:6231 denotes nematodes
T575 562-567 SO:0000704 denotes genes
T576 605-613 NCBITaxon:1 denotes organism
T577 727-732 SO:0000704 denotes genes
T578 737-741 SO:0000704 denotes gene
T579 765-769 SO:0000704 denotes gene
T580 788-797 NCBITaxon:1 denotes organisms
T581 865-872 SO:0001026 denotes genomic
T582 994-998 SO:0000704 denotes gene