> top > docs > PMC:3279418 > spans > 9406-9469 > annotations

PMC:3279418 / 9406-9469 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T13731 0-3 DT denotes The
T13732 4-15 NN denotes populations
T13733 16-21 VB denotes shown
T13734 22-24 IN denotes in
T13735 25-35 NN denotes histograms
T13736 36-40 VB denotes were
T13737 41-46 VB denotes gated
T13738 47-49 IN denotes on
T13739 50-56 JJ denotes CD11c+
T13740 57-62 NN denotes cells
R11473 T13732 T13731 arg1Of populations,The
R11474 T13732 T13733 arg2Of populations,shown
R11475 T13732 T13736 arg1Of populations,were
R11476 T13732 T13737 arg2Of populations,gated
R11477 T13733 T13734 arg1Of shown,in
R11478 T13735 T13734 arg2Of histograms,in
R11479 T13737 T13736 arg2Of gated,were
R11480 T13737 T13738 arg1Of gated,on
R11481 T13740 T13738 arg2Of cells,on
R11482 T13740 T13739 arg1Of cells,CD11c+


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T13510 0-3 DT denotes The
T13511 4-15 NNS denotes populations
T13512 16-21 VBN denotes shown
T13513 22-24 IN denotes in
T13514 25-35 NNS denotes histograms
T13515 36-40 VBD denotes were
T13516 41-46 VBN denotes gated
T13517 47-49 IN denotes on
T13518 50-55 JJ denotes CD11c
T13519 55-56 NN denotes +
T13520 57-62 NNS denotes cells
T13521 62-63 . denotes .
R11242 T13510 T13511 det The,populations
R11243 T13511 T13516 nsubjpass populations,gated
R11244 T13512 T13511 acl shown,populations
R11245 T13513 T13512 prep in,shown
R11246 T13514 T13513 pobj histograms,in
R11247 T13515 T13516 auxpass were,gated
R11248 T13516 T13516 ROOT gated,gated
R11249 T13517 T13516 prep on,gated
R11250 T13518 T13520 amod CD11c,cells
R11251 T13519 T13520 compound +,cells
R11252 T13520 T13517 pobj cells,on
R11253 T13521 T13516 punct .,gated


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T13786 57-62 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T13272 0-63 Sentence denotes The populations shown in histograms were gated on CD11c+ cells.
T63 0-63 Sentence denotes The populations shown in histograms were gated on CD11c+ cells.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T13766 50-55 P20702 denotes CD11c