PMC:4264897 / 33277-34139 JSONTXT

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    {"project":"MyTest","denotations":[{"id":"25512844-23637808-26483247","span":{"begin":206,"end":210},"obj":"23637808"}],"namespaces":[{"prefix":"_base","uri":""},{"prefix":"UniProtKB","uri":""},{"prefix":"uniprot","uri":""}],"text":"Figure 2 Effect of sex and diet quality (good quality = grey boxes; poor quality = white boxes) on body condition index in Gryllus texensis as estimated by three different methods for the Kelly and Tawes (2013) data. Boxplots are shown for the (A) scaled mass index () and (B) residual index (R i). Boxes represent the lower (25%) and upper (75%) quartiles, the solid dark horizontal line represents the median, and the whiskers indicate 1.5 times the interquartile range. Data beyond the end of the whiskers are outliers and plotted as black dots. (C) Mean (±1 SE) body mass (log g) from ANCOVA after adjusting for body size (log mm; circles = good diet; triangles = poor diet). Samples sizes are: low-quality females, n  = 35; low-quality males, n  = 40; high-quality females, n  = 47; high-quality males, n  = 52. See Table3 for details of statistical tests."}


    {"project":"2_test","denotations":[{"id":"25512844-23637808-26483247","span":{"begin":206,"end":210},"obj":"23637808"}],"text":"Figure 2 Effect of sex and diet quality (good quality = grey boxes; poor quality = white boxes) on body condition index in Gryllus texensis as estimated by three different methods for the Kelly and Tawes (2013) data. Boxplots are shown for the (A) scaled mass index () and (B) residual index (R i). Boxes represent the lower (25%) and upper (75%) quartiles, the solid dark horizontal line represents the median, and the whiskers indicate 1.5 times the interquartile range. Data beyond the end of the whiskers are outliers and plotted as black dots. (C) Mean (±1 SE) body mass (log g) from ANCOVA after adjusting for body size (log mm; circles = good diet; triangles = poor diet). Samples sizes are: low-quality females, n  = 35; low-quality males, n  = 40; high-quality females, n  = 47; high-quality males, n  = 52. See Table3 for details of statistical tests."}