PMC:4067558 / 8312-9186 JSONTXT

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    {"project":"2_test","denotations":[{"id":"24768552-20202923-2047095","span":{"begin":190,"end":192},"obj":"20202923"},{"id":"24768552-21357381-2047096","span":{"begin":245,"end":247},"obj":"21357381"},{"id":"24768552-17982118-2047096","span":{"begin":245,"end":247},"obj":"17982118"},{"id":"24768552-22589738-2047097","span":{"begin":307,"end":309},"obj":"22589738"}],"text":"Control Subjects\nUnrelated control subjects were assembled from three studies in which individuals had no obvious psychiatric history: the Study of Addiction Genetics and Environment (SAGE),26 the Ontario Colorectal Cancer Case-Control Study,27,28 and Health, Aging, and Body Composition (HABC) (Table S1B).29 Samples were genotyped on the same array platforms (Illumina 1M single or duo arrays) as those of ASD subjects and parents and were analyzed with the same quality-control (QC) procedures and CNV analysis pipeline. The control data set used in the primary CNV analysis was composed of 2,640 control individuals of European ancestry (1,241 males and 1,399 females) who passed QC (Table S1B). Secondary analyses included 1,843 subjects from other ancestries (SAGE and HABC non-European control individuals), giving a total of 4,768 control subjects of all ancestries."}