> top > docs > PMC:3589482 > spans > 41214-41443 > annotations

PMC:3589482 / 41214-41443 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T21261 228-229 . denotes .
T21260 225-228 NNP denotes LPS
T21259 222-224 TO denotes to
T21258 213-221 NN denotes response
T21257 209-212 DT denotes the
T21256 205-208 CC denotes and
T21255 191-204 NN denotes transcription
T21254 186-190 NN denotes gene
T21253 177-185 NNP denotes SerpinB2
T21252 164-176 JJ denotes constitutive
T21251 154-163 VBZ denotes abrogates
T21250 152-153 NN denotes β
T21249 151-152 : denotes -
T21248 146-151 NNP denotes C/EBP
T21247 143-145 IN denotes of
T21246 138-142 NN denotes loss
T21245 134-137 CC denotes and
T21244 132-133 , denotes ,
T21243 128-132 NN denotes vivo
T21242 125-127 IN denotes in
T21241 121-124 CC denotes and
T21240 115-120 NN denotes vitro
T21239 112-114 IN denotes in
T21238 103-111 NN denotes promoter
T21237 94-102 JJ denotes proximal
T21236 85-93 NNP denotes SerpinB2
T21235 81-84 DT denotes the
T21234 78-80 IN denotes in
T21233 70-77 NN denotes element
T21232 61-69 NN denotes response
T21231 55-60 NNP denotes C/EBP
T21230 51-54 DT denotes the
T21229 46-50 NN denotes bind
T21228 33-45 RB denotes specifically
T21227 30-32 TO denotes to
T21226 24-29 VBN denotes shown
T21225 20-23 VBD denotes was
T21224 18-19 NN denotes β
T21223 17-18 : denotes -
T21222 12-17 NNP denotes C/EBP
T21221 0-11 JJ denotes LPS-induced
R15082 T21221 T21224 amod LPS-induced,β
R15083 T21222 T21224 compound C/EBP,β
R15084 T21223 T21224 punct -,β
R15085 T21224 T21226 nsubjpass β,shown
R15086 T21225 T21226 auxpass was,shown
R15087 T21226 T21226 ROOT shown,shown
R15088 T21227 T21229 aux to,bind
R15089 T21228 T21229 advmod specifically,bind
R15090 T21229 T21226 xcomp bind,shown
R15091 T21230 T21233 det the,element
R15092 T21231 T21233 compound C/EBP,element
R15093 T21232 T21233 compound response,element
R15094 T21233 T21229 dobj element,bind
R15095 T21234 T21233 prep in,element
R15096 T21235 T21238 det the,promoter
R15097 T21236 T21238 nmod SerpinB2,promoter
R15098 T21237 T21238 amod proximal,promoter
R15099 T21238 T21234 pobj promoter,in
R15100 T21239 T21233 prep in,element
R15101 T21240 T21239 pobj vitro,in
R15102 T21241 T21239 cc and,in
R15103 T21242 T21239 conj in,in
R15104 T21243 T21242 pobj vivo,in
R15105 T21244 T21242 punct ",",in
R15106 T21245 T21242 cc and,in
R15107 T21246 T21242 conj loss,in
R15108 T21247 T21246 prep of,loss
R15109 T21248 T21250 compound C/EBP,β
R15110 T21249 T21250 punct -,β
R15111 T21250 T21251 compound β,abrogates
R15112 T21251 T21229 dobj abrogates,bind
R15113 T21252 T21255 amod constitutive,transcription
R15114 T21253 T21255 compound SerpinB2,transcription
R15115 T21254 T21255 compound gene,transcription
R15116 T21255 T21251 dobj transcription,abrogates
R15117 T21256 T21255 cc and,transcription
R15118 T21257 T21258 det the,response
R15119 T21258 T21255 conj response,transcription
R15120 T21259 T21258 prep to,response
R15121 T21260 T21259 pobj LPS,to
R15122 T21261 T21226 punct .,shown


