> top > docs > PMC:3589482 > spans > 17980-18125 > annotations

PMC:3589482 / 17980-18125 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9415 144-145 . denotes .
T9414 143-144 -RRB- denotes )
T9413 142-143 LS denotes 1
T9412 137-141 FW denotes Fig.
T9411 136-137 -LRB- denotes (
T9410 126-135 NN denotes treatment
T9409 122-125 NNP denotes LPS
T9408 119-121 IN denotes of
T9407 115-118 NNS denotes hrs
T9406 113-114 CD denotes 8
T9405 107-112 IN denotes after
T9404 96-106 JJ denotes detectable
T9403 92-95 CC denotes and
T9402 90-91 , denotes ,
T9401 89-90 NNP denotes ]
T9400 87-89 CD denotes 31
T9399 86-87 NNP denotes [
T9398 80-85 NNS denotes types
T9397 75-79 NN denotes cell
T9396 69-74 JJ denotes other
T9395 66-68 IN denotes in
T9394 57-65 VBN denotes reported
T9393 52-56 VBN denotes been
T9392 48-51 VBZ denotes has
T9391 45-47 IN denotes as
T9390 37-44 VBN denotes induced
T9389 32-36 RB denotes also
T9388 28-31 VBD denotes was
T9387 17-27 NN denotes expression
T9386 9-16 NN denotes protein
T9385 0-8 CD denotes SerpinB2
R6887 T9385 T9387 nummod SerpinB2,expression
R6888 T9386 T9387 compound protein,expression
R6889 T9387 T9390 nsubjpass expression,induced
R6890 T9388 T9390 auxpass was,induced
R6891 T9389 T9390 advmod also,induced
R6892 T9390 T9390 ROOT induced,induced
R6893 T9391 T9394 mark as,reported
R6894 T9392 T9394 aux has,reported
R6895 T9393 T9394 auxpass been,reported
R6896 T9394 T9390 advcl reported,induced
R6897 T9395 T9394 prep in,reported
R6898 T9396 T9398 amod other,types
R6899 T9397 T9398 compound cell,types
R6900 T9398 T9395 pobj types,in
R6901 T9399 T9401 nmod [,]
R6902 T9400 T9401 nummod 31,]
R6903 T9401 T9394 dobj ],reported
R6904 T9402 T9401 punct ",",]
R6905 T9403 T9401 cc and,]
R6906 T9404 T9405 amod detectable,after
R6907 T9405 T9394 prep after,reported
R6908 T9406 T9407 nummod 8,hrs
R6909 T9407 T9405 pobj hrs,after
R6910 T9408 T9407 prep of,hrs
R6911 T9409 T9410 compound LPS,treatment
R6912 T9410 T9408 pobj treatment,of
R6913 T9411 T9413 punct (,1
R6914 T9412 T9413 nmod Fig.,1
R6915 T9413 T9407 dep 1,hrs
R6916 T9414 T9413 punct ),1
R6917 T9415 T9390 punct .,induced


