> top > docs > PMC:3279418 > spans > 4239-4420 > annotations

PMC:3279418 / 4239-4420 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1885 0-3 DT denotes The
T1886 4-11 NN denotes studies
T1887 12-20 VB denotes reported
T1888 21-25 RB denotes here
T1889 26-31 VB denotes found
T1890 32-36 IN denotes that
T1891 37-41 NN denotes lack
T1892 42-44 IN denotes of
T1893 45-52 NN denotes SHARPIN
T1894 53-60 NN denotes protein
T1895 61-63 IN denotes in
T1896 64-68 NN denotes BMDC
T1897 69-75 VB denotes caused
T1898 76-85 JJ denotes defective
T1899 86-96 NN denotes expression
T1900 97-99 IN denotes of
T1901 100-116 JJ denotes pro-inflammatory
T1902 117-126 NN denotes mediators
T1903 127-130 CC denotes and
T1904 131-139 JJ denotes impaired
T1905 140-145 NN denotes NF-κB
T1906 146-156 NN denotes activation
T1907 157-161 IN denotes upon
T1908 162-168 NN denotes ligand
T1909 169-180 NN denotes stimulation
R1641 T1902 T1900 arg2Of mediators,of
R1642 T1902 T1901 arg1Of mediators,pro-inflammatory
R1644 T1903 T1897 arg2Of and,caused
R1646 T1906 T1903 arg2Of activation,and
R1647 T1906 T1904 arg1Of activation,impaired
R1648 T1906 T1905 arg1Of activation,NF-κB
R1649 T1906 T1907 arg1Of activation,upon
R1653 T1909 T1907 arg2Of stimulation,upon
R1654 T1909 T1908 arg1Of stimulation,ligand
R1666 T1886 T1885 arg1Of studies,The
R1671 T1886 T1887 arg2Of studies,reported
R1672 T1886 T1889 arg1Of studies,found
R1673 T1887 T1888 arg1Of reported,here
R1680 T1891 T1892 arg1Of lack,of
R1689 T1891 T1897 arg1Of lack,caused
R1690 T1894 T1892 arg2Of protein,of
R1700 T1894 T1893 arg1Of protein,SHARPIN
R1701 T1894 T1895 arg1Of protein,in
R1702 T1896 T1895 arg2Of BMDC,in
R1707 T1897 T1889 arg2Of caused,found
R1713 T1897 T1890 arg1Of caused,that
R1716 T1899 T1898 arg1Of expression,defective
R1720 T1899 T1900 arg1Of expression,of
R1721 T1899 T1903 arg1Of expression,and


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1061 0-3 DT denotes The
T1062 4-11 NNS denotes studies
T1063 12-20 VBD denotes reported
T1064 21-25 RB denotes here
T1065 26-31 VBN denotes found
T1066 32-36 IN denotes that
T1067 37-41 NN denotes lack
T1068 42-44 IN denotes of
T1069 45-52 NNP denotes SHARPIN
T1070 53-60 NN denotes protein
T1071 61-63 IN denotes in
T1072 64-68 NNP denotes BMDC
T1073 69-75 VBD denotes caused
T1074 76-85 JJ denotes defective
T1075 86-96 NN denotes expression
T1076 97-99 IN denotes of
T1077 100-116 JJ denotes pro-inflammatory
T1078 117-126 NNS denotes mediators
T1079 127-130 CC denotes and
T1080 131-139 VBN denotes impaired
T1081 140-145 JJ denotes NF-κB
T1082 146-156 NN denotes activation
T1083 157-161 IN denotes upon
T1084 162-168 NN denotes ligand
T1085 169-180 NN denotes stimulation
T1086 180-181 . denotes .
R823 T1061 T1062 det The,studies
R824 T1062 T1065 nsubj studies,found
R825 T1063 T1062 acl reported,studies
R826 T1064 T1063 advmod here,reported
R827 T1065 T1065 ROOT found,found
R828 T1066 T1073 mark that,caused
R829 T1067 T1073 nsubj lack,caused
R830 T1068 T1067 prep of,lack
R831 T1069 T1070 compound SHARPIN,protein
R832 T1070 T1068 pobj protein,of
R833 T1071 T1067 prep in,lack
R834 T1072 T1071 pobj BMDC,in
R835 T1073 T1065 ccomp caused,found
R836 T1074 T1075 amod defective,expression
R837 T1075 T1073 dobj expression,caused
R838 T1076 T1075 prep of,expression
R839 T1077 T1078 amod pro-inflammatory,mediators
R840 T1078 T1076 pobj mediators,of
R841 T1079 T1075 cc and,expression
R842 T1080 T1082 amod impaired,activation
R843 T1081 T1082 amod NF-κB,activation
R844 T1082 T1075 conj activation,expression
R845 T1083 T1082 prep upon,activation
R846 T1084 T1085 amod ligand,stimulation
R847 T1085 T1083 pobj stimulation,upon
R848 T1086 T1065 punct .,found


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2031 140-156 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0051092 denotes NF-κB activation


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2040 162-168 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005488 denotes ligand


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T992 0-181 Sentence denotes The studies reported here found that lack of SHARPIN protein in BMDC caused defective expression of pro-inflammatory mediators and impaired NF-κB activation upon ligand stimulation.
T28 0-181 Sentence denotes The studies reported here found that lack of SHARPIN protein in BMDC caused defective expression of pro-inflammatory mediators and impaired NF-κB activation upon ligand stimulation.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2130 37-41 Negative_regulation denotes lack
T2131 45-52 Protein denotes SHARPIN
R1775 T2131 T2130 themeOf SHARPIN,lack


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2155 45-60 Protein denotes SHARPIN protein
T2156 140-145 Protein denotes NF-κB
T2157 37-41 Negative_regulation denotes lack
T2158 146-156 Positive_regulation denotes activation
T2159 131-139 Negative_regulation denotes impaired
R1782 T2155 T2157 themeOf SHARPIN protein,lack
R1783 T2156 T2158 themeOf NF-κB,activation
R1784 T2157 T2159 causeOf lack,impaired
R1785 T2158 T2159 themeOf activation,impaired


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T973 37-41 Negative_regulation denotes lack
T974 45-52 Protein denotes SHARPIN
R755 T974 T973 themeOf SHARPIN,lack


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1972 45-52 Q9H0F6 denotes SHARPIN


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T941 37-41 Negative_regulation denotes lack
T942 45-52 Protein denotes SHARPIN
R738 T942 T941 themeOf SHARPIN,lack