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T19051 225-228 NN denotes LPS
T19050 222-224 TO denotes to
T19049 213-221 NN denotes response
T19048 209-212 DT denotes the
T19047 205-208 CC denotes and
T19046 191-204 NN denotes transcription
T19045 186-190 NN denotes gene
T19044 177-185 NN denotes SerpinB2
T19043 164-176 JJ denotes constitutive
T19042 154-163 VB denotes abrogates
T19041 146-153 NN denotes C/EBP-β
T19040 143-145 IN denotes of
T19039 138-142 NN denotes loss
T19038 134-137 CC denotes and
T19037 132-133 -COMMA- denotes ,
T19036 128-132 FW denotes vivo
T19035 125-127 FW denotes in
T19034 121-124 CC denotes and
T19033 115-120 FW denotes vitro
T19032 112-114 FW denotes in
T19031 103-111 NN denotes promoter
T19030 94-102 JJ denotes proximal
T19029 85-93 NN denotes SerpinB2
T19028 81-84 DT denotes the
T19027 78-80 IN denotes in
T19026 70-77 NN denotes element
T19025 61-69 NN denotes response
T19024 55-60 NN denotes C/EBP
T19023 51-54 DT denotes the
T19022 46-50 VB denotes bind
T19021 33-45 RB denotes specifically
T19020 30-32 TO denotes to
T19019 24-29 VB denotes shown
T19018 20-23 VB denotes was
T19017 12-19 NN denotes C/EBP-β
T19016 0-11 JJ denotes LPS-induced
R13479 T19017 T19016 arg1Of C/EBP-β,LPS-induced
R13480 T19017 T19018 arg1Of C/EBP-β,was
R13481 T19017 T19019 arg2Of C/EBP-β,shown
R13482 T19017 T19022 arg1Of C/EBP-β,bind
R13483 T19019 T19018 arg2Of shown,was
R13484 T19019 T19038 arg1Of shown,and
R13485 T19022 T19019 arg3Of bind,shown
R13486 T19022 T19020 arg1Of bind,to
R13487 T19022 T19021 arg1Of bind,specifically
R13488 T19022 T19033 arg1Of bind,vitro
R13489 T19022 T19036 arg1Of bind,vivo
R13490 T19026 T19022 arg2Of element,bind
R13491 T19026 T19023 arg1Of element,the
R13492 T19026 T19024 arg1Of element,C/EBP
R13493 T19026 T19025 arg1Of element,response
R13494 T19026 T19027 arg1Of element,in
R13495 T19031 T19027 arg2Of promoter,in
R13496 T19031 T19028 arg1Of promoter,the
R13497 T19031 T19029 arg1Of promoter,SerpinB2
R13498 T19031 T19030 arg1Of promoter,proximal
R13499 T19033 T19032 arg1Of vitro,in
R13500 T19033 T19034 arg1Of vitro,and
R13501 T19036 T19034 arg2Of vivo,and
R13502 T19036 T19035 arg1Of vivo,in
R13503 T19038 T19037 arg1Of and,","
R13504 T19039 T19040 arg1Of loss,of
R13505 T19039 T19042 arg1Of loss,abrogates
R13506 T19041 T19040 arg2Of C/EBP-β,of
R13507 T19042 T19038 arg2Of abrogates,and
R13508 T19046 T19043 arg1Of transcription,constitutive
R13509 T19046 T19044 arg1Of transcription,SerpinB2
R13510 T19046 T19045 arg1Of transcription,gene
R13511 T19046 T19047 arg1Of transcription,and
R13512 T19047 T19042 arg2Of and,abrogates
R13513 T19049 T19047 arg2Of response,and
R13514 T19049 T19048 arg1Of response,the
R13515 T19049 T19050 arg1Of response,to
R13516 T19051 T19050 arg2Of LPS,to


