> top > docs > PMC:3279418 > spans > 5896-6051 > annotations

PMC:3279418 / 5896-6051 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2661 0-12 NN denotes Transfection
T2662 13-15 IN denotes of
T2663 16-27 JJ denotes Flag-tagged
T2664 28-35 NNP denotes Sharpin
T2665 36-38 IN denotes in
T2666 39-50 NN denotes fibroblasts
T2667 51-52 -LRB- denotes (
T2668 52-58 NN denotes NIH3T3
T2669 58-59 -RRB- denotes )
T2670 60-63 CC denotes and
T2671 64-75 NN denotes macrophages
T2672 76-77 -LRB- denotes (
T2673 77-85 NN denotes RAW264.7
T2674 85-86 -RRB- denotes )
T2675 87-96 VB denotes indicated
T2676 97-108 JJ denotes cytoplasmic
T2677 109-121 NN denotes localization
T2678 122-124 IN denotes of
T2679 125-128 DT denotes the
T2680 129-136 NN denotes SHARPIN
T2681 137-144 NN denotes protein
T2682 145-146 -LRB- denotes (
T2683 146-150 NN denotes Fig.
T2684 151-153 NN denotes 1E
T2685 153-154 -RRB- denotes )
R2238 T2661 T2662 arg1Of Transfection,of
R2239 T2661 T2665 arg1Of Transfection,in
R2240 T2661 T2675 arg1Of Transfection,indicated
R2241 T2664 T2662 arg2Of Sharpin,of
R2242 T2664 T2663 arg1Of Sharpin,Flag-tagged
R2243 T2666 T2667 arg1Of fibroblasts,(
R2244 T2666 T2670 arg1Of fibroblasts,and
R2245 T2668 T2667 arg2Of NIH3T3,(
R2246 T2669 T2667 arg3Of ),(
R2247 T2670 T2665 arg2Of and,in
R2248 T2671 T2670 arg2Of macrophages,and
R2249 T2671 T2672 arg1Of macrophages,(
R2250 T2673 T2672 arg2Of RAW264.7,(
R2251 T2674 T2672 arg3Of ),(
R2252 T2677 T2675 arg2Of localization,indicated
R2253 T2677 T2676 arg1Of localization,cytoplasmic
R2254 T2677 T2678 arg1Of localization,of
R2255 T2681 T2678 arg2Of protein,of
R2256 T2681 T2679 arg1Of protein,the
R2257 T2681 T2680 arg1Of protein,SHARPIN
R2258 T2681 T2682 arg1Of protein,(
R2259 T2684 T2682 arg2Of 1E,(
R2260 T2684 T2683 arg1Of 1E,Fig.
R2261 T2685 T2682 arg3Of ),(