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9180 143-144 -RRB- denotes )
T9179 142-143 CD denotes 1
T9178 137-141 NN denotes Fig.
T9177 136-137 -LRB- denotes (
T9176 126-135 NN denotes treatment
T9175 122-125 NN denotes LPS
T9174 119-121 IN denotes of
T9173 115-118 NN denotes hrs
T9172 113-114 CD denotes 8
T9171 107-112 IN denotes after
T9170 96-106 JJ denotes detectable
T9169 92-95 CC denotes and
T9168 90-91 -COMMA- denotes ,
T9167 89-90 -RRB- denotes ]
T9166 87-89 CD denotes 31
T9165 86-87 -LRB- denotes [
T9164 80-85 NN denotes types
T9163 75-79 NN denotes cell
T9162 69-74 JJ denotes other
T9161 66-68 IN denotes in
T9160 57-65 VB denotes reported
T9159 52-56 VB denotes been
T9158 48-51 VB denotes has
T9157 45-47 IN denotes as
T9156 37-44 VB denotes induced
T9155 32-36 RB denotes also
T9154 28-31 VB denotes was
T9153 17-27 NN denotes expression
T9152 9-16 NN denotes protein
T9151 0-8 NN denotes SerpinB2
R6709 T9153 T9151 arg1Of expression,SerpinB2
R6710 T9153 T9152 arg1Of expression,protein
R6711 T9153 T9154 arg1Of expression,was
R6712 T9153 T9156 arg2Of expression,induced
R6713 T9153 T9170 arg1Of expression,detectable
R6714 T9156 T9157 arg1Of induced,as
R6715 T9156 T9169 arg1Of induced,and
R6716 T9160 T9157 arg2Of reported,as
R6717 T9160 T9158 arg2Of reported,has
R6718 T9160 T9159 arg2Of reported,been
R6719 T9160 T9161 arg1Of reported,in
R6720 T9164 T9161 arg2Of types,in
R6721 T9164 T9162 arg1Of types,other
R6722 T9164 T9163 arg1Of types,cell
R6723 T9164 T9165 arg1Of types,[
R6724 T9166 T9165 arg2Of 31,[
R6725 T9167 T9165 arg3Of ],[
R6726 T9169 T9154 arg2Of and,was
R6727 T9169 T9155 arg1Of and,also
R6728 T9169 T9168 arg1Of and,","
R6729 T9169 T9171 arg1Of and,after
R6730 T9170 T9169 arg2Of detectable,and
R6731 T9173 T9171 arg2Of hrs,after
R6732 T9173 T9172 arg1Of hrs,8
R6733 T9173 T9174 arg1Of hrs,of
R6734 T9176 T9174 arg2Of treatment,of
R6735 T9176 T9175 arg1Of treatment,LPS
R6736 T9176 T9177 arg1Of treatment,(
R6737 T9178 T9177 arg2Of Fig.,(
R6738 T9178 T9179 arg1Of Fig.,1
R6739 T9180 T9177 arg3Of ),(


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9037 0-8 Protein denotes SerpinB2


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9198 0-8 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P05120 denotes SerpinB2


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9041 75-79 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cell


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9017 0-145 Sentence denotes SerpinB2 protein expression was also induced as has been reported in other cell types [31], and detectable after 8 hrs of LPS treatment (Fig. 1).
T117 0-145 Sentence denotes SerpinB2 protein expression was also induced as has been reported in other cell types [31], and detectable after 8 hrs of LPS treatment (Fig. 1).


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9051 0-8 Protein denotes SerpinB2


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9193 37-44 Positive_regulation denotes induced
T9192 17-27 Gene_expression denotes expression
T9185 0-8 Protein denotes SerpinB2
R6743 T9185 T9192 themeOf SerpinB2,expression
R6747 T9192 T9193 themeOf expression,induced


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9232 37-44 Positive_regulation denotes induced
T9231 17-27 Gene_expression denotes expression
T9225 0-8 Protein denotes SerpinB2
R6762 T9225 T9231 themeOf SerpinB2,expression
R6766 T9231 T9232 themeOf expression,induced


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9212 37-44 Positive_regulation denotes induced
T9211 17-27 Gene_expression denotes expression
T9203 0-8 Protein denotes SerpinB2
R6752 T9203 T9211 themeOf SerpinB2,expression
R6756 T9211 T9212 themeOf expression,induced


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9273 0-8 Protein denotes SerpinB2
T9268 69-91 Entity denotes other cell types [31],
T9267 0-47 Protein denotes SerpinB2 protein expression was also induced as
T9266 122-125 Entity denotes LPS
T9264 96-144 Protein denotes detectable after 8 hrs of LPS treatment (Fig. 1)


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9244 37-44 Positive_regulation denotes induced
T9243 17-27 Gene_expression denotes expression
T9242 0-16 Protein denotes SerpinB2 protein
R6772 T9242 T9243 themeOf SerpinB2 protein,expression
R6773 T9243 T9244 themeOf expression,induced


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T8993 17-27 Gene_expression denotes expression
T8987 0-8 Protein denotes SerpinB2
R6589 T8987 T8993 themeOf SerpinB2,expression


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9011 37-44 Positive_regulation denotes induced
T9010 17-27 Gene_expression denotes expression
T9009 0-8 Protein denotes SerpinB2
T8998 0-8 Protein denotes SerpinB2
R6597 T9009 T9010 themeOf SerpinB2,expression
R6598 T9010 T9011 themeOf expression,induced