PMC:4307189 / 14609-15292
{"project":"2_test","denotations":[{"id":"25599599-14993899-14868121","span":{"begin":169,"end":171},"obj":"14993899"}],"text":"We define the gene-gene relationship network as GGR:= (S,R) for each GE data matrix. Here, S is a set of 370 cancer related genes collected from the Cancer Gene Census [23]. R is defined as the set of pair-wise relationships among seed genes. A gene pair (genei, genej) is included in R if the corresponding absolute Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC) is above some threshold, and defined as a pair-wise relationship. These threshold values were empirically chosen for parental and resistant conditions individually, based on the corresponding distributions of all pairwise absolute PCC values. Note PCC values resulting from probes mapped to the same gene were trivially ignored."}