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2434 0-12 NNP denotes Transfection
T2435 13-15 IN denotes of
T2436 16-27 NNP denotes Flag-tagged
T2437 28-35 NNP denotes Sharpin
T2438 36-38 IN denotes in
T2439 39-50 NNS denotes fibroblasts
T2440 51-52 -LRB- denotes (
T2441 52-58 CD denotes NIH3T3
T2442 58-59 -RRB- denotes )
T2443 60-63 CC denotes and
T2444 64-75 NNS denotes macrophages
T2445 76-77 -LRB- denotes (
T2446 77-83 CD denotes RAW264
T2447 83-85 CD denotes .7
T2448 85-86 -RRB- denotes )
T2449 87-96 VBD denotes indicated
T2450 97-108 JJ denotes cytoplasmic
T2451 109-121 NN denotes localization
T2452 122-124 IN denotes of
T2453 125-128 DT denotes the
T2454 129-136 NNP denotes SHARPIN
T2455 137-144 NN denotes protein
T2456 145-146 -LRB- denotes (
T2457 146-150 NNP denotes Fig.
T2458 151-153 NNP denotes 1E
T2459 153-154 -RRB- denotes )
T2460 154-155 . denotes .
R2014 T2434 T2449 nsubj Transfection,indicated
R2015 T2435 T2434 prep of,Transfection
R2016 T2436 T2437 compound Flag-tagged,Sharpin
R2017 T2437 T2435 pobj Sharpin,of
R2018 T2438 T2434 prep in,Transfection
R2019 T2439 T2438 pobj fibroblasts,in
R2020 T2440 T2439 punct (,fibroblasts
R2021 T2441 T2439 appos NIH3T3,fibroblasts
R2022 T2442 T2439 punct ),fibroblasts
R2023 T2443 T2434 cc and,Transfection
R2024 T2444 T2434 conj macrophages,Transfection
R2025 T2445 T2444 punct (,macrophages
R2026 T2446 T2447 nummod RAW264,.7
R2027 T2447 T2444 appos .7,macrophages
R2028 T2448 T2444 punct ),macrophages
R2029 T2449 T2449 ROOT indicated,indicated
R2030 T2450 T2451 amod cytoplasmic,localization
R2031 T2451 T2449 dobj localization,indicated
R2032 T2452 T2451 prep of,localization
R2033 T2453 T2455 det the,protein
R2034 T2454 T2455 compound SHARPIN,protein
R2035 T2455 T2452 pobj protein,of
R2036 T2456 T2455 punct (,protein
R2037 T2457 T2458 compound Fig.,1E
R2038 T2458 T2455 appos 1E,protein
R2039 T2459 T2449 punct ),indicated
R2040 T2460 T2449 punct .,indicated


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2710 109-121 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0051179 denotes localization


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2225 0-155 Sentence denotes Transfection of Flag-tagged Sharpin in fibroblasts (NIH3T3) and macrophages (RAW264.7) indicated cytoplasmic localization of the SHARPIN protein (Fig. 1E).
T40 0-155 Sentence denotes Transfection of Flag-tagged Sharpin in fibroblasts (NIH3T3) and macrophages (RAW264.7) indicated cytoplasmic localization of the SHARPIN protein (Fig. 1E).


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2767 28-35 Protein denotes Sharpin
T2768 97-108 Entity denotes cytoplasmic
T2769 109-121 Localization denotes localization
T2770 129-136 Protein denotes SHARPIN
R2282 T2768 T2769 locationOf cytoplasmic,localization
R2283 T2770 T2769 themeOf SHARPIN,localization


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2787 28-35 Protein denotes Sharpin
T2788 129-144 Protein denotes SHARPIN protein
T2789 146-153 Protein denotes Fig. 1E
T2790 0-12 Gene_expression denotes Transfection
T2791 0-12 Positive_regulation denotes Transfection
T2792 97-108 Entity denotes cytoplasmic
T2793 109-121 Localization denotes localization
T2794 109-121 Localization denotes localization
R2291 T2787 T2790 themeOf Sharpin,Transfection
R2292 T2788 T2793 themeOf SHARPIN protein,localization
R2293 T2789 T2794 themeOf Fig. 1E,localization
R2294 T2790 T2791 themeOf Transfection,Transfection
R2295 T2792 T2793 locationOf cytoplasmic,localization
R2296 T2792 T2794 locationOf cytoplasmic,localization


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2214 97-108 Entity denotes cytoplasmic
T2215 109-121 Localization denotes localization
T2216 129-136 Protein denotes SHARPIN
T2213 28-35 Protein denotes Sharpin
R1804 T2214 T2215 locationOf cytoplasmic,localization
R1805 T2216 T2215 themeOf SHARPIN,localization


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2697 28-35 Q9H0F6 denotes Sharpin
T2698 129-136 Q9H0F6 denotes SHARPIN


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2195 28-35 Protein denotes Sharpin
T2196 109-121 Localization denotes localization
T2197 129-136 Protein denotes SHARPIN
R1798 T2197 T2196 themeOf SHARPIN,localization