> top > docs > PMC:3585731 > spans > 419-667 > annotations

PMC:3585731 / 419-667 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T25 233-242 Regulation denotes dependent
T24 213-222 Positive_regulation denotes activated
T23 174-184 Gene_expression denotes production
T22 161-165 Regulation denotes role
T16 228-232 Protein denotes RIP1
T15 169-173 Protein denotes TNFα
T14 56-60 Protein denotes RIP1
T13 24-54 Protein denotes receptor interacting protein-1
R5 T23 T22 themeOf production,role
R1 T14 T13 equivalentTo RIP1,receptor interacting protein-1
R2 T15 T23 themeOf TNFα,production


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T245 233-242 JJ denotes dependent
T244 228-232 NN denotes RIP1
T243 226-227 DT denotes a
T242 223-225 IN denotes in
T241 213-222 VB denotes activated
T240 210-212 VB denotes is
T239 206-209 NN denotes Akt
T238 204-205 -COMMA- denotes ,
T237 193-204 NN denotes necroptosis
T236 186-192 IN denotes During
T235 174-184 NN denotes production
T234 169-173 NN denotes TNFα
T233 166-168 IN denotes in
T232 161-165 NN denotes role
T231 157-160 JJ denotes key
T230 155-156 DT denotes a
T229 149-154 VB denotes plays
T228 145-148 CC denotes and
T227 139-144 NN denotes cells
T226 134-138 NN denotes L929
T225 131-133 IN denotes in
T224 119-130 NN denotes necroptosis
T223 115-118 IN denotes for
T222 106-114 JJ denotes critical
T221 103-105 VB denotes is
T220 94-102 NN denotes activity
T219 87-93 NN denotes kinase
T218 83-86 NN denotes Akt
T217 78-82 IN denotes that
T216 73-77 VB denotes show
T215 70-72 PRP denotes We
T214 62-68 NN denotes kinase
T213 60-61 -RRB- denotes )
T212 56-60 NN denotes RIP1
T211 55-56 -LRB- denotes (
T210 45-54 NN denotes protein-1
T209 33-44 NN denotes interacting
T208 24-32 NN denotes receptor
T207 15-23 NN denotes mediator
T206 3-14 NN denotes necroptosis
R65 T212 T211 arg2Of RIP1,(
R66 T213 T211 arg3Of ),(
R70 T214 T206 arg1Of kinase,necroptosis
R71 T214 T207 arg1Of kinase,mediator
R72 T214 T208 arg1Of kinase,receptor
R73 T214 T209 arg1Of kinase,interacting
R74 T214 T210 arg1Of kinase,protein-1
R75 T214 T211 arg1Of kinase,(
R76 T215 T216 arg1Of We,show
R77 T220 T218 arg1Of activity,Akt
R78 T220 T219 arg1Of activity,kinase
R79 T220 T221 arg1Of activity,is
R80 T220 T222 arg1Of activity,critical
R81 T220 T229 arg1Of activity,plays
R82 T221 T225 arg1Of is,in
R83 T221 T228 arg1Of is,and
R84 T222 T221 arg2Of critical,is
R85 T222 T223 arg1Of critical,for
R86 T224 T223 arg2Of necroptosis,for
R87 T227 T225 arg2Of cells,in
R88 T227 T226 arg1Of cells,L929
R89 T228 T216 arg2Of and,show
R90 T228 T217 arg1Of and,that
R91 T229 T228 arg2Of plays,and
R92 T229 T233 arg1Of plays,in
R93 T232 T229 arg2Of role,plays
R94 T232 T230 arg1Of role,a
R95 T232 T231 arg1Of role,key
R96 T235 T233 arg2Of production,in
R97 T235 T234 arg1Of production,TNFα
R98 T237 T236 arg2Of necroptosis,During
R99 T239 T240 arg1Of Akt,is
R100 T239 T241 arg2Of Akt,activated
R101 T241 T236 arg1Of activated,During
R102 T241 T238 arg1Of activated,","
R103 T241 T240 arg2Of activated,is
R104 T241 T242 arg1Of activated,in
R106 T245 T244 arg1Of dependent,RIP1


