> top > docs > PMC:3586680 > spans > 549-791 > annotations

PMC:3586680 / 549-791 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T73 236-239 Protein denotes p53
T72 173-176 Protein denotes p53
T71 144-148 Binding denotes bind
T70 116-120 Protein denotes WWOX
T69 111-114 Protein denotes p53
T68 28-32 Protein denotes WWOX
T53 236-239 Protein denotes p53
T52 173-176 Protein denotes p53
T51 116-120 Protein denotes WWOX
T50 111-114 Protein denotes p53
T49 28-32 Protein denotes WWOX
R7 T70 T71 themeOf WWOX,bind
R8 T72 T71 themeOf p53,bind


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T40 144-148 Binding denotes bind
T31 236-239 Protein denotes p53
T30 173-176 Protein denotes p53
T29 116-120 Protein denotes WWOX
T28 111-114 Protein denotes p53
T27 28-32 Protein denotes WWOX
R2 T29 T40 themeOf WWOX,bind
R3 T30 T40 themeOf p53,bind


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T490 236-239 Protein denotes p53
T489 144-148 Binding denotes bind
T488 144-148 Binding denotes bind
T487 173-176 Protein denotes p53
T486 116-120 Protein denotes WWOX
T485 4-14 Gene_expression denotes expression
T484 23-32 Protein denotes type WWOX
R242 T484 T485 themeOf type WWOX,expression
R243 T486 T488 themeOf WWOX,bind
R244 T486 T489 themeOf WWOX,bind
R245 T487 T489 themeOf p53,bind


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T680 236-239 NN denotes p53
T679 233-235 IN denotes in
T678 223-232 NN denotes knowledge
T677 215-222 VBN denotes updated
T676 211-214 DT denotes the
T675 207-210 IN denotes for
T674 198-206 NN denotes overview
T673 195-197 DT denotes an
T672 187-194 VBP denotes provide
T671 184-186 PRP denotes we
T670 182-183 , denotes ,
T669 178-182 RB denotes Here
T668 176-177 . denotes .
T667 173-176 NN denotes p53
T666 168-172 NN denotes type
T665 163-167 JJ denotes wild
T664 153-162 VB denotes stabilize
T663 149-152 CC denotes and
T662 144-148 NN denotes bind
T661 133-143 RB denotes physically
T660 130-132 TO denotes to
T659 124-129 VBN denotes known
T658 121-123 VBZ denotes is
T657 116-120 NNP denotes WWOX
T656 114-115 . denotes .
T655 111-114 NN denotes p53
T654 104-110 JJ denotes mutant
T653 94-103 VBG denotes harboring
T652 88-93 NNS denotes cells
T651 75-87 NN denotes glioblastoma
T650 69-74 JJ denotes human
T649 66-68 IN denotes in
T648 56-65 NN denotes apoptosis
T647 48-55 VBZ denotes induces
T646 33-47 RB denotes preferentially
T645 28-32 NNP denotes WWOX
T644 23-27 NN denotes type
T643 18-22 JJ denotes wild
T642 15-17 IN denotes of
T641 4-14 NN denotes expression
R353 T641 T647 nsubj expression,induces
R354 T642 T641 prep of,expression
R355 T643 T644 amod wild,type
R356 T644 T645 compound type,WWOX
R357 T645 T642 pobj WWOX,of
R358 T646 T647 advmod preferentially,induces
R359 T647 T647 ROOT induces,induces
R360 T648 T647 dobj apoptosis,induces
R361 T649 T648 prep in,apoptosis
R362 T650 T652 amod human,cells
R363 T651 T652 compound glioblastoma,cells
R364 T652 T649 pobj cells,in
R365 T653 T648 acl harboring,apoptosis
R366 T654 T655 amod mutant,p53
R367 T655 T653 dobj p53,harboring
R368 T656 T647 punct .,induces
R369 T657 T659 nsubjpass WWOX,known
R370 T658 T659 auxpass is,known
R371 T659 T659 ROOT known,known
R372 T660 T662 aux to,bind
R373 T661 T662 advmod physically,bind
R374 T662 T659 xcomp bind,known
R375 T663 T659 cc and,known
R376 T664 T659 conj stabilize,known
R377 T665 T666 amod wild,type
R378 T666 T667 compound type,p53
R379 T667 T664 dobj p53,stabilize
R380 T668 T659 punct .,known
R381 T669 T672 advmod Here,provide
R382 T670 T672 punct ",",provide
R383 T671 T672 nsubj we,provide
R384 T672 T672 ROOT provide,provide
R385 T673 T674 det an,overview
R386 T674 T672 dobj overview,provide
R387 T675 T674 prep for,overview
R388 T676 T678 det the,knowledge
R389 T677 T678 amod updated,knowledge
R390 T678 T675 pobj knowledge,for
R391 T679 T678 prep in,knowledge
R392 T680 T679 pobj p53,in


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T551 116-176 Binding denotes WWOX is known to physically bind and stabilize wild type p53
T547 116-176 Regulation denotes WWOX is known to physically bind and stabilize wild type p53
T543 15-32 Protein denotes of wild type WWOX
T540 69-114 Entity denotes human glioblastoma cells harboring mutant p53
T538 236-239 Protein denotes p53
T527 104-114 Protein denotes mutant p53
T524 116-120 Protein denotes WWOX
T520 163-176 Protein denotes wild type p53
R259 T520 T547 themeOf wild type p53,WWOX is known to physically bind and stabilize wild type p53
R260 T524 T547 causeOf WWOX,WWOX is known to physically bind and stabilize wild type p53
R261 T524 T551 themeOf WWOX,WWOX is known to physically bind and stabilize wild type p53


