PMC:4307275 / 2799-3885 JSONTXT

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    {"project":"2_test","denotations":[{"id":"25561231-11746085-50799896","span":{"begin":27,"end":28},"obj":"11746085"},{"id":"25561231-11746085-50799897","span":{"begin":631,"end":632},"obj":"11746085"},{"id":"T56943","span":{"begin":27,"end":28},"obj":"11746085"},{"id":"T94795","span":{"begin":631,"end":632},"obj":"11746085"}],"text":"Hagenbeek and Rock (2001) [9] reported the usefulness of FCA for the promoter analysis system using protoplasts, and described the advantages and disadvantages of FCA, in detail. As a major disadvantage, they showed that the fluorescence intensity of GFP was unusually detected to be as low as the threshold level of background signals, and subsequently, it caused the transfection ratio determined to be as low as 4%, which represented the population size of protoplasts expressing GFP-fluorescent signals on FCA. Since the average transfection efficiency determined on hemocytometer analysis has been reported to be ca. 40%–60% [9], a large number of transfected protoplasts might supposedly have been missed on FCA. It could be a bottleneck on application of plant protoplast system to various FCA or FACS. To overcome these limitations of FCA using protoplasts, higher DNA quantities (10–130 μg) were used, but the transfection ratio, (amounting to 6%), was not markedly improved. Thus, the low fluorescence intensity of FCA using plant protoplasts remains a challenging limitation."}