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T90 24-54 Protein denotes receptor interacting protein-1
T91 56-60 Protein denotes RIP1
T92 169-173 Protein denotes TNFα
T93 228-232 Protein denotes RIP1


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T407 228-232 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q13546 denotes RIP1
T406 56-60 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q13546 denotes RIP1
T402 169-173 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P01375 denotes TNFα
T396 206-209 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q9Y243 denotes Akt
T395 83-86 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q9Y243 denotes Akt
T389 206-209 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P31751 denotes Akt
T388 83-86 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P31751 denotes Akt
T381 83-86 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P31749 denotes Akt
T382 206-209 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P31749 denotes Akt


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T129 87-102 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0016301 denotes kinase activity
T111 193-204 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0097528 denotes necroptosis
T110 119-130 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0097528 denotes necroptosis
T109 3-14 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0097528 denotes necroptosis
T103 193-204 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0070266 denotes necroptosis
T102 119-130 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0070266 denotes necroptosis
T101 3-14 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0070266 denotes necroptosis


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T135 87-102 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0016301 denotes kinase activity


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T63 70-185 Sentence denotes We show that Akt kinase activity is critical for necroptosis in L929 cells and plays a key role in TNFα production.
T6 70-185 Sentence denotes We show that Akt kinase activity is critical for necroptosis in L929 cells and plays a key role in TNFα production.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T145 24-54 Protein denotes receptor interacting protein-1
T146 56-60 Protein denotes RIP1
T147 169-173 Protein denotes TNFα
T148 228-232 Protein denotes RIP1


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T355 24-54 Protein denotes receptor interacting protein-1
T356 56-60 Protein denotes RIP1
T357 169-173 Protein denotes TNFα
T358 228-232 Protein denotes RIP1
T366 161-165 Regulation denotes role
T367 174-184 Gene_expression denotes production
R452 T357 T367 themeOf TNFα,production
R456 T367 T366 themeOf production,role


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T443 24-54 Protein denotes receptor interacting protein-1
T444 56-60 Protein denotes RIP1
T445 169-173 Protein denotes TNFα
T446 228-232 Protein denotes RIP1
T454 174-184 Gene_expression denotes production
R471 T445 T454 themeOf TNFα,production


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T424 161-165 Regulation denotes role
T412 24-54 Protein denotes receptor interacting protein-1
T413 56-60 Protein denotes RIP1
T414 169-173 Protein denotes TNFα
T415 228-232 Protein denotes RIP1
T423 174-184 Gene_expression denotes production
R459 T414 T423 themeOf TNFα,production
R463 T423 T424 themeOf production,role


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T764 169-184 Gene_expression denotes TNFα production
T746 56-60 Protein denotes RIP1
T745 228-242 Protein denotes RIP1 dependent
T743 83-86 Protein denotes Akt
T742 83-93 Protein denotes Akt kinase
T736 24-61 Protein denotes receptor interacting protein-1 (RIP1)
T734 169-173 Protein denotes TNFα
T729 206-209 Protein denotes Akt
R431 T734 T764 themeOf TNFα,TNFα production


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T573 186-192 IN denotes During
T572 184-185 . denotes .
T571 174-184 NN denotes production
T570 169-173 JJ denotes TNFα
T569 166-168 IN denotes in
T568 161-165 NN denotes role
T567 157-160 JJ denotes key
T566 155-156 DT denotes a
T565 149-154 VBZ denotes plays
T564 145-148 CC denotes and
T563 139-144 NNS denotes cells
T562 134-138 CD denotes L929
T561 131-133 IN denotes in
T560 119-130 NN denotes necroptosis
T559 115-118 IN denotes for
T558 106-114 JJ denotes critical
T557 103-105 VBZ denotes is
T556 94-102 NN denotes activity
T555 87-93 NN denotes kinase
T554 83-86 NNP denotes Akt
T553 78-82 IN denotes that
T552 73-77 VBP denotes show
T551 70-72 PRP denotes We
T550 68-69 . denotes .
T549 62-68 NN denotes kinase
T548 60-61 -RRB- denotes )
T547 56-60 CD denotes RIP1
T546 55-56 -LRB- denotes (
T545 45-54 NN denotes protein-1
T544 33-44 VBG denotes interacting
T543 24-32 NN denotes receptor
T542 15-23 NN denotes mediator
T541 3-14 NN denotes necroptosis
T582 233-242 JJ denotes dependent
T581 228-232 NNP denotes RIP1
T580 226-227 DT denotes a
T579 223-225 IN denotes in
T578 213-222 VBN denotes activated
T577 210-212 VBZ denotes is
T576 206-209 NNP denotes Akt
T575 204-205 , denotes ,
T574 193-204 NN denotes necroptosis
R281 T541 T542 amod necroptosis,mediator
R282 T542 T543 compound mediator,receptor
R284 T544 T543 acl interacting,receptor
R285 T545 T544 dobj protein-1,interacting
R286 T546 T545 punct (,protein-1
R287 T547 T545 appos RIP1,protein-1
R288 T548 T545 punct ),protein-1
R289 T549 T543 conj kinase,receptor
R291 T551 T552 nsubj We,show
R292 T552 T552 ROOT show,show
R293 T553 T557 mark that,is
R294 T554 T556 compound Akt,activity
R295 T555 T556 compound kinase,activity
R296 T556 T557 nsubj activity,is
R297 T557 T552 ccomp is,show
R298 T558 T557 acomp critical,is
R299 T559 T558 prep for,critical
R300 T560 T559 pobj necroptosis,for
R301 T561 T557 prep in,is
R302 T562 T563 nummod L929,cells
R303 T563 T561 pobj cells,in
R304 T564 T557 cc and,is
R305 T565 T557 conj plays,is
R306 T566 T568 det a,role
R307 T567 T568 amod key,role
R308 T568 T565 dobj role,plays
R309 T569 T568 prep in,role
R310 T570 T571 amod TNFα,production
R311 T571 T569 pobj production,in
R312 T572 T552 punct .,show
R313 T573 T578 prep During,activated
R314 T574 T573 pobj necroptosis,During
R315 T575 T578 punct ",",activated
R316 T576 T578 nsubjpass Akt,activated
R317 T577 T578 auxpass is,activated
R318 T578 T578 ROOT activated,activated
R319 T579 T578 prep in,activated


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T474 213-222 Positive_regulation denotes activated
T472 213-222 Positive_regulation denotes activated
T470 228-232 Protein denotes RIP1
T469 206-209 Protein denotes Akt
T468 174-184 Gene_expression denotes production
T467 169-173 Protein denotes TNFα
T466 83-93 Protein denotes Akt kinase
T463 56-60 Protein denotes RIP1
T462 15-54 Protein denotes mediator receptor interacting protein-1
R218 T467 T468 themeOf TNFα,production
R219 T469 T472 themeOf Akt,activated


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T50 228-232 Protein denotes RIP1
T49 213-222 Positive_regulation denotes activated
T48 174-184 Gene_expression denotes production
T47 169-173 Protein denotes TNFα
T46 161-165 Regulation denotes role
T45 56-60 Protein denotes RIP1
T44 24-54 Protein denotes receptor interacting protein-1
T34 228-232 Protein denotes RIP1
T33 169-173 Protein denotes TNFα
T32 56-60 Protein denotes RIP1
T31 24-54 Protein denotes receptor interacting protein-1
R9 T45 T44 equivalentTo RIP1,receptor interacting protein-1
R10 T47 T48 themeOf TNFα,production
R11 T48 T46 themeOf production,role
R12 T50 T49 themeOf RIP1,activated