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T18726 177-185 Protein denotes SerpinB2
T18725 146-153 Protein denotes C/EBP-β
T18724 85-93 Protein denotes SerpinB2
T18723 12-19 Protein denotes C/EBP-β


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T20246 146-153 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P28033 denotes C/EBP-β
T20245 12-19 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P28033 denotes C/EBP-β
T20213 177-185 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P05120 denotes SerpinB2
T20212 85-93 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P05120 denotes SerpinB2


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T18812 213-228 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0032496 denotes response to LPS
T18798 191-204 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0006351 denotes transcription


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T18484 0-229 Sentence denotes LPS-induced C/EBP-β was shown to specifically bind the C/EBP response element in the SerpinB2 proximal promoter in vitro and in vivo, and loss of C/EBP-β abrogates constitutive SerpinB2 gene transcription and the response to LPS.
T249 0-229 Sentence denotes LPS-induced C/EBP-β was shown to specifically bind the C/EBP response element in the SerpinB2 proximal promoter in vitro and in vivo, and loss of C/EBP-β abrogates constitutive SerpinB2 gene transcription and the response to LPS.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T18863 177-185 Protein denotes SerpinB2
T18862 146-153 Protein denotes C/EBP-β
T18861 85-93 Protein denotes SerpinB2
T18860 12-19 Protein denotes C/EBP-β


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T20071 146-153 Protein denotes C/EBP-β
T20070 85-93 Protein denotes SerpinB2
T20069 12-19 Protein denotes C/EBP-β
T20068 177-185 Protein denotes SerpinB2
T20143 154-163 Negative_regulation denotes abrogates
T20142 191-204 Transcription denotes transcription
T20141 138-142 Negative_regulation denotes loss
T20140 46-50 Binding denotes bind
T20139 0-11 Positive_regulation denotes LPS-induced
R14507 T20068 T20142 themeOf SerpinB2,transcription
R14508 T20069 T20139 themeOf C/EBP-β,LPS-induced
R14509 T20069 T20140 themeOf C/EBP-β,bind
R14510 T20070 T20140 themeOf SerpinB2,bind
R14511 T20071 T20141 themeOf C/EBP-β,loss
R14577 T20142 T20143 themeOf transcription,abrogates


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T20521 146-153 Protein denotes C/EBP-β
T20520 85-93 Protein denotes SerpinB2
T20519 12-19 Protein denotes C/EBP-β
T20518 177-185 Protein denotes SerpinB2
T20591 0-11 Positive_regulation denotes LPS-induced
T20590 191-204 Transcription denotes transcription
T20589 138-142 Negative_regulation denotes loss
T20588 46-50 Binding denotes bind
R14730 T20518 T20590 themeOf SerpinB2,transcription
R14731 T20519 T20591 themeOf C/EBP-β,LPS-induced
R14732 T20519 T20588 themeOf C/EBP-β,bind
R14733 T20520 T20588 themeOf SerpinB2,bind
R14734 T20521 T20589 themeOf C/EBP-β,loss


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T20369 164-176 Positive_regulation denotes constitutive
T20368 154-163 Negative_regulation denotes abrogates
T20367 191-204 Transcription denotes transcription
T20366 138-142 Negative_regulation denotes loss
T20365 46-50 Binding denotes bind
T20364 0-11 Positive_regulation denotes LPS-induced
T20295 146-153 Protein denotes C/EBP-β
T20294 85-93 Protein denotes SerpinB2
T20293 12-19 Protein denotes C/EBP-β
T20292 177-185 Protein denotes SerpinB2
R14618 T20292 T20367 themeOf SerpinB2,transcription
R14619 T20293 T20364 themeOf C/EBP-β,LPS-induced
R14620 T20293 T20365 themeOf C/EBP-β,bind
R14621 T20294 T20365 themeOf SerpinB2,bind
R14622 T20295 T20366 themeOf C/EBP-β,loss
R14671 T20366 T20368 causeOf loss,abrogates
R14672 T20367 T20368 themeOf transcription,abrogates
R14673 T20367 T20369 themeOf transcription,constitutive


