> top > docs > PMC:3359311 > spans > 659-791 > annotations

PMC:3359311 / 659-791 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T369 98-103 P01584 denotes IL-1β


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue Negation
T49 48-55 Gene_expression denotes produce true
T50 87-97 Positive_regulation denotes stimulated
T51 98-103 Protein denotes IL-1β
R30 T49 T50 themeOf produce,stimulated
R31 T51 T49 themeOf IL-1β,produce


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T809 98-103 Protein denotes IL-1β
T811 48-55 Gene_expression denotes produce
R670 T809 T811 themeOf IL-1β,produce


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue Negation
T779 48-55 Gene_expression denotes produce true
T780 87-97 Positive_regulation denotes stimulated
T781 98-103 Protein denotes IL-1β
R652 T779 T780 themeOf produce,stimulated
R653 T781 T779 themeOf IL-1β,produce


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T689 23-27 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cell


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T468 2-11 NNP denotes Bronchial
T469 12-22 JJ denotes epithelial
T470 23-27 NN denotes cell
T471 28-33 NNS denotes lines
T472 34-38 VBD denotes were
T473 39-44 VBN denotes found
T474 45-47 TO denotes to
T475 48-55 VB denotes produce
T476 56-66 JJ denotes negligible
T477 67-74 NNS denotes amounts
T478 75-77 IN denotes of
T479 78-83 NN denotes basal
T480 84-86 CC denotes or
T481 87-97 VBN denotes stimulated
T482 98-103 NN denotes IL-1β
T483 104-112 VBN denotes compared
T484 113-115 TO denotes to
T485 116-129 JJ denotes hematopoeitic
R406 T468 T471 nmod Bronchial,lines
R407 T469 T471 amod epithelial,lines
R408 T470 T471 compound cell,lines
R409 T471 T473 nsubjpass lines,found
R410 T472 T473 auxpass were,found
R412 T474 T475 aux to,produce
R413 T475 T473 xcomp produce,found
R414 T476 T477 amod negligible,amounts
R415 T477 T475 dobj amounts,produce
R416 T478 T477 prep of,amounts
R417 T479 T478 pobj basal,of
R418 T480 T477 cc or,amounts
R419 T481 T482 amod stimulated,IL-1β
R420 T482 T477 conj IL-1β,amounts
R421 T483 T473 prep compared,found
R422 T484 T483 prep to,compared


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T175 2-11 JJ denotes Bronchial
T176 12-22 JJ denotes epithelial
T177 23-27 NN denotes cell
T178 28-33 NN denotes lines
T179 34-38 VB denotes were
T180 39-44 VB denotes found
T181 45-47 TO denotes to
T182 48-55 VB denotes produce
T183 56-66 JJ denotes negligible
T184 67-74 NN denotes amounts
T185 75-77 IN denotes of
T186 78-83 JJ denotes basal
T187 84-86 CC denotes or
T188 87-97 VB denotes stimulated
T189 98-103 NN denotes IL-1β
T190 104-112 VB denotes compared
T191 113-115 TO denotes to
T192 116-129 JJ denotes hematopoeitic
R125 T178 T175 arg1Of lines,Bronchial
R126 T178 T176 arg1Of lines,epithelial
R127 T178 T177 arg1Of lines,cell
R128 T178 T179 arg1Of lines,were
R129 T178 T180 arg2Of lines,found
R130 T178 T182 arg1Of lines,produce
R131 T180 T179 arg2Of found,were
R132 T180 T190 arg1Of found,compared
R134 T182 T180 arg3Of produce,found
R135 T182 T181 arg1Of produce,to
R136 T184 T182 arg2Of amounts,produce
R137 T184 T183 arg1Of amounts,negligible
R138 T184 T185 arg1Of amounts,of
R139 T186 T187 arg1Of basal,or
R140 T186 T188 arg2Of basal,stimulated
R141 T189 T185 arg2Of IL-1β,of
R142 T189 T186 arg1Of IL-1β,basal
R143 T191 T190 arg2Of to,compared