> top > docs > PMC:3317373 > spans > 498-698 > annotations

PMC:3317373 / 498-698 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T160 196-198 IN denotes by
T159 186-195 VB denotes evaluated
T158 182-185 VB denotes was
T157 176-181 NN denotes NF-κB
T156 173-175 IN denotes of
T155 164-172 NN denotes activity
T154 152-163 JJ denotes DNA-binding
T153 148-151 DT denotes the
T152 143-147 RB denotes Then
T151 136-141 FW denotes vitro
T150 133-135 FW denotes in
T149 126-132 NN denotes injury
T148 116-125 JJ denotes traumatic
T147 112-115 DT denotes the
T146 106-111 VB denotes mimic
T145 103-105 TO denotes to
T144 93-102 VB denotes scratched
T143 88-92 VB denotes were
T142 77-87 NN denotes astrocytes
T141 68-76 VB denotes cultured
T140 60-67 JJ denotes Primary
T139 53-58 FW denotes vitro
T138 50-52 FW denotes in
T137 46-49 NN denotes TBI
T136 43-45 IN denotes of
T135 37-42 NN denotes model
T134 35-36 DT denotes a
T133 32-34 IN denotes in
T132 22-31 NN denotes cytokines
T131 6-21 JJ denotes proinflammatory
T130 3-5 IN denotes of
R81 T132 T130 arg2Of cytokines,of
R82 T132 T131 arg1Of cytokines,proinflammatory
R83 T135 T133 arg2Of model,in
R84 T135 T134 arg1Of model,a
R85 T135 T136 arg1Of model,of
R86 T135 T139 arg1Of model,vitro
R87 T137 T136 arg2Of TBI,of
R88 T139 T138 arg1Of vitro,in
R89 T142 T140 arg1Of astrocytes,Primary
R90 T142 T141 arg2Of astrocytes,cultured
R91 T142 T143 arg1Of astrocytes,were
R92 T142 T144 arg2Of astrocytes,scratched
R93 T142 T146 arg1Of astrocytes,mimic
R94 T144 T143 arg2Of scratched,were
R95 T146 T144 arg3Of mimic,scratched
R96 T146 T145 arg1Of mimic,to
R97 T146 T151 arg1Of mimic,vitro
R98 T149 T146 arg2Of injury,mimic
R99 T149 T147 arg1Of injury,the
R100 T149 T148 arg1Of injury,traumatic
R101 T151 T150 arg1Of vitro,in
R102 T155 T153 arg1Of activity,the
R103 T155 T154 arg1Of activity,DNA-binding
R104 T155 T156 arg1Of activity,of
R105 T155 T158 arg1Of activity,was
R106 T155 T159 arg2Of activity,evaluated
R107 T157 T156 arg2Of NF-κB,of
R108 T159 T152 arg1Of evaluated,Then
R109 T159 T158 arg2Of evaluated,was


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T257 152-163 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0003677 denotes DNA-binding
T258 156-163 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005488 denotes binding


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T27 60-142 Sentence denotes Primary cultured astrocytes were scratched to mimic the traumatic injury in vitro.
T5 60-142 Sentence denotes Primary cultured astrocytes were scratched to mimic the traumatic injury in vitro.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T256 126-132 http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/ICD10/T14.9 denotes injury


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T586 3-31 Protein denotes of proinflammatory cytokines
T564 173-181 Protein denotes of NF-κB
T577 60-87 Entity denotes Primary cultured astrocytes


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T425 196-198 IN denotes by
T424 186-195 VBN denotes evaluated
T423 182-185 VBD denotes was
T422 176-181 NN denotes NF-κB
T421 173-175 IN denotes of
T420 164-172 NN denotes activity
T419 152-163 JJ denotes DNA-binding
T418 148-151 DT denotes the
T417 143-147 RB denotes Then
T416 141-142 . denotes .
T415 136-141 NN denotes vitro
T414 133-135 IN denotes in
T413 126-132 NN denotes injury
T412 116-125 JJ denotes traumatic
T411 112-115 DT denotes the
T410 106-111 VB denotes mimic
T409 103-105 TO denotes to
T408 93-102 VBN denotes scratched
T407 88-92 VBD denotes were
T406 77-87 NNS denotes astrocytes
T405 68-76 JJ denotes cultured
T404 60-67 JJ denotes Primary
T403 58-59 . denotes .
T402 53-58 NN denotes vitro
T401 50-52 IN denotes in
T400 46-49 NNP denotes TBI
T399 43-45 IN denotes of
T398 37-42 NN denotes model
T397 35-36 DT denotes a
T396 32-34 IN denotes in
T395 22-31 NNS denotes cytokines
T394 6-21 JJ denotes proinflammatory
T393 3-5 IN denotes of
R296 T394 T395 amod proinflammatory,cytokines
R297 T395 T393 pobj cytokines,of
R299 T397 T398 det a,model
R300 T398 T396 pobj model,in
R301 T399 T398 prep of,model
R302 T400 T399 pobj TBI,of
R304 T402 T401 pobj vitro,in
R306 T404 T406 amod Primary,astrocytes
R307 T405 T406 amod cultured,astrocytes
R308 T406 T408 nsubjpass astrocytes,scratched
R309 T407 T408 auxpass were,scratched
R310 T408 T408 ROOT scratched,scratched
R311 T409 T410 aux to,mimic
R312 T410 T408 advcl mimic,scratched
R313 T411 T413 det the,injury
R314 T412 T413 amod traumatic,injury
R315 T413 T410 dobj injury,mimic
R316 T414 T413 prep in,injury
R317 T415 T414 pobj vitro,in
R318 T416 T408 punct .,scratched
R319 T417 T424 advmod Then,evaluated
R320 T418 T420 det the,activity
R321 T419 T420 amod DNA-binding,activity
R322 T420 T424 nsubjpass activity,evaluated
R323 T421 T420 prep of,activity
R324 T422 T421 pobj NF-κB,of
R325 T423 T424 auxpass was,evaluated
R326 T424 T424 ROOT evaluated,evaluated
R327 T425 T424 agent by,evaluated


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T299 176-181 Protein denotes NF-κB