PMC:4301621 / 9292-10821
{"project":"2_test","denotations":[{"id":"25582171-23236514-14905482","span":{"begin":1123,"end":1125},"obj":"23236514"}],"text":"Metabolic reactions in the model iCY1106 were divided into ten metabolic subsystems (Figure 1). The largest subsystem was lipid metabolism (fatty acid biosynthesis, fatty acid elongation, steroid, glycerolipid, glycerophospholipid and sphingolipid metabolism) that accounted for 23.53% of the total reactions. Reactions involving the synthesis of PUFAs such as DGLA, ARA, and EPA are listed in model iCY1106. For most subsystems, most categories were more abundant in iCY1106 than in the Vongsangnak’s model, with the exception of Amino Acid Metabolism and Nucleotide Metabolism (Figure 1a). Since there were six compartments (cytosol, mitochondria, peroxisome, extracellular, plasma membrane and unclassified compartment) in Vongsangnak’s model, some reactions occur in multiple compartments at the same time. When ignoring compartments, not including transport reactions and exchange reactions, these two models shared 566 reactions (Additional file 2). Vongsangnak’s model and iCY1106 included 179 and 621 unique reactions, respectively (Figure 1b). Compared with model iYL619_PCP of the oleaginous yeast Y. lipolytica [20], lipid metabolism accounted for a higher proportion (16.7%, 191 of total 1142 reactions) of reactions in iCY1106. Amino acid and carbohydrate metabolism subsystems were 13.17% and 11.66%, respectively, in iCY1106.\nFigure 1 The comparison between Vongsangnak’s model and i CY1106. a: reaction distribution in subsystems between these two models; b: shared reactions and unique reactions between models."}