> top > docs > PMC:3312845 > spans > 10-195 > annotations

PMC:3312845 / 10-195 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T203 5-22 JJ denotes factor-α-mediated
T204 23-32 NN denotes threonine
T205 33-36 CD denotes 435
T206 37-52 NN denotes phosphorylation
T207 53-55 IN denotes of
T208 56-59 NN denotes p65
T209 60-67 JJ denotes nuclear
T210 68-77 NN denotes factor-κB
T211 78-85 NN denotes subunit
T212 86-88 IN denotes in
T213 89-100 JJ denotes endothelial
T214 101-106 NN denotes cells
T215 107-114 VB denotes induces
T216 115-124 JJ denotes vasogenic
T217 125-130 NN denotes edema
T218 131-134 CC denotes and
T219 135-145 NN denotes neutrophil
T220 146-158 NN denotes infiltration
T221 159-161 IN denotes in
T222 162-165 DT denotes the
T223 166-169 NN denotes rat
T224 170-178 NN denotes piriform
T225 179-185 NN denotes cortex
R37 T206 T203 arg1Of phosphorylation,factor-α-mediated
R38 T206 T204 arg1Of phosphorylation,threonine
R39 T206 T205 arg1Of phosphorylation,435
R40 T206 T207 arg1Of phosphorylation,of
R41 T206 T212 arg1Of phosphorylation,in
R42 T206 T215 arg1Of phosphorylation,induces
R43 T211 T207 arg2Of subunit,of
R44 T211 T208 arg1Of subunit,p65
R45 T211 T209 arg1Of subunit,nuclear
R46 T211 T210 arg1Of subunit,factor-κB
R47 T214 T212 arg2Of cells,in
R48 T214 T213 arg1Of cells,endothelial
R49 T215 T221 arg1Of induces,in
R50 T217 T216 arg1Of edema,vasogenic
R51 T217 T218 arg1Of edema,and
R52 T218 T215 arg2Of and,induces
R53 T220 T218 arg2Of infiltration,and
R54 T220 T219 arg1Of infiltration,neutrophil
R55 T225 T221 arg2Of cortex,in
R56 T225 T222 arg1Of cortex,the
R57 T225 T223 arg1Of cortex,rat
R58 T225 T224 arg1Of cortex,piriform


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T146 56-59 Protein denotes p65


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T458 56-59 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q04206 denotes p65
T462 56-59 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P21579 denotes p65


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T94 170-185 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0004725 denotes piriform cortex
T96 179-185 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0001851 denotes cortex


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T169 37-52 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0016310 denotes phosphorylation


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T180 101-106 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T186 56-59 Protein denotes p65


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T910 56-59 Protein denotes p65
T925 37-52 Phosphorylation denotes phosphorylation
R646 T910 T925 themeOf p65,phosphorylation


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T766 37-52 Phosphorylation denotes phosphorylation
T767 14-22 Positive_regulation denotes mediated
T751 56-59 Protein denotes p65
R563 T766 T767 themeOf phosphorylation,mediated
R622 T751 T766 themeOf p65,phosphorylation


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T793 56-59 Protein denotes p65
T808 37-52 Phosphorylation denotes phosphorylation
T809 107-114 Positive_regulation denotes induces
T810 14-22 Positive_regulation denotes mediated
R624 T793 T808 themeOf p65,phosphorylation
R632 T808 T809 themeOf phosphorylation,induces
R633 T808 T810 themeOf phosphorylation,mediated


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T938 23-36 Entity denotes threonine 435
T940 89-106 Entity denotes endothelial cells
T962 135-145 Entity denotes neutrophil


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T482 5-22 JJ denotes factor-α-mediated
T483 23-32 NN denotes threonine
T484 33-36 CD denotes 435
T485 37-52 NN denotes phosphorylation
T486 53-55 IN denotes of
T487 56-59 CD denotes p65
T488 60-67 JJ denotes nuclear
T489 68-77 JJ denotes factor-κB
T490 78-85 NN denotes subunit
T491 86-88 IN denotes in
T492 89-100 JJ denotes endothelial
T493 101-106 NNS denotes cells
T494 107-114 VBZ denotes induces
T495 115-124 JJ denotes vasogenic
T496 125-130 NN denotes edema
T497 131-134 CC denotes and
T498 135-145 NN denotes neutrophil
T499 146-158 NN denotes infiltration
T500 159-161 IN denotes in
T501 162-165 DT denotes the
T502 166-169 NN denotes rat
T503 170-178 NN denotes piriform
T504 179-185 NN denotes cortex
R288 T482 T483 amod factor-α-mediated,threonine
R289 T483 T494 nsubj threonine,induces
R290 T484 T485 nummod 435,phosphorylation
R291 T485 T483 appos phosphorylation,threonine
R292 T486 T485 prep of,phosphorylation
R293 T487 T490 nummod p65,subunit
R294 T488 T490 amod nuclear,subunit
R295 T489 T490 amod factor-κB,subunit
R296 T490 T486 pobj subunit,of
R297 T491 T485 prep in,phosphorylation
R298 T492 T493 amod endothelial,cells
R299 T493 T491 pobj cells,in
R300 T494 T494 ROOT induces,induces
R301 T495 T496 amod vasogenic,edema
R302 T496 T494 dobj edema,induces
R303 T497 T496 cc and,edema
R304 T498 T499 compound neutrophil,infiltration
R305 T499 T496 conj infiltration,edema
R306 T500 T494 prep in,induces
R308 T502 T503 compound rat,piriform
R309 T503 T504 compound piriform,cortex


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T842 56-85 Protein denotes p65 nuclear factor-κB subunit
T843 37-52 Phosphorylation denotes phosphorylation
T844 107-114 Positive_regulation denotes induces
T845 14-22 Positive_regulation denotes mediated
R642 T842 T843 themeOf p65 nuclear factor-κB subunit,phosphorylation
R643 T843 T844 themeOf phosphorylation,induces
R644 T843 T845 themeOf phosphorylation,mediated


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T18 56-59 Protein denotes p65
T33 14-22 Positive_regulation denotes mediated
T34 37-52 Phosphorylation denotes phosphorylation
R2 T18 T34 themeOf p65,phosphorylation
R11 T34 T33 themeOf phosphorylation,mediated


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T50 56-59 Protein denotes p65
T66 14-22 Positive_regulation denotes mediated
T67 37-52 Phosphorylation denotes phosphorylation
T68 56-59 Protein denotes p65
R17 T67 T66 themeOf phosphorylation,mediated
R18 T68 T67 themeOf p65,phosphorylation