> top > docs > PMC:3586680 > spans > 282-388 > annotations

PMC:3586680 / 282-388 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T67 100-104 Protein denotes WWOX
T66 92-96 Negative_regulation denotes Loss
T65 19-23 Protein denotes WOX1
T64 12-15 Protein denotes FOR
T63 6-10 Protein denotes WWOX
T48 100-104 Protein denotes WWOX
T47 19-23 Protein denotes WOX1
T46 12-15 Protein denotes FOR
T45 6-10 Protein denotes WWOX
R5 T63 T64 themeOf WWOX,FOR


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T37 92-96 Negative_regulation denotes Loss
T26 100-104 Protein denotes WWOX
T25 19-23 Protein denotes WOX1
T24 12-15 Protein denotes FOR
T23 6-10 Protein denotes WWOX


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T482 92-96 Negative_regulation denotes Loss
T479 19-23 Protein denotes WOX1
T478 12-15 Protein denotes FOR


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T616 100-104 NNP denotes WWOX
T615 97-99 IN denotes of
T614 92-96 NN denotes Loss
T613 90-91 . denotes .
T612 80-90 NN denotes suppressor
T611 74-79 NN denotes tumor
T610 72-73 DT denotes a
T609 69-71 IN denotes as
T608 58-68 VBN denotes considered
T607 55-57 VBZ denotes is
T606 51-54 CC denotes and
T605 43-50 NN denotes protein
T604 30-42 JJ denotes proapoptotic
T603 28-29 DT denotes a
T602 25-27 VBZ denotes is
T601 23-24 -RRB- denotes )
T600 19-23 CD denotes WOX1
T599 16-18 CC denotes or
T598 12-15 IN denotes FOR
T597 11-12 -LRB- denotes (
T596 6-10 NNP denotes WWOX
R309 T596 T602 nsubj WWOX,is
R310 T597 T598 punct (,FOR
R311 T598 T596 prep FOR,WWOX
R312 T599 T598 cc or,FOR
R313 T600 T598 conj WOX1,FOR
R314 T601 T598 punct ),FOR
R315 T602 T602 ROOT is,is
R316 T603 T605 det a,protein
R317 T604 T605 amod proapoptotic,protein
R318 T605 T602 attr protein,is
R319 T606 T602 cc and,is
R320 T607 T608 auxpass is,considered
R321 T608 T602 conj considered,is
R322 T609 T608 prep as,considered
R323 T610 T612 det a,suppressor
R324 T611 T612 compound tumor,suppressor
R325 T612 T609 pobj suppressor,as
R326 T613 T602 punct .,is
R328 T615 T614 prep of,Loss


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T541 28-50 Protein denotes a proapoptotic protein
T539 100-104 Protein denotes WWOX
T534 19-23 Protein denotes WOX1
T531 72-90 Protein denotes a tumor suppressor


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T417 92-96 Negative_regulation denotes Loss
T404 100-104 Protein denotes WWOX
T403 19-23 Protein denotes WOX1
T402 12-15 Protein denotes FOR
T401 6-10 Protein denotes WWOX


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T467 92-96 Negative_regulation denotes Loss
T454 100-104 Protein denotes WWOX
T453 19-23 Protein denotes WOX1
T452 12-15 Protein denotes FOR
T451 6-10 Protein denotes WWOX


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T373 92-96 Negative_regulation denotes Loss
T362 100-104 Protein denotes WWOX
T361 19-23 Protein denotes WOX1
T360 12-15 Protein denotes FOR
T359 6-10 Protein denotes WWOX


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T389 19-23 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q9NZC7 denotes WOX1
T388 12-15 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q9NZC7 denotes FOR
T382 6-10 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q9NZC7 denotes WWOX
T383 100-104 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q9NZC7 denotes WWOX


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T122 6-10 Protein denotes WWOX
T123 12-15 Protein denotes FOR
T124 19-23 Protein denotes WOX1
T125 100-104 Protein denotes WWOX


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T228 100-104 NN denotes WWOX
T227 97-99 IN denotes of
T226 92-96 NN denotes Loss
T225 80-90 NN denotes suppressor
T224 74-79 NN denotes tumor
T223 72-73 DT denotes a
T222 69-71 IN denotes as
T221 58-68 VB denotes considered
T220 55-57 VB denotes is
T219 51-54 CC denotes and
T218 43-50 NN denotes protein
T217 30-42 JJ denotes proapoptotic
T216 28-29 DT denotes a
T215 25-27 VB denotes is
T214 23-24 -RRB- denotes )
T213 19-23 NN denotes WOX1
T212 16-18 CC denotes or
T211 12-15 NN denotes FOR
T210 11-12 -LRB- denotes (
T209 6-10 NN denotes WWOX
R72 T209 T210 arg1Of WWOX,(
R73 T209 T215 arg1Of WWOX,is
R74 T209 T220 arg1Of WWOX,is
R75 T209 T221 arg2Of WWOX,considered
R76 T211 T212 arg1Of FOR,or
R77 T212 T210 arg2Of or,(
R78 T213 T212 arg2Of WOX1,or
R79 T214 T210 arg3Of ),(
R80 T215 T219 arg1Of is,and
R81 T218 T215 arg2Of protein,is
R82 T218 T216 arg1Of protein,a
R83 T218 T217 arg1Of protein,proapoptotic
R84 T221 T219 arg2Of considered,and
R85 T221 T220 arg2Of considered,is
R86 T221 T222 arg1Of considered,as
R87 T225 T222 arg2Of suppressor,as
R88 T225 T223 arg1Of suppressor,a
R89 T225 T224 arg1Of suppressor,tumor
R90 T226 T227 arg1Of Loss,of


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T138 74-90 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0051726 denotes tumor suppressor


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T155 100-104 Protein denotes WWOX
T154 19-23 Protein denotes WOX1
T153 12-15 Protein denotes FOR
T152 6-10 Protein denotes WWOX