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T21121 164-204 Transcription denotes constitutive SerpinB2 gene transcription
T21097 0-19 Positive_regulation denotes LPS-induced C/EBP-β
T21096 0-19 Gene_expression denotes LPS-induced C/EBP-β
T21070 177-185 Protein denotes SerpinB2
T21056 103-132 Entity denotes promoter in vitro and in vivo
T21050 164-190 Protein denotes constitutive SerpinB2 gene
T21048 143-153 Protein denotes of C/EBP-β
T21027 0-11 Entity denotes LPS-induced
T20962 0-19 Protein denotes LPS-induced C/EBP-β
T20957 81-102 Protein denotes the SerpinB2 proximal
T20902 55-60 Protein denotes C/EBP
R14946 T20962 T21096 themeOf LPS-induced C/EBP-β,LPS-induced C/EBP-β
R14947 T20962 T21097 themeOf LPS-induced C/EBP-β,LPS-induced C/EBP-β
R14963 T21027 T21097 causeOf LPS-induced,LPS-induced C/EBP-β
R14967 T21050 T21121 themeOf constitutive SerpinB2 gene,constitutive SerpinB2 gene transcription


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T20663 138-142 Negative_regulation denotes loss
T20662 46-50 Binding denotes bind
T20661 46-50 Binding denotes bind
T20660 0-11 Positive_regulation denotes LPS-induced
T20659 146-153 Protein denotes C/EBP-β
T20658 85-111 Protein denotes SerpinB2 proximal promoter
T20657 55-77 Protein denotes C/EBP response element
T20656 12-19 Protein denotes C/EBP-β
R14811 T20656 T20660 themeOf C/EBP-β,LPS-induced
R14812 T20656 T20661 themeOf C/EBP-β,bind
R14813 T20656 T20662 themeOf C/EBP-β,bind
R14814 T20657 T20661 themeOf C/EBP response element,bind
R14815 T20658 T20662 themeOf SerpinB2 proximal promoter,bind
R14816 T20659 T20663 themeOf C/EBP-β,loss


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T18240 138-142 Negative_regulation denotes loss
T18239 46-50 Binding denotes bind
T18238 4-11 Positive_regulation denotes induced
T18174 177-185 Protein denotes SerpinB2
T18173 146-153 Protein denotes C/EBP-β
T18172 85-93 Protein denotes SerpinB2
T18171 12-19 Protein denotes C/EBP-β
R13109 T18171 T18238 themeOf C/EBP-β,induced
R13110 T18171 T18239 themeOf C/EBP-β,bind
R13111 T18173 T18240 themeOf C/EBP-β,loss


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T18370 191-204 Transcription denotes transcription
T18369 177-185 Protein denotes SerpinB2
T18368 154-163 Positive_regulation denotes abrogates
T18367 146-153 Protein denotes C/EBP-β
T18366 138-142 Negative_regulation denotes loss
T18365 85-93 Protein denotes SerpinB2
T18364 46-50 Binding denotes bind
T18363 12-19 Protein denotes C/EBP-β
T18362 4-11 Positive_regulation denotes induced
T18291 177-185 Protein denotes SerpinB2
T18290 146-153 Protein denotes C/EBP-β
T18289 85-93 Protein denotes SerpinB2
T18288 12-19 Protein denotes C/EBP-β
R13162 T18363 T18362 themeOf C/EBP-β,induced
R13163 T18363 T18364 themeOf C/EBP-β,bind
R13164 T18367 T18366 themeOf C/EBP-β,loss
R13165 T18367 T18368 causeOf C/EBP-β,abrogates
R13166 T18369 T18370 themeOf SerpinB2,transcription
R13167 T18370 T18368 themeOf transcription,abrogates