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T420 144-148 Binding denotes bind
T419 48-55 Positive_regulation denotes induces
T418 4-14 Gene_expression denotes expression
T409 236-239 Protein denotes p53
T408 173-176 Protein denotes p53
T407 116-120 Protein denotes WWOX
T406 28-32 Protein denotes WWOX
T405 111-114 Protein denotes p53
R215 T406 T418 themeOf WWOX,expression
R216 T407 T420 themeOf WWOX,bind
R217 T408 T420 themeOf p53,bind
R223 T418 T419 themeOf expression,induces


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T470 144-148 Binding denotes bind
T469 4-14 Gene_expression denotes expression
T468 48-55 Positive_regulation denotes induces
T459 236-239 Protein denotes p53
T458 173-176 Protein denotes p53
T457 116-120 Protein denotes WWOX
T456 28-32 Protein denotes WWOX
T455 111-114 Protein denotes p53
R232 T456 T469 themeOf WWOX,expression
R233 T457 T470 themeOf WWOX,bind
R237 T469 T468 themeOf expression,induces


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T377 144-148 Binding denotes bind
T376 153-162 Positive_regulation denotes stabilize
T375 4-14 Gene_expression denotes expression
T367 236-239 Protein denotes p53
T366 173-176 Protein denotes p53
T365 116-120 Protein denotes WWOX
T364 28-32 Protein denotes WWOX
T363 111-114 Protein denotes p53
R205 T364 T375 themeOf WWOX,expression
R206 T365 T377 themeOf WWOX,bind
R207 T366 T376 themeOf p53,stabilize


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T394 236-239 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P04637 denotes p53
T393 173-176 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P04637 denotes p53
T392 111-114 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P04637 denotes p53
T384 28-32 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q9NZC7 denotes WWOX
T385 116-120 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q9NZC7 denotes WWOX


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T126 28-32 Protein denotes WWOX
T127 111-114 Protein denotes p53
T128 116-120 Protein denotes WWOX
T129 173-176 Protein denotes p53
T130 236-239 Protein denotes p53


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T289 236-239 NN denotes p53
T288 233-235 IN denotes in
T287 223-232 NN denotes knowledge
T286 215-222 VB denotes updated
T285 211-214 DT denotes the
T284 207-210 IN denotes for
T283 198-206 NN denotes overview
T282 195-197 DT denotes an
T281 187-194 VB denotes provide
T280 184-186 PRP denotes we
T279 182-183 -COMMA- denotes ,
T278 178-182 RB denotes Here
T277 173-176 NN denotes p53
T276 168-172 NN denotes type
T275 163-167 JJ denotes wild
T274 153-162 VB denotes stabilize
T273 149-152 CC denotes and
T272 144-148 VB denotes bind
T271 133-143 RB denotes physically
T270 130-132 TO denotes to
T269 124-129 VB denotes known
T268 121-123 VB denotes is
T267 116-120 NN denotes WWOX
T266 111-114 NN denotes p53
T265 104-110 JJ denotes mutant
T264 94-103 VB denotes harboring
T263 88-93 NN denotes cells
T262 75-87 NN denotes glioblastoma
T261 69-74 JJ denotes human
T260 66-68 IN denotes in
T259 56-65 NN denotes apoptosis
T258 48-55 VB denotes induces
T257 33-47 RB denotes preferentially
T256 28-32 NN denotes WWOX
T255 23-27 NN denotes type
T254 18-22 JJ denotes wild
T253 15-17 IN denotes of
T252 4-14 NN denotes expression
R152 T287 T286 arg2Of knowledge,updated
R114 T252 T253 arg1Of expression,of
R115 T252 T258 arg1Of expression,induces
R116 T256 T253 arg2Of WWOX,of
R117 T256 T254 arg1Of WWOX,wild
R118 T256 T255 arg1Of WWOX,type
R121 T258 T257 arg1Of induces,preferentially
R122 T258 T260 arg1Of induces,in
R123 T259 T258 arg2Of apoptosis,induces
R124 T263 T260 arg2Of cells,in
R125 T263 T261 arg1Of cells,human
R126 T263 T262 arg1Of cells,glioblastoma
R127 T263 T264 arg1Of cells,harboring
R128 T266 T264 arg2Of p53,harboring
R129 T266 T265 arg1Of p53,mutant
R130 T267 T268 arg1Of WWOX,is
R131 T267 T269 arg2Of WWOX,known
R132 T267 T272 arg1Of WWOX,bind
R133 T267 T274 arg1Of WWOX,stabilize
R134 T269 T268 arg2Of known,is
R135 T272 T273 arg1Of bind,and
R136 T273 T269 arg3Of and,known
R137 T273 T270 arg1Of and,to
R138 T273 T271 arg1Of and,physically
R139 T274 T273 arg2Of stabilize,and
R140 T277 T272 arg2Of p53,bind
R141 T277 T274 arg2Of p53,stabilize
R142 T277 T275 arg1Of p53,wild
R143 T277 T276 arg1Of p53,type
R144 T280 T281 arg1Of we,provide
R147 T283 T281 arg2Of overview,provide
R148 T283 T282 arg1Of overview,an
R149 T283 T284 arg1Of overview,for
R150 T287 T284 arg2Of knowledge,for
R151 T287 T285 arg1Of knowledge,the
R153 T287 T288 arg1Of knowledge,in


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T142 56-65 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0097194 denotes apoptosis
T141 56-65 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0006915 denotes apoptosis


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T146 88-93 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T84 116-177 Sentence denotes WWOX is known to physically bind and stabilize wild type p53.
T7 116-177 Sentence denotes WWOX is known to physically bind and stabilize wild type p53.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T160 236-239 Protein denotes p53
T159 173-176 Protein denotes p53
T158 116-120 Protein denotes WWOX
T157 111-114 Protein denotes p53
T156 28-32 Protein denotes WWOX