PMC:3537549 / 8423-9555
{"project":"2_test","denotations":[{"id":"22906110-19505421-143530970","span":{"begin":573,"end":575},"obj":"19505421"}],"text":"Animals and ethics statement\nFourteen male castrated SPF cats divided in four different age groups were used in this study: group 1 (c01-c04, 10 weeks), group 2 (c05-c08, 1.5 years), group 3 (c09-c12, 7 years) and group 4 (c13 and c14, 14 years). Cats c13 and c14 from group 4 originated from the same litter; all other individuals were not related to each other. The in vivo experiments were conducted when cats c05-c08 were 3 years of age. All animals were purchased from Liberty Research Inc. (Waverly, NY, USA) and their SPF status was verified as previously described[54]. This study was carried out in strict accordance with regulations of the Swiss law for animal protection (SR 445.1). The Veterinary Office of the Swiss Canton of Zurich officially revised the protocol and approved the study (Permit no. TVB 99/2007 and TVB 100/2007). The animals were housed in groups in an animal-friendly barrier facility under optimal ethological conditions[55]. For blood collections and injections, the cats were sedated with a combination of ketamin and midazolam, and all possible efforts were made to minimize stress